Cinnamon Pearl SK!

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    😆 Don’t worry, PT, my favorite SK is still the emerald peacock, a cool color if I ever saw one. I do like this lady, though… she reminds me of a hot drink of some sort with whipped cream in it 🙂


    😆 Aw, PT, no worries. Just one less bidder. 😆 Personally, I love the red gold. That was my favorite. But, no money equals no SK. That’s okay, I’d have to give the government too much for one of those, and I refuse. Maybe one day I’ll be able to afford one. Just not today.


      Don’t tell em’ where you went to hide! 😛

      Its beautiful! I’d love to see one like that but Blues and purples! 😀


      I really love the color! I generally like buying different sculpts in different colors, but if this was a production color, I’d have to have several sculpts in it. 🙂


      She’s gorgeous but I prefer the autumn leaf color (when, oh when are they going to show up? sniff) or the spring green dragon. But I agree – she looks much better without the lipstick!


      Jasmine wrote:

      Will Windstone take organs as trades?? 😉

      If they did, just think of the rash of murders as we tried to outbid each other!

      Oh, you meant our organs. That wouldn’t be any fun, especially since it’s almost Halloween! 😈 😈 😈


      I love the Cinnamon. Cinnamon, Spring Green and Autumn Leaf are my favorites. And there’ll be more of each…


        I think I like this better than autumn leaf. PT, no one will dogpile you… thats less competition. Im glad you dont like her! 😆


          I really wish I had more money right now!! She came out BEAUTIFUL!!!


            In these colours she looks real.. like you would see her out in the desert some where, blending into the surroundings a perfect predator.

            Very Pretty, I’ll be watching to see how much She fetches for.

            I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


            ddvm wrote:

            She’s gorgeous but I prefer the autumn leaf color (when, oh when are they going to show up? sniff) or the spring green dragon. But I agree – she looks much better without the lipstick!

            I agree. I think Cinnamon would come in 3rd for me. I know…I have been waiting for the Autumn Leaf ones as well.


            It really did help that the lipstick is gone. Real animals tend to be paler around the mouth anyway, not darker, don’t they? Unless it’s a horse…


              That’s what I thought too GB. I really am glad the lipstick is gone, this is a beautiful SK! 🙂


              I have just brought a dragon very similar to these colours, i love them. Almost like a multi brown wash 😀



              Jvargas0667 Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:25 pm Post subject:



              Jasmine wrote:
              Will Windstone take organs as trades??

              If they did, just think of the rash of murders as we tried to outbid each other!

              Oh, you meant our organs. That wouldn’t be any fun, especially since it’s almost Halloween!

              😆 😆

              She is beautiful (I def like the colors better than gold), but the red gold is still my fav on the SKs.

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