
Any long term luck with watercolor?

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      Couldn’t sleep last night, so my mind wandered for a good while… one of the rather random outcomes was curiosity if anyone has knowledge on artist grade watercolors on Windstones? And if it is alright long term with a few clear coat layers?
      I have been working on a drawing (first in 2 yrs! I’m kind of nervous lol) that is using some watercolor in it, and I realized that medium might work better for a Windstone idea I have than shading with acrylic (though I can do it w acrylic if the reviews of watercolor are poor)


        I don’t think PYOs have been out long enough to really have any long-term experiments on them!

        Watercolor lightfastness is only going to be as good as the pigments used and the conditions that the statue is displayed in. A piece in a sunny or bright location will have more potential to fade.

        Look at each pigment you are using and research its colorfastness. This goes for acrylic too, really. Simply: some will fade worse than others depending on the pigments used.

        Any sealer with UVLS will help protect from UV damage and fading, but that only goes so far. It still depends on the pigment and how the piece is displayed.


        Please note you should only use polymer/acrylic-based sealers. MSA varnishes contain mineral spirits and won’t allow the gypsom to “breathe”, which can lead to potential long-term issues.

        Polymer varnish: http://www.goldenpaints.com/technicalinfo_polvar

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


          It is important to remember that even among the best artist grade paints, some pigments just do not last as well as others. Always research your pigment before use if lightfastness is a concern.

          (look what happened with Ruby and Red Fire dragons!! Those were very high end, expensive paints, and they had issues. Reds are tricky.)

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com


            Another problem I have found with using water color paints (and stains, like tea) is that they may soak into the gypsum unevenly because of slight variations in density of the material.
            Golden makes a product called “absorbent ground” I haven’t tried it myself, but I suspect that it is a coating designed to help even out a surface for use with something washy, like water colors.
            OOH found it! https://www.google.com/shopping/product/12825206898319359585?q=golden+color+absorbent+ground&client=firefox-a&hs=oIE&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.77648437,d.cGU&biw=1536&bih=704&tch=1&ech=1&psi=x2JBVNG_LNfnoATfkICwAQ.1413571155796.3&ei=y2JBVKLoB4zooAT6yYLYCw&ved=0CGQQpiswAA


              Well, I posted my results over in my thread, http://windstoneeditions.com/forum/sparks-pyos-copper-peacock-phoenix-watercolor-dec-4?page=1#comment-856993

              I used good quality watercolors, so it should last. And I have to say that I really like working with watercolor! It was a lot of fun.


                I still have catcher, and she looks as new as the day you sent (less a weeks worht of dust)

                I find that some inks do last alot longer, but she is also out of direct sunlight for the most part.

                I’m happy she’s still doing well for you! ๐Ÿ™‚ Was certainly a fun piece to paint, I’m happy she got such a loving home! ๐Ÿ˜€


                  Well, I posted my results over in my thread, http://windstoneeditions.com/forum/sparks-pyos-copper-peacock-phoenix-watercolor-dec-4?page=1#comment-856993

                  I used good quality watercolors, so it should last. And I have to say that I really like working with watercolor! It was a lot of fun.

                  That Phoenix is just gorgeous! Did you have to use the medium that Mel mentioned? or were you able to apply the watercolor directly to the sculpt? I will have to buy a KittyGriff when I have time/money and try out my idea for sure now! I love the way the watercolor looks on your phoenix! ๐Ÿ™‚


                    I did use the medium, yes. And thanks!

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