Wild Plum

This is “Wild Plum”, the raffle prize for May!

He was an Amethyst colored Oriental dragon that got a wild hair and turned out a coppery plum color.
He is one of the test paints I did for a “Copper Plum” color I am working on. This is a experimental color combination sort of like the lighter “Copper Lilac” dragons I goofed-up awhile back. I like copper and violet together, and I want to use these colors in some combination as a dragon color in the future.

This Wild Plum color uses the violet as a darker shade color rather than as a lighter accent color like the copper lilacs.
He has a slight defect in the paint on his belly, but other than that he is a lovely Wild Plum dragon.

To enter the May raffle for “Wild Plum” You just need to be a member of the Windstone Editions forum http://www.windstoneeditions.com/forums/ and send me your info. This is all free! No catch.

If you have entered these raffles before, just send me your member name with “May raffle” in the subject line.

If you haven’t entered before,(or can’t remember) do the same thing, but include your real name and address.
My email is reptangle (at) gmail (dot) com
I’ll pick the winner around the end of may!

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