Raffle prize for October 2015

October’s raffle prize is this sooty black Little Rock Dragon. He has orangish-gold underparts and persimmon colored eyes. His rock is airbrushed mostly black ( some gold shows in the under parts) and is antiqued with light grey.
If you are a Windstone forum member, you haven’t previously won a monthly raffle,and would like a chance to win “Firebelly”, do these things to enter:

1. Put “October 2015 raffle” in the subject line of your email
2. include your forum name, name real name and address in the body of the email.
3. Email your entry to me: reptangle (at) gmail (dot) com

I will pick a winner on Halloween evening!

9 thoughts on “Raffle prize for October 2015”

  1. I don’t think they have any for sale right now other than the occassional special ebay ones… I’ve seen a few of these painted by Melody on ebay over the last few months… I think these used to be cast in cement to be put outdoors (don’t quote me but I think I read that somewhere).

  2. Thank you, Latasha. An outdoor one would be awesome. I guess I just have to keep my eyes open or something and hope. Or maybe I’ll get super lucky and win this one! If they’re rare, I doubt I’d be able to afford one even if it was for sale. He sure is neat! Good luck, Everyone! 🙂

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