Collectors Brought Together: Guest Map

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  • #765208

    Reading on Kyrin’s trip to Canada, I got thinking hey why isn’t there a map saying where everybody lives because I don’t know if there’s another member almost next door! So I went and made a guest map! Here’s what you do:

    zoom in a few times and double click the city where you live (or zoom in REALLY close and pick out your house), a pop up bubble will come up to make your mark:
    Name: Post your forum name
    Message: give how many windstones you currently have in brackets ( )

    -click on other people to see their name and stats!

    ~If an admin would like to make this a sticky to stay on top for more members to participate it would be greatly appreciated!~



      I think it’s a cool idea, all the other forums I’m on do it. But all’s I get is a grabby hand, I can’t click. What am I doing wrong?


        I can’t do it either. All I get is the move the map hand.


        Whoopsie it’s fixed now. I was confused about this one check box about ‘select no to prevent others posting a pin’ but there wasn’t a yes or no, just one box, so I clicked it thinking it was yes :scratch:

        You have to click EXACTLY where you live instead now it wont use your IP address.


        I’m there, in Mid GA. USA πŸ˜€


          Sweet! 8) Now I guess there is no way to update how many Windstones I have on that thing, and it will constantly show 20. 😈

          oooh, I’m now “social”. Yay for going over 100!


            I tried to add myself but it is WAY west of where I really am in Lodi it came up more like SF area


              To bad we can’t edit for when I move. πŸ™

              Dragon Master wrote:

              I tried to add myself but it is WAY west of where I really am in Lodi it came up more like SF area

              You have to really zoom in…I was able to find my location spot on!


                I messed up. I’m north and west of where I live, But I’m there. πŸ˜‰

                Ok, I fixed where I live. Just wish I could get rid of the first one. πŸ™„


                I had to zoom way in too DM, the highway wasnt even on the map at first, wonder if anyone is more north, blah, but hey no snow today!!


                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  I tried to add myself but it is WAY west of where I really am in Lodi it came up more like SF area

                  Well, at least no one can stalk your home now. Your Windstones’ location are safe from us crazy members 😈

                  I clicked Satellite view to see where I clicked my pin and I see I’m hanging out in some person’s tree πŸ˜† They better not charge me rent =P


                  Laurie wrote:

                  I messed up. I’m north and west of where I live, But I’m there. πŸ˜‰

                  Ok, I fixed where I live. Just wish I could get rid of the first one. πŸ™„

                  I took care of that for you πŸ˜‰


                  I even got to the closeness of my street. I think I know the only other 2 people really really close, Snap and FlamingDragon 8)


                    That was cool. I zoomed in right on our property. I missed it the first time though and was off by one street. Maybe you can fix mine too Nuke? πŸ™‚ The green icon is the right one.

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