
Apartment Pets

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      AUSTIN!?!? OMG We should meet up and I can show you around!! I dont live there but I loooooove it! Its super eco-friendly, hippie, green, college town. And theres lots of new age stores so theres Windstones!

      But um, pets-Its hard to find places that accept BIG dogs, and most big dogs are on most property’s breed restrictions. My Huskie is the sweetest angel ever, but shes on a lot of breed restriction lists. If youre passionate about bringing your dog, ask about an exception. You could bring the dog (if possible) and they could decide if its a “nice” dog or not up to their standards. Just dont talk to the leasing manager. Its my short experience that a lot of times the rest of the staff is nicer and more willing to help.

      The ferrets, in my opinion, I wouldnt tell them about. They are small and don’t hurt anyone, so just keep them on the down low. Same with the cat. My boyfriend has snakes and reptiles and most places wont even consider reptiles of any kind, but he just didnt tell them. They live in cages, dont stink, dont make noise…they’re like fish you can pet lol The place my BF and I are moving, hes decided not to tell them about the cats. Worst case scenario, I think the property gives y ou 24 hours to get rid of the animal or pay the deposit. Just my two cents


        I’ve had rats (I mean a large cage with a dozen of’em, not just one or two) and chinchillas (2 in a shared cage) at a couple places. I didn’t bother telling the landlords, and never got “busted” for it (for example, a property maintenance person coming in, seeing them, reporting it to the office and resulting in dire consequences for me). They never seemed to care.
        I currently have 2 cats but I only claim one because 1) I get charged per cat per month on rent and 2) I get charged per cat for pet deposits. I’ve gotten away with it because one cat was born feral so he hides under the bed pretty much whenever anything is going on anywhere in the house, and I know no maintenance or property management person will see him. So far so good… (for about 6 years now, in 3 different rental places) But I have had to pay damages for cats scratching up or otherwise damaging the carpet, and I have had to patch up things like windowsills and wood trim from rodent nibbles.

        One thing worth mentioning, is there’s a big difference between renting a room in someone’s house vs. renting an apartment in a large apartment building or complex. Apartment rental COMPANIES have a much more “blanket” approach to their policies, they usually don’t have time or energy to care about the difference between a rabbit you let hop around vs. a ferret you let gallumph about. Companies don’t have personal preferences – just policies, built to address the most common denominator (people with cats and dogs).
        On the other hand, renting from an individual who just happens to have an extra room in their house, or who is subletting their place, can and will have preferences (like the folks who mentioned running into a very specific no ferrets or no snakes policy.) There you are dealing with somebody who might have a lifelong terror of rats, or cat allergies, or what-have-you.

        I love ferrets! I’ve always wanted one (Well two. One black that I would name Samhain and call Sammy for short, and one white that I would name Beltaine and call Bell for short. Not like I’ve thought about this or anything.) The best way I’ve ever heard them described is “Kittens who never grow up”. From what I understand, their musky smell is from scent glands that are usually surgically removed at a very young age? I know they’re related to skunks, and maybe it’s skunks I’m thinking of as far as surgically removed smelly glands goes. Anyway, they’re cute and funny and cuddly and you win for having them!! πŸ˜€


          Thanks for the info guys. I think they are adorable but I had no idea they ate meat! I would have thought seed, but once again, shows what I know. πŸ˜€ I wanted one when I was younger (early 20’s) but I never got one. I like to play with other people’s, if they have them, but in housing they are not common.


            skigod377 wrote:

            Thanks for the info guys. I think they are adorable but I had no idea they ate meat! I would have thought seed, but once again, shows what I know. πŸ˜€ I wanted one when I was younger (early 20’s) but I never got one. I like to play with other people’s, if they have them, but in housing they are not common.

            If you ever do decide to get them, be sure you know “what you’re in for”. I liken them to human children. They need your attention, hours of play time, and someone who knows what they’re about. Too many ferrets are abused or surrendered because people thought they were some cage animal that they could take out whenever they felt like it, and leave them when they didn’t.
            And people also don’t know just how intelligent they are. They say they have the intelligence of a 4 year old human. They can get into anything and everything. You need to literally baby-proof your house when you get them. One of my ferrets, thru the baby-proofed drawers, still gets up on my bathroom counter. He knocks everything over/off lol. So I’m cleaning up my bathroom counter daily.
            I’d be the worst, and the best pet store associate lol. Best for the safety of the ferrets, and worst for the sales! πŸ˜†
            I once had a woman approach me at the bank (my first ferret went with me everywhere… he was awesome and loved it… and always got to go to the park afterward!) once, and said she considered getting one for her 8 year old child. I wanted to die on the inside lol. NOT an animal you can give to a child, unless the adult intends to do all the work.
            I could go on an on about it, but yeah πŸ˜‰


              WolfenMachine wrote:

              AUSTIN!?!? OMG We should meet up and I can show you around!! I dont live there but I loooooove it! Its super eco-friendly, hippie, green, college town. And theres lots of new age stores so theres Windstones!

              But um, pets-Its hard to find places that accept BIG dogs, and most big dogs are on most property’s breed restrictions. My Huskie is the sweetest angel ever, but shes on a lot of breed restriction lists. If youre passionate about bringing your dog, ask about an exception. You could bring the dog (if possible) and they could decide if its a “nice” dog or not up to their standards. Just dont talk to the leasing manager. Its my short experience that a lot of times the rest of the staff is nicer and more willing to help.

              The ferrets, in my opinion, I wouldnt tell them about. They are small and don’t hurt anyone, so just keep them on the down low. Same with the cat. My boyfriend has snakes and reptiles and most places wont even consider reptiles of any kind, but he just didnt tell them. They live in cages, dont stink, dont make noise…they’re like fish you can pet lol The place my BF and I are moving, hes decided not to tell them about the cats. Worst case scenario, I think the property gives y ou 24 hours to get rid of the animal or pay the deposit. Just my two cents

              Sure, sometime after I get all settled in!

              The only problem I’d have with not telling them, is if word did get out. I don’t want to be in the position of breaking a lease or surrendering the ferrets (would totally break the lease before that, of course).


                Thanks. Sounds like they are in the same category care-wise as large, exotic birds. A lot of work that most people are not ready for. I think I will stick to cat, dog, and bunny. They are not so hard!! lol.


                I`m not allowed to keep any kind of pet in my apartment… πŸ™
                (well, dragons seem to be an exception… πŸ˜† )


                  MetalDragoness wrote:

                  I`m not allowed to keep any kind of pet in my apartment… πŸ™
                  (well, dragons seem to be an exception… πŸ˜† )

                  Dragons but no cats or dogs? Crazy! πŸ˜‰ hehe


                    MetalDragoness wrote:

                    I`m not allowed to keep any kind of pet in my apartment… πŸ™
                    (well, dragons seem to be an exception… πŸ˜† )

                    *SNORK!* …here there be dragons πŸ˜€




                      In 1989 (I know long time ago) my company moved me to Atlanta and at that time I had a blind Chow Chow (65 lbs) and didn’t want to buy a house in Atlanta. When I went apartment hunting I told the manager(s) about the dog and most of them just wanted to see her before making a decision on that large of a dog. She was a real lady and after they met her most of the places agreed to let us move in. So sometimes it is how the animal behaves. I also told them if there was any damage I would pay for it or have it fixed – luckily there wasn’t


                      WolfenMachine wrote:

                      MetalDragoness wrote:

                      I`m not allowed to keep any kind of pet in my apartment… πŸ™
                      (well, dragons seem to be an exception… πŸ˜† )

                      Dragons but no cats or dogs? Crazy! πŸ˜‰ hehe

                      Well, some kittens… The quiet kind… They stick to their shelf… The dragons does too, but they seem to enjoy staring at me with their big eyes… Especially the white kinglet. He`s watching me right now…:P Maybe he wants some attention… πŸ˜€


                        My apt doesn’t allow pets, but I think what they don’t know can’t hurt them..


                          Pam Thompson wrote:

                          My apt doesn’t allow pets, but I think what they don’t know can’t hurt them..

                          Ooo birds are so noisy! Must be a hard one to “hide”.


                            No, she is very quiet. She does a lot of soft hooting, and the occasional “koo-kooooo-kooo”, but even if it could be heard outside, this type of bird is thick out here in the wild so they are always making these noises. If I heard her from outside I would assume it was just a wild one!


                              what’s her name? She looks very sweet, I have a soft spot for doves, I love the sound they make.

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