
(Belated) February 2023 Free Raffle! Ends March 9

Home Forums Windstone Editions Raffles (Belated) February 2023 Free Raffle! Ends March 9

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  • #1669107

      The “February 2023” Windstone Raffle has been announced! Quoting the email here for anyone who missed it.

      Note – the email says to send entries with “January 2023 Raffle” in the Subject line. Presumably that is what Melody wants, or will look for when identifying entries.

      This March, we’re coming in like a February Lion (or tiger dragon in this case)! Since people seem to like tiger things, we’re offering another tiger dragon.

      This one is a purple tiger Male Dragon. He started out as a rescued Tanzanite Dragon but with a few subtle stripes and a little extra Windstone magic, now has been transformed into a purple tiger dragon! He is trimmed with silver and has silver eyes and tanzanite-colored jewels set in his forehead.

      If you are interested in a chance to win this Male Dragon, click this link to send me an email to my NEW raffle email address: reptangle2@gmail.com with “January 2023 Raffle” in the Subject line, and in the body of the email, your real name and address and your Windstone Editions registered website user name (i.e. the name you use in your forum posts like WindstoneFan309).

      Once I receive your email, you should receive a response confirming that it arrived.
      The deadline for entering this raffle is 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time, March 9th, 2023 – Please send your email before that time! Late entries may not be considered. … One entry per person. …




      Gamma R

        FYI when I clicked on the embedded link it pre-populated the email with February 2023. Do I need to resend it with January 2023?

        Gamma Rays of Love are the Strongest


          FYI when I clicked on the embedded link it pre-populated the email with February 2023. Do I need to resend it with January 2023?

          I doubt it – I’m emailing Susie to alert her to the problem.


            At the moment the back view of the dragon isn’t showing in the text of the Raffle post. I have no idea why …

            Back view:



              Thank you for bringing up the issue with the tag line in this month’s raffle email. I was not sure if it was wrong or not so left it. This month’s is gorgeous!


                Susie replied to my email asking about January 2023 or February 2023 in the Subject line for email entries:

                “Ooops…. 3 of us looked at it too! It should be February but I’ll tell Melody to watch for January ones as well!”


                  OMG!!!! I hope I get picked — He’s AMAZING!!!

                  Julie Nutter

                    Wow what a beautiful boy! Very unique Melody ❤️. Wish I could entire again, but I wish y’all good luck on this one!!!

                    Julie Nutter


                      I hope my e mail went through. I didn’t get a e mail letting me know. Fingers crossed.


                        omg that boy would be the perfect mate for my spectral blue morpho!!! Crossing my fingers on this one!

                        (i didn’t get my email reply to confirm my participation either, is it the same for everyone?)

                        Gamma R

                          I also did not get a confirmation email yet.

                          Gamma Rays of Love are the Strongest


                            Don’t worry about the date in the subject line (OOPS), I can tell which are entries for this raffle by the date the entry email came. You don’t need to send another entry!


                              FYI when I clicked on the embedded link it pre-populated the email with February 2023. Do I need to resend it with January 2023?

                              No! It’s ok. I can tell which entries are for the Feb. raffle.


                                I also did not get a confirmation email yet.

                                Dang, well, that auto-response thing SOMETIMES works!


                                  omg that boy would be the perfect mate for my spectral blue morpho!!! Crossing my fingers on this one!

                                  (i didn’t get my email reply to confirm my participation either, is it the same for everyone?)

                                  I reset the auto-response thing again, it SHOULD work

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