I painted a batch of ocelot griffins.
These are for the store, limited production.
What color eyes should they have?
Real ocelots have dark brownish-olive colored eyes. These griffins look good with periwinkle, or orange or brown or beige or, Pam will kill me, but green too.
None of our eye colors match the metallic aqua spots I put on their wings.
What do you think? or should we mix em up?
What about metallic teal eyes?
The yellow look nice too, I dont really like any of the other eye colors ><
Oh wow, these look amazing! I like the brighter colors best, personally. The periwinkle, orange and even the green (sorry, Pam!) I like better than the browns.
wow they are sooo beautiful!
I am so happy you made these 😀
I personally think they should have eyes that match their metallic spots 🙂
But I also like periwinkle or orange 😀
I won’t be much help but I like the brown, beige and green eyes on them.
They all look great, but I think I prefer the beige color.
Green or Orange. So getting one of these!
Orange or brown .
I like the two in the second picture!! I sooooo want one of these!
I like beige best, but the brown is good too. Distant third is the green.
Those beige ones in the second photo look great! I’m usually never up for “normal” eyes, but those look amazing!
I love all of them except for the blue.
The brown is probably my favourite though 🙂
maybe that one with the green eyed one is straw? not sure, I called it beige before, but that one in the second photo that is NOT the green one is the one I like best (win for Pam) LOL!
Oh I like the beige or green in the second picture.
Beige! Please? I *wish* you had gold (I have the ocelot gb uni, w gold eyes and it is stunning!) Beige is a close second to gold though 🙂 ‘n I’d SUPER happy if it matched my ocelot uni 🙂
Or maybe half the batch gold and he other half green? I completely dislike the green, but a few people seem to like it… and it looks like you have a larger batch so maybe that would work? Just pllleaase make it separate batches in the store so I get know I can get a beige if you do that! 🙂
Or maybe try a metallic teal in and see what it looks like (Hannahs idea) I do love that eye color, and if it looked good I wouldn’t mind it 🙂
and by the way Melody, you did a FANTASTIC job on these, I’ve been biting at the bit for them, to see them now has me going absolutely nuts! 🙂 The BEST LP Griffs *ever!*
I’m liking the dark brown eyes….
OMG that green is AMAZING! Green eyes, for me! =D
These griffins look AMAZING!!! 😀
Out of all the colors, I’m drawn to both beige and green (sorry Pam!) the most!
beige or green for me, with brown in third.
I so hope I get one of these, I bet they sell out quick!
Beige looks the best. The brown looks great too and green looks striking. Orange eyed things are usually my favorite, but in this instance, I’m going to go with beige.
GREEEEEEEN is my #1, closely followed by the dark brown in the middle and the blue one.
I would not mix them up. I think it is better if they all get the same color 🙂
I like the brown and beige the best. Fantastic work painting them! 🙂
I LOVE the orange or green. I even like the brown and gold.
The brown eyes are my favorite, followed by the periwinkle and beige. Such beautiful griffins!
Beige first, brown second.
I think all the colors look great in their own way. While I am a blue fan, I have to say my choice for these would be:
I like the beige best and my second choice is brown.
Green! Or use all the different colors, like a grab bag of eye colors.
I like the brown the best. My second choice would probably be the blue.
I am going with beige or green.
[quote=KaytanaPhoenix]Beige! Please? I *wish* you had gold (I have the ocelot gb uni, w gold eyes and it is stunning!) Beige is a close second to gold though 🙂 ‘n I’d SUPER happy if it matched my ocelot uni 🙂
We never used gold eyes in the GB unis. The color you are probably thinking of is the color we call metallic beige/tan 🙂 Its sort of gold-ish. I would love it if someday we could get real metallic gold eyes.
I think the brown is the cutest but the beige or the orange are my picks. Green’s nice too. Pretty!
Love the blue! Is there a way the buyer can pick the color of the eyes? Instead of all having the same color, or not knowing what color one gets….maybe we could pick from a list of available colors. Thanks!
Brown or beige.
Beige or brown.
Gah! I soooo wished I collected the griffins so I could get one of these guys! I’m gonna go with brown eyes as first choice and green second!
[quote=lysithian]Love the blue! Is there a way the buyer can pick the color of the eyes? Instead of all having the same color, or not knowing what color one gets….maybe we could pick from a list of available colors. Thanks![/quote]
That would be a huge headache for the packers. I think I will go with beige for all of them. The beige has sparkly gold metallic in it. It’s pretty.
[quote=Melody][quote=lysithian]Love the blue! Is there a way the buyer can pick the color of the eyes? Instead of all having the same color, or not knowing what color one gets….maybe we could pick from a list of available colors. Thanks![/quote]
That would be a huge headache for the packers. I think I will go with beige for all of them. The beige has sparkly gold metallic in it. It’s pretty.[/quote]
Sounds pretty! I do like sparkly!
I like dark brown the best and blue second as it brings out the other colors in the paint job
These are fabulous!I like all color eyes in them but the orange.What I want to know is WHEN?!
I commented on the deviant art picture, but now I see both the dark brown and light tan/beige eyes, I would say those two are my favourites.
#1 Orange
#2 Brown
#3 Blue
And mixing them up sounds good! 😉
Brown first, blue brings out the blue highlights, but green does something to his face…I like it. Beige works too…I don’t think this was very helpful, lol…ok ok … to pick just one…brown : )
They will go into the store as soon as we can get eyes glued in and get ’em packed.
I can’t predict when.
Susie usually announces when things will be going in the store, in the “store” thread.
Mix up the eyes. Everyone gets what they get like a grab bag eyes. Ta Da
Hay can we like get them and then order the color of eyes we want from Windstone later and change the eyes out ourselves? Cause I sure like the Straw eyes and the green maybe one eye of each.
You’re my hero right now with this decision 😉 haha 😀 Same color as my ocelot uni! Talk about an odd matching pair XD haha
What about the jewel color . Topaz or blue maybe . Not green please . Unless you have emerald green jewels . lol
The end result is that the eyes are metallic beige (sort of a soft gold) and the jewels are blue zircon (which is a sparkly teal that goes well with the irredescent spots on his feathers). They are available in the store!
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