
Anyone interested in sponsoring/donating

Home Forums Miscellany General Art Discussion Anyone interested in sponsoring/donating

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        I’ve been asked to handle the sponsors for the WPCSA American Nationals this year and am trying to put together a raffle/silent auction for the event.
        I was wondering if any of the artists here would be willing to donate a piece of art for the event. It can be anything at all and would really help the club to put on the show. Our club WPCAC (the california club) got the honor of putting on the show this year and we’re all very excited and want to make the prizes for the winners as great as we can. So if you’re interested in donating something we’d all appreciate it!

        I’m also looking for ideas on giving something smallish to people who sponsor classes for $15. There’s about 200 classes in the show when you count the championships and supremes, so it’d have to be cheap but interesting to get people to want to donate when they normally wouldn’t… And they would have to be easy to make. I was thinking those friendship bracelts, but that would take forever!

        I’m also considering putting a windstone piece up for a raffle type prize… We’re a not for profit club, so all proceeds go to this show. If it means not calling it a raffle, so be it. But If I bought a Gold Lap and told people I was selling slips of paper that they could write their names on… Well, you get the picture…LOL
        Would there be many takers? The papers would sell for $5 and anyone who bought 3 would get their name/business in the program book as an actual sponsor.
        What do you all think?

        The show is in September, so I need to get cracking now!

        Also, on the off chance that anyone wants more visability for their business, Dragon Sponsor (meaning donate $250 to the show) will get a full page color ad in the program book. I know it’s a lot of money, but there will be at least 175 ponies at this show, so mulitply that by 2 adults and that will be a lot of people seeing your work!

        Crimson Vision

          I am interested in doing something for ya! not sure what yet; donating an item or becoming a sponsor. Will have to think on it.

          Could you send me more info on maybe past art pieces that have been donated as well as the levels of sponsorships available?

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