Collections? (Other than Windstone)

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    I think it’s a given that we are all windstone collectors here at the board… but I know most everyone here collects something in addition to windstones. So, howabout seeing some other collections?

    Myself, I collect animal skulls, bones, pelts, antlers, and horns. My room at home has been dubbed the “chapel of death” because my collection has gotten so big! But I do more than that – I take skins, skulls, and mounts that have seen better days and restore them to beautiful condition. I don’t have any pictures of my collection yet, but some of my gems include:

    – A taxidermy mule deer head (with a good size 5×5 rack)that I meticulously restored from a rather sorry shape. His ear was tattered, and his fur was really dusty and in need of a good cleaning with a bit of lanolin.
    – A huge greater kudu bull skin (over 8′ long!) that I practically stole off ebay for a song, and have since restored it to almost pristine shape after delicately repairing holes in the hide.
    – A reindeer skin that was a little dusty, but with a little lanolin and TLC has returned to a state where you couldn’t tell that it wasn’t fresh from a tannery!
    – A huge alaskan coyote pelt that was in bad shape with a huge gash in the leather, but with TLC and lanolin also was given a second chance!

    And as a slight sidenote, if anyone has skulls and bones and pelts that they want to go to a good home, I would be more than happy to buy or trade for them, especially if it’s in need of a little TLC, or just needs a second chance.

    And as a second note, I realize my sort of collection is frowned upon in some circles. I would like to add than none of the animals that I have collected were killed by me. A lot of what I have is either found or second hand and would have normally wound up on the trash heap if not for a little TLC. In my opinion, that’s not a fitting or respectful end from something that was once a part of a living animal. Plus, they make excellent references for my wildlife art.

    So… howabout some other collections?

    #560546 mother has a thomson’s gazelle hide she got at an estate sale for like 25 bucks. its wonderful. I have a beaver skull….ha. And I have an ivory african girl bust with WILD hair…not the same but yeah.

    Anyway I collect so much its scary.
    breyers and other resins
    My Little Ponies
    My Child dolls
    Kitty’s Critters a little
    weird stuff that I get at sales
    dogs *ha…I have 5!


      Hmmmm…. other than Windstones….

      Cherished Teddies
      Boyd’s Bears
      Hallmark ornaments
      Clay Images dragons
      Ricker pewter (not anymore, but I do have a good-sized collection)
      books. books.. books….


      Guns, tacctical knives, and books.
      Zorse, you have a really cool hobby. Your room sounds like a person could spend a few hours there, just looking at all the stuff!


      relatives’ china
      books…lots of books
      cd’s…lots of cd’s
      pocket dragons
      peweter dragons and castles
      tarot cards–collect them, rarely use them
      craft patterns, books and kits–seriousl, i will get to them
      in general, i just kind of horde stuff, im not as bad as i used to be. i still have my sticker collection from the 80s!

      whippetluv, i used to collect marbles, but i am finding that having 3 gallons of them is not as impressive as i used to think it was. what kind of marbles do you collect?


        windstone dragons and griffins
        Model horses by stonehorses and breyer
        Rough gems and gemstone caves
        hand blown glass
        interesting fossils
        old carnival glass pieces that catch my eye


          My Little Ponies
          Assorted dragons
          Post It Notes 😛


            didn’t we talk about this somewhere before?


            pocket dragons
            model cars (both metal and plastic)
            all sorts of candle holders

            hmm and other stuff I can’t think of….hehe


            UMM elephants, that is about it, although I found out the other day due to a leaking roof causing me to have to was my dog stuff, I like to collect that too, I own 2 dogs, 15+ leashes, 20+ collars, 5 harnesses and a large amount of brushes and grooming gear.

            Oh I also have coins, many coins from oddities to money from around the world, some that is really hard to get.


              Mcfalenes Dragons,
              Lava Lamps,
              Shark Teeth,
              Sea Glass,
              and books…art and reference books.I have books on reptiles,
              deep see creatures,
              and a lot of books on Dinosaurs. I need a good one on dragons.

              Here is all of my Mcfalene Dragons and 4 of my six Lava lamps.

              My shark Teeth, the big one is a Megalodon Tooth, the one on the necklace is a Mako tooth with Tiger shark and other teeth, the two other larger yellowish ones are Otodus teeth.


                Sweet pics Koshi, Love the artwork on the upper right of your wall.

                So yea, it’s obvios at this point in my forum history I collect anime. LOTS AND LOTS OF ANIME.

                Right now alot of my room is packed, but when I move I’ll take a pic of my DVD collection 😯 I must have like 500 anime DVDs AT LEAST!

                So yea I collect lots of ….
                PVC anime figures
                different fan art
                anime plushies

                Non anime stuff consists of

                Windstones (obviously)
                Watership Down & Secret of NIMH
                Invader Zim EVERYTHING 😀
                McFarland Dragons ( I see yours too Koshi 😀 )

                and though I don’t collect them anymore, I’ll never get rid of my
                My Little Ponies (the old hasbro softies & some of the older poinies)
                Curly Kittens
                Fairy Tales Birds

                God, I’m such a little kid! LOL!

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  your anime collection must be HUGE! I collect the black cat off Trigun. I got a Pillow, a Bag, and a stuffed i just need to track down the hat.

                  Watership down and Nihm are love <3

                  that wall has art from all sorts of artists..except the Five Star Stories poster, the one with the mecha. The purple poster was from an artist on DA, all other ar is from artists on DA actuly..through Trades and gift art.


                    Invader Zim
                    Dust….. 😆


                      well let’s see I have a number of dragons from the Franklin Mint and verious others. I have a Jessice Rabbit collection and have been collecting Hallmark Barbie ornaments for years

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