9/25 Grab Bag Unicorn COLT Picture Thread

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags 9/25 Grab Bag Unicorn COLT Picture Thread

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      you got my GB’s spottier brother, Chloe!

      in other news, husband’s GB is shipping later today but the tracking number isn’t working yet since the post office hasn’t picked it up yet so dunno when his will get here….and he’s already nagging me about it, it’s just as bad as when he won one of the raffle prizes, the first thing out of his mouth on the phone back then was “Did my dragon ship yet?” now it’s “Has my unicorn shipped yet?”

      edit: his comes on Wednesday, seems a little too fast from prior ships but at least I can tell him a date now so he won’t bug me everyday….

      4 things I'm looking for:
      1. Mother Meerkat
      2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
      3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
      4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


        They’re all so nice! I want to see lots more and I can’t wait for mine to arrive.
        Thanks for the size comparison too Skeeterdeee! Wasn’t sure how big they were compared to the baby unis 🙂

        I was surprised at the the teeny of them, I knew the measurements from the site but I was still like “so teeny!” when I got mine out of the wrapping paper….

        4 things I'm looking for:
        1. Mother Meerkat
        2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
        3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
        4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


        My husband actually got a bit mad at me for spending $150 on something so small….he said I can keep it though, since I just sold 2 PYOs. Otherwise, I think he’d have told me to resell it ><


        Oh wow, that picture helps a lot, Skeeterdee. I am not very good at picturing the sizes based on the size dimensions posted in the store, seeing the sculpts next to another sculpt (especially one I am familiar with), helps so much more. They are darling!

        Loving the colors so far, some lovely appaloosas and dappled greys. Can’t wait to start seeing some of the roans and paints!


          My husband actually got a bit mad at me for spending $150 on something so small….he said I can keep it though, since I just sold 2 PYOs. Otherwise, I think he’d have told me to resell it ><

          mine wasn’t mad, since I’m unemployed we agreed if I want something big in price I have to sell something( s ) of equal value eventually so I put my albino mother Ki-Rin up which he was good with….

          4 things I'm looking for:
          1. Mother Meerkat
          2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
          3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
          4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


          My husband actually got a bit mad at me for spending $150 on something so small….he said I can keep it though, since I just sold 2 PYOs. Otherwise, I think he’d have told me to resell it ><

          mine wasn’t mad, since I’m unemployed we agreed if I want something big in price I have to sell something( s ) of equal value eventually so I put my albino mother Ki-Rin up which he was good with….

          He doesn’t see a reason for me to buy real Windstones lol…but he said as long as I only get 1 of each sculpt. But for the small grab bags, he doesn’t understand why I spend so much money on them. I can’t wait to see what mine is on THursday! I’ll put him by my safari GBB uni and hope he doesn’t comment about its size vs price >>;


            When I unpacked this guy I thought “Wow … Chloe is going to love him!”, and now I see that she has one of her own. 🙂 Naturally, I think mine is MUCH cuter, with his beautiful brown eyes and his little white tail (and his spotted belly)! 😉

            You know me so well! 😉 Yours does have VERY nice spots, etruscan! :love:

            I could not resist posting a picture of Romeo with his siblings. 🙂 The baby on the far left is for possible trade for safari GBBs/GBYs.
             photo 20130930_155925700x525_zpse950d59e.jpg

            Between fatal, etruscan, and I we have triplets!


              Very nice group of appaloosas. Your new guy is perfect with the babies! 🙂


                Loooove all the bay appaloosas, especially yours, etruscan! Mine shipped today, excited!


                  Here is the lovely little bald faced dapple colt who pranced to my door yesterday. 🙂 It’s hard to tell in the photos, but the stones are amethyst. A sibling to pony-up’s? The color is actually a grayish brown, but shows up a bit browner in photos.

                   photo IMG_9155.jpg  photo IMG_9154.jpg  photo IMG_9152.jpg

                   photo IMG_9153.jpg  photo IMG_9156.jpg


                    Such pretty unicorns! I hope someone posts a picture of the grulla that was in this batch!

                    Check out my finished artwork at http://falcolf.deviantart.com/ and my sketch/studio blog at http://rosannapbrost.tumblr.com/



                    I have no camera (sigh), but I finally located mine in the facebook pictures. He’s in section 2, third row from top, second from the left.

                    It's not hoarding if it's books!
                    Cat hair -- condiment and fashion accessory!


                      I have no camera (sigh), but I finally located mine in the facebook pictures. He’s in section 2, third row from top, second from the left.

                      This one?

                      I think that he is on some “favorites” lists, so somebody will be looking for him. 🙂


                        Between fatal, etruscan, and I we have triplets!

                        Make that quadruplets.

                        Would be willing to trade for the grulla pinto (this one)


                        I have no camera (sigh), but I finally located mine in the facebook pictures. He’s in section 2, third row from top, second from the left.

                        This one?

                        I think that he is on some “favorites” lists, so somebody will be looking for him. 🙂

                        That one is very nice 🙂 Congratulations!

                        Pegasi: Adorable!

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