
Any Lady Gaga fans?

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      โ€œFate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.โ€


        I don’t know Lady Gaga’s music well at all. But, during night channel surfing, when it landed on MTV, her recent song Bad Romance was on. I like the song. For me, she kind of sounds like Cher and though I’ve never owned any of Cher’s work either, I am curious if this song, Bad Romance, is indicative of how the rest of that album sounds. Does anyone know? Is this song representative of how Lady Gaga normally sounds? Thanks!

        โ€œFate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.โ€


          I have only heard a few songs on the radio and saw her on I think it was American Idol and so far LOVE all I have heard. I hope to get her CD’s one day to find out myself


            :puke: The one time I saw her on American Idol I couldn’t stand her so I won’t be checking her music out. What she did wasn’t singing to me.


              Look on youtube.com. I just watched Bad Romance, so I’m sure there are other videos on there. Bad Romance was odd, humorous and disturbing, all at the same time. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜† I enjoyed some of the throwback dance/aerobic moves and the costumes…the music is def. not “me”, though.


                I like Lady Gaga’s songs. Her performances and videos are too bizarre for me, but the songs are good.


                  I had to youtube Bad Romance since I wasn’t familiar with that song, which I found pretty similar sounding to her other singles: Poker Face, Paparazzi, and Just Dance. I find them OK; her voice is a little over “filtered” (I have no idea the technical term for it) for me. And although I found Bad Romance to be a pretty interesting video, some of her live performances seem more about shock value than any attempt at artistry. I know that’s subjective and just my opinion.


                    Her music isn’t really my style so I don’t have much to compare it to. Sorry I can’t be of more help Sway! ๐Ÿ™


                      YouTube is crashing my computer so I can’t use it. I’m going to try to find some site that has snippets of songs (if anyone knows a site that does the MP3 player thing right off the bat for samples, please let me know).

                      Not at all interested in her videos. It’s the music I’m after and if some of her other singles are in similar vein to Bad Romance, then I might like that release that Bad Romance is on. I have seen the video to that song and sure, it is shock value which seems to suit her fine. But to tell the truth, so much in Hollywood these days, especially by younger stars, is all about shock value. When it’s done too much, we start to see everything and nothing raises an eyebrow anymore. I watched the video and thought, “whatever,” not caring one way or the other.

                      Even Madonna. I love her but grew up with her. After so many years of being semi shocked, I think after SEX came out (that was the book, right? I’m brain fading right now) and the album that came around with it (geez memory stinks… Ecstasy maybe), she couldn’t shock me one iota after that.

                      So yeah, I’m not interested in Gaga’s performance, only what she sounds like and is she cool (for me) to drive to. Anymore opinions, please add them! For those that did, thank you!

                      โ€œFate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.โ€


                        Oh, I didn’t think the video Bad Romance was about shock value. I thought it was pretty cool! I made one sentence when there should have been two ๐Ÿ˜ณ I’m referring to some of her live performances, one of which (VMAs), when “blood” starting coming out of her body mid performance and when she sort of hanged from the rope at the end (giving me the feeling of a noose hanging). Reminded me of something I’d see from Marilyn Manson, not a mainstream pop star. But I’m really not current, so that might be the norm these days. ๐Ÿ™‚

                        Anyways, sorry about your computer not liking youtube. If I come across something else that has the songs, I’ll post it.


                          Amazon typically has MP3 snipets you can listen to.


                            pegasi1978 wrote:

                            Amazon typically has MP3 snipets you can listen to.

                            yup.. since everyone has been talking about her.. I went to Amazon and looked.. and I wasn’t impressed, it was pretty generic like so many other people out right now.. can’t tell any of them apart anymore..

                            and I’m glad I haven’t watched any of the videos.. just seeing her pictures is too much..


                              Well, I don’t know if she writes her own material, but whoever wrote it gets an A++ for the “hook”. The song is still rolling around in my head a day later. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ :shout: ๐Ÿ˜†


                                lamortefille wrote:

                                Well, I don’t know if she writes her own material, but whoever wrote it gets an A++ for the “hook”. The song is still rolling around in my head a day later. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ :shout: ๐Ÿ˜†

                                Hook- that is exactly what got me for that song. I don’t care what an artist looks like or how they perform, but if I find myself stuck with one of their songs in my head for a certain length of time, and I’m not pulling my hair out, then chances are I will like at least one of their CDs. I’ve heard her name around for a long time but never paid any attention. Then I ran across that song during late night and then it was on a TV show. Then I got “hooked” on it ๐Ÿ˜€

                                I do find her run of the mill and generic and like Frozen said, I can barely tell her apart from the rest of young musical Hollywood. I don’t find her unique. But I don’t care. I’ll just grab her CD off the discount rack at WalStore or something. I have yet to go to Amazon but I’m about to mosey on over.

                                Hook- you plucked that word right out of my head!

                                โ€œFate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.โ€


                                Not a fan here. I find it hard to respect someone who dresses like a galactic trash heap, and I find her music to be at best, mediocre. I don’t understand the flap over her. Seems like a lot of flash for no substance.


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