Sorry this took so long to post!
Here is “Odd Ida”, the odd-eyed griffin for the Ides of March…or the Odds of March. Whatever.
She is a lovely female griffin that has been hanging around looking like she needs a home.
She is painted in test paint colors similar to the “Brown” griffin color, but with extra markings and some grey on her large feathers. She may of been one of the first of these female griffins we cast, because her eyes are a bit wall-eyed, the way the very first castings were. To enhance this problem, I gave her a blue eye and an orange eye, and also I added matching orange and blue markings on her wings.
If you can’t conceal it, reveal it!
If you would like to enter the raffle for Odd Ida, email me your forum name , real name and address, with the words “March 2010 rafle in the subject line.
If you have entered these Windstone raffles before, you can just send me your forum name, I know who you are.
My email is Reptangle ( at ) gmail (dot) com