Hannah, the postal website isn’t accurate at all this week; it’s always super dependable here, but two days in a row now I’ve gotten something that wasn’t due yet, while a package that should have been here days ago still shows in New Mexico. Go figure–it’s that time of year.
Anyway, REALLY crappy phone pic with flash, no less. I’m in bed with a migraine & it’s raining out anyway!

He’s the one at the very top of the store pic. Dark blue eyes & sapphire jewel. He’s gorgeous, especially with the metallic purple in his mane and tail, and the tiny fuzzy has green tinsel “extensions” in his fur. LOL Anyway, he’s awesome, just gorgeously painted, but for once I was looking for spots…I have two striped ones from the last batch. (Though he’d fit right in this way!) or pinks and purples, even with stripes. The one to the right & the one just below him in the store pic, for example.