Color Shift Cougar Show Off Thread 1/12/2016

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Color Shift Cougar Show Off Thread 1/12/2016

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  • #940559

    Ask and you shall receive 😀

    Here’s my gold/silver in a couple of different lighting conditions. The ‘yellower’ photos are taken under a warm white CFL light source, while the ‘bluer’ photos have an added Ott-lite lamp shining on them.
     photo P1000015 640x480_zpsj6vz3gwx.jpg
     photo P1000009 640x480_zps3i9oylw6.jpg
     photo P1000011 640x480_zpscofrrnfw.jpg
     photo P1000010 640x480_zps8xcdo4pb.jpg
    All of these photos came out too brassy, in my opinion. The most prominent colors are gold and lime green. I’m not sure why the silver only really seems to show up in photos, not before my eyes 🙂 And the cougar’s eyes, while they look blue in the Windstone store photos, are purple as I can see them. Mine also has black facial markings/tail tip. I like this coloration a lot more than I expected to, honestly!

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


      i dont think the eyes were all done in blue. my gold/silver has gold eyes also, my gold/silver ranges from mostly green, to the gold, never silver unless in a photo, as well as pink. Not sure what is up. I will post photos here shortly.


      Since I was curious myself on how the Gold/Silver Cougar looked in person, I am very happy to share another picture of one! I brought mine to work since it’s the brightest area I could think of and it really makes his colors “pop”! For the most part, he has a lovely green/gold coloration with eyes that go from bright blue to light purple. (But he definitely picks up lots of other vivid colors when under the right lighting!) 🙂

       photo f675b1cc-9ade-4402-9a0b-70a7bc5f5c73_zpsuaqn22rp.jpg


        Ok, So here is my Gold Silver cougar. I think puff is right and i got one of the green ones instead. All of these photos however are the same statue. Its incredible.

        1. This is about how he always looks, this green color all over
         photo 20160125_202016_zpst6s8jljf.jpg

        2. Here he is in a flash though, more gold silver
         photo 20160125_202008_zps8hzk3iy1.jpg

        3. Here, when held at an angle from my sunlamp, he transitions from greens, to silvers to pinks.
         photo 20160125_202043_zpss4dda4kg.jpg
         photo 20160125_202058_zpsmlk71ytu.jpg
         photo 20160125_202118_zpsh8qtuuy8.jpg

        4. here he is without the lamp on and flash on the camera
         photo 20160125_202418_zpsn1h7myzn.jpg


        Betrluk1, the same thing happened to me. I ordered a “Gold/Silver” Cougar and both the box and felt pad said “Gold/Silver”, but I questioned it since he looked super green to me and had gold colored eyes. I contacted Susie about it and it turned out that I ended up getting a Green/Silver cougar that strayed away and was mis-labeled since both colors look so similar to each other. -Contact Windstone about it! I’m sure they can help in some way!


        Betrluk1, when I received my mix-up (Green/Silver) cougar and took pictures of him with and without a flash, he looked exactly the same as yours. If you would like the correct one, contact Windstone about it! Thankfully, they were able to take back mine and send me the correct color. (I hope ours were the only two that strayed away!)

        But if you want to keep the Green/Silver Cougar, I wouldn’t blame you! I was fortunate enough to see them together and they are both so vividly beautiful!


          Susie is already on top of it. I dont mind green on them but mine is just too green, I want to see a little more gold then the green/silver offers. I am excited to get the replacement.


          That’s wonderful news! I think you’ll be really happy when you get your Gold/Silver one. He’s really gorgeous in person! 😀


          Wow these are all spectacular! So beautiful 🙂 thanks to all who shared pics 🙂


            These are really gorgeous, crazy nice colours! 😀

            EDIT: flame it, I caved. I remember my mom looking at these on Facebook and absolutely loving them (she made a point of showing them to me which means she absolutely adores them) and I just couldn’t stand it. She’s having SUCH a rough time right now what with being in hospital, having her horrid surgery and I shouldn’t have done it finance-wise, because I’m still pretty well in debt, but I just killed off a good 1/3 of the debt anyway and soooo I ordered her a purple/cyan cougar just now and I’m going to tell her that I saved up for it with excess gas money. (My car is ridiculously fuel efficient so that’s not a fib. I usually only use 2/3 of my allotted gas money every month.) I’ll give it to her for mother’s day when she’s feeling better. (Thinkin’ super positive. 🙂 )


            Check out my finished artwork at and my sketch/studio blog at



              Awwwww, Falcoff that is just the sweetest!!!


                Since I was curious myself on how the Gold/Silver Cougar looked in person, I am very happy to share another picture of one!

                 photo f675b1cc-9ade-4402-9a0b-70a7bc5f5c73_zpsuaqn22rp.jpg

                Another cougar without dark facial markings? Just beautiful!!

                Falcolf, that is incredibly sweet! Wishing your mom a speedy recovery. Hang in there!

                Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                  So I was seeing my cougar as green because it was lit from the front and I mostly looked at it at night with artificial light and took my previous pictures with a flash so I took some more without a flash in some mellow daylight and the blue and purple actually do show up quite a bit from different angles. So here are more pictures of the green/purple one. It is still for sale or trade though but it does look quite nice in different lighting.

                  Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                    Also here are more pictures of the magenta/gold one without a flash. It also looks quite different in different lighting too and I love how it looks copper, pink and gold in different lighting!

                    Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                      These guys continue to amaze me with their color changes! Awesome idea for this thread!

                      Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.

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