Stuff comng to the store soon

Ok, here are a few snapshots of stuff going into the store :
Male BVPs, and Fledgelings are being painted, there are some bear cubs getting eyes glued in, and I am painting a batch of color-shifting curlies.

19 thoughts on “Stuff comng to the store soon”

  1. These are all so amazing!!! I hope I’m lucky enough to get at least one of these beauties when they come out! (I’m especially excited about the curlies! I was fortunate enough to get one of the color-shifting baby unicorns and the effect is really stunning in person!)

  2. So many beautiful dragons! 😀 Those males are so nice and orderly. And the bears all look so happy. The color shifting paint on those curlies looks sooooo pretty. And I think I may have to try to snag one of those cute little fledgies to go with my BVP male and mother (who are stunningly gorgeous, by the way). Eeee hee hee! It’s so neat to see all the stuff being worked on. Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. [quote=Puffpastryofdoom]These are all so amazing!!! I hope I’m lucky enough to get at least one of these beauties when they come out! (I’m especially excited about the curlies! I was fortunate enough to get one of the color-shifting baby unicorns and the effect is really stunning in person!)[/quote]

    You and me both! My Charming would be VERY happy having a matching curlie right next to him 🙂 Money is *definitely* being held aside for these now!

    Thank you so much Melody! They’re gorgeous! 😀

    **Edit** I keep coming back and staring at the pretties… I think the Fledgling is trying to look into my soul! XD

  4. “That fledgling is trying to look into my soul”<---great!! Love it! He looks like he is saying, 'Don't you love us anymore? I want to go home with you!' Yes, little fledgling, its going to be okay. Wolfen will give you a good home! *pats head* man, I need one of those little guys! So adorable! I love this color Melody, keep em coming!

  5. [quote=Sirithiliel]Oh I hope I can be home when the males go on sale!! Do you have a ETA? I am saving up to buy my first Windstone and one of those males would be a dream come true![/quote]

    Make sure you go in and click the ‘inform when back in stock’ button! 🙂 Since there was a small release of them once already, remembered that myself last night, lol..

  6. [quote=KaytanaPhoenix][quote=Sirithiliel]Oh I hope I can be home when the males go on sale!! Do you have a ETA? I am saving up to buy my first Windstone and one of those males would be a dream come true![/quote]

    Make sure you go in and click the ‘inform when back in stock’ button! 🙂 Since there was a small release of them once already, remembered that myself last night, lol..[/quote]

    I do have that checked, but it won’t help if I am at work when they are released. I can’t access this site from work =(

  7. [quote=Sirithiliel][quote=KaytanaPhoenix][quote=Sirithiliel]Oh I hope I can be home when the males go on sale!! Do you have a ETA? I am saving up to buy my first Windstone and one of those males would be a dream come true![/quote]

    Make sure you go in and click the ‘inform when back in stock’ button! 🙂 Since there was a small release of them once already, remembered that myself last night, lol..[/quote]

    I do have that checked, but it won’t help if I am at work when they are released. I can’t access this site from work =([/quote]

    Have someone watch for you? Like they did with the GB’s, if you have someone you can call/text message/email or something of that sort to go in and grab you one, you’ll have less to worry about 🙂 If someone explains to me how it is done, and so long as they don’t release the weekend I have a dog show (9th, 10th, n 11th) I can watch for you 🙂

    Or, if you can get on your phone/have a smart phone, you can make orders from a smart phone, I was prepared to do that w GB unis, lol.

  8. [quote=KaytanaPhoenix][quote=Sirithiliel][quote=KaytanaPhoenix][quote=Sirithiliel]Oh I hope I can be home when the males go on sale!! Do you have a ETA? I am saving up to buy my first Windstone and one of those males would be a dream come true![/quote]

    Make sure you go in and click the ‘inform when back in stock’ button! 🙂 Since there was a small release of them once already, remembered that myself last night, lol..[/quote]

    I do have that checked, but it won’t help if I am at work when they are released. I can’t access this site from work =([/quote]

    Have someone watch for you? Like they did with the GB’s, if you have someone you can call/text message/email or something of that sort to go in and grab you one, you’ll have less to worry about 🙂 If someone explains to me how it is done, and so long as they don’t release the weekend I have a dog show (9th, 10th, n 11th) I can watch for you 🙂

    Or, if you can get on your phone/have a smart phone, you can make orders from a smart phone, I was prepared to do that w GB unis, lol.[/quote]

    I don’t have a smart phone and I don’t know anyone =); I will just hopefully have enough saved up when the time comes and be home too. Thanks for the advice ^^

  9. OMG! I so want one of those curlies.
    I haven’t been able to afford any of the BEP dragons yet either, so I’m really hoping to get one of those darling Fledglings to :). I would be so happy if Windstone makes this new color regular production. I think I would eventually buy ALL of the dragons in BEP.

  10. You know, I just noticed something. After looking at the BVP males pictured and looking at my own I noticed that he doesn’t have the gold spots along his big horns painted. The left horn has three gold spots, but that’s it. I think he was so excited to get to his new home that he jumped right off the painting table and into his box before he was even finished! Silly dragon!

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