
Anyone want to play a game?

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  • #556910

      Nope. “Dick” didn’t mean what it does now fifty years ago. It was just a name, that a lot of boys had. My grandfather is named Dick.

      Language changes, and sometimes quite fast. Many of the words we snicker at today were perfectly innocent not that long ago.


        Yea, just think about how the meaning of the word gay has changed. Or something neat is sick. 🙄


          The gay shift has happened within my lifetime, that’s for sure! I remember being in elementary school still, and some bratty little boy asked if I was “gay” and of course I was having a good, happy day that day, so I said yes! And then he ran around snickering and telling everybody that I was gay.


          Ha! Spark I did that when someone asked me if I was a virgin! I said no because I thought it ment I was catholic! ha! virgin mary you know!

          Anyway my turn I guess….

          I want a pic of a snake and a windstone togeather!

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