
Reply To: Scathach

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Future pebble sculpts? Reply To: Scathach


    I apologize if this question has been asked already, but Melody, would you consider adding AWD as a colour batch for wolves?

    I’m still dubious that AWD would look good on a sculpt with small ears and stretched out body like the wolf. With its big ears the bat eared fox pebble already resembles a Wild Dog.

    I’m with you, Etruscan. I wouldn’t mind a couple of them in a big grab bag, but wouldn’t be very excited for a GB that was completely AWD. It’s a gorgeous pattern, but it has so little variation from piece to piece.

    Well, I still think it might be nice. Maybe not a whole batch, but certainly on a few. No colour – red pandas, lemurs, etc is for everyone. Fortunately Melody paints enough variety for 99% of people to be happy. Or so it seems.

    Definitely agree with the variety and different tastes! Given the option I would rather see a batch of thylacine pattern wolves, but that’s just me. 🙂 Maybe Melody will do a few AWD wolves and we will see how the combination works.