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Thanks Melody!
I really appreciate the detailed answer and for the peek into your creative process 😀
PhoenixTears wrote:…. My cat Phoenix, his middle name is Loki (and his third name is Lucian… if you know TS Elliot, you know a “cat must have 3 differrent names.”)
Love TS Elliot! Still working on second and third names for Loki and Pixel. (My poor boys! They have an engineer/sci fi/ fantasy geek for a dad and an art, literature, theatre (12 year major)/ writer/ costumer/ jeweler geek for a mum.) At almost 12, the boys have a very eclectic home and education already. They named our kitties, but are arguing (like twins do) over other names for the ‘brat cats’! The boys chose Pixels’ name because she is little, fast and spotty like a pixel and Loki, obviously, for his penchant for wreaking havoc and causing general mischief. Pixel and Loki are brother and sister, same litter. Their mum is Siamese and their papa is Tabby. Pixel was the only dark tabby marked kitten in the litter but her stripes are more like spots than stripes and she has her mums’ Siamese voice. Talks like crazy! Loki is an interesting mix of breeds. He has his mums’ Siamese coloring with his papas’ stripes. Loki’s stripes are caramel colored on a light fawn background. His tail is dark tabby like Pixel’s. It looks like someone yanked a tail of a tabby and stuck it on him! He has pale blue eyes and his Siamese mask is dark striped like his tail and his purr sounds like a rusty alarm clock. Love them both!
p.s. have you read ‘The Wizard of London’ by Mercedes Lackey? One of the little girls in the novel has a Tower of London raven named Neville for a companion 😯
Oh, I’m so sorry to hear about losing Maggie 😥 That must be especially hard. Of course you think of her as one of yours! And to lose her for such insipid reasoning on the part of her mum (or maybe I should say mother; it sounds like you are her mum) I have a sister in law that thinks like that and her kids were like mine, especially since we were childless for so long. Hopefully you’ll be able to keep in touch with Maggie and help keep her safe and loved. The rest of your week didn’t sound like fun either. Losing an animal part of your family is always hard, especially if another furry member of the family did the deed. 😥
And no, you are not a sap. You are a kindhearted, loving person. The world needs more people like you!
I agree that boys names are easier to come up with. Why is that? 😀 My husband & I also wanted names of celtic origin to go with our last name which is Campbell. We came up with these:
Aine – pronounced AHnya
Siobhan – pronounced Shivawn
TeaganWe wound up with twin boys Ethan Ian & Sean Colin; no girls & unable to have any more children.
Love my boys! 😀Hope this helps!
I make jewelry under two different labels; Pebble Creek Design and Laughing Magpie.
I use natural stones faceted and cabochon, silver, gold etc. for the Pebble Creek line and lots of handmade glass, crystal and silver for the Laughing Magpie line.
I haven’t done much soldering lately. I had to put that up when my boys were small and since we’ve moved I’ve not located my torch yet. However, I’m expecting the kiln to arrive shortly and then I’ll start experimenting with PMC (precious metal clay)
Your work is lovely! How long have you been working on this talent? If you need leads on jewelry suppliers let me know and I’ll pass on my favorites.
Keep up the good work!
twindragonsmum 😀
Hi Melody,
I’m dying of ‘insatiable curiosity’ to quote the ‘elephant child’ 😯 ! What sort of creative process do you go through when you start a new sculpt or new anything for that matter? Obviously it starts with an idea, but what happens from there? When you get to the actual sculpting what medium do you work in? How is a mold of the model made? I’ve pulled molds from things when I was in college using alginate or plaster of paris; is the process the same? What about color inspiration? A lot of the dragon colors remind me of the antique carnival glass that I collect. As a matter of fact, I display my dragons with my glass and they set each other off beautifully! Favorite carnival pattern? Dragon and Lotus, of course! Thanks for your time and hard work. Your vision makes the world a more lovely and charming place!
Help! My male peacock dragon that I adopted from ebay has lots of dusty grime embedded in the inbetween spaces of his scales. He also has a black sticky substance on his back where his wings join his body. I dampened a q-tip with warm water and tried it first on the sticky gunk and noticed that the paint seemed to come off with the gunk. Now he has some little white spots showing. I stopped in a hurry 😯 ! The dust in the crevices wont budge either and his color is very dull. Any suggestions would be very helpful. I hesitate to use anything but water and even that might cause problems. Also, is it possible to touch up the missing paint?
Thanks for your help!
my boys want a question answered by someone more knowledgeable than mum 🙄
are cats related to dragons?
the reason they ask is because they’ve noticed the resemblance between our kittens and Melodys’ dragon poses. our boy kitty, Loki, sits tall like the male dragon and our girl kitty, Pixel, sits on her belly with her paws tucked under and looks like a spotty loaf of bread. both like to curl up like the mother dragon or curl right around with tails over noses like the curled and coiled dragons.
any opinions?
p.s. as I’m sitting here typing this we had a fox wander past the window and get a drink from the pond. both kitties have big, poofy tails and are ‘dancing’ side ways at it. time to bring the kitties in before they get ‘et 😯
emerald212 wrote:On the right side of the box is a button that says Quote. Click this and you will get the text quoted. Up here somewhere ^ should be a Quote button. You have to pick the Quote button of the text you want to quote though.
Welcome to the Forum!
Thanks for the tip Emerald! Let’s see if I can get this right; sounds easy but, hey I’ve been known to make a mess of the simplest things 😳 I’m very glad to be here 😀
Does your friend need a second opinion? I have and excellent surgeon in Utah and I travel the three hours one way to see him. My feet have been a problem since before my twins were born (they, twins not feet, are 11 going on 12) and Dr. Rogers is wonderful. I’ve referred lots of family and friends to him and have had excellent care. If you want Dr. Rogers number, address etc. let me know.
Good luck and hang in there. Feet decisions can be very difficult to make, since they are the foundation, literally, of your active life. There have been times that mine are so painful that I’ve begged to have them off, but I get told ‘no, it would just cause other problems’. Maybe Dr. Rogers could find some other treatment options.
That said, I don’t like waffling and indecision either. It can be terribly frustrating and stressful! You are welcome to vent anytime.
Hi Kyrin!
I’m in Soda Springs about an hour outside of Pocatello. We live in a micro climate here, our weather and temps are more like Jackson Hole, Wyoming, but yes Pocatello and got dumped on and so did we!
Where in Calif. did you transplant from? How do you like Buhl? My husband has family there and we do family reunions in Hagerman at 1,000 Springs and sometimes in American Falls or Downata Hot Springs.
What brought you to Idaho and how long have you been here? I know, I know, lots of questions! Good to meet you and thanks for the welcome!
twindragonsmum 😀
p.s. how do you do the little box thingy when you respond to someone? (I’m not real computer literate 🙄 ) thanks!
Hi Leigha,
I’m from San Jose myself! Currently living in Idaho where we’ve already had several inches of snow! I’m freezing to death 😯 My husband and I left San Jose in 1990 and moved to Washington State where he grew up. We think it’s funny that he graduated from San Jose State University and I graduated from Washington State University; opposite of where we grew up. We had a stint in Utah where our twins were born and are now in Idaho. A fun note about me; I worked at the Winchester Mystery House as a tour guide then gardener then Housekeeper. Have you had a chance to visit there? I really miss that old house and Northern California too 🙁 Nice to have someone here from home 😀
Mine comes from being the mother of 11 year old twin boys. Twin dragons (they are as obsessed with dragons as I am) and ‘mum’ instead of ‘mom’ because my family lived in England for a couple years and my brother & his family live in Australia; his kids were born there & their ‘mum’ is Australian by nationality and so mum crept into our family vocabulary. Hence, twindragonsmum. 😀
The Patriot
Sweet Liberty
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen –best quote–Dorian Gray in response to the question “What are you?!” “I’m complicated.”
Anything Harry Potter
The Princess Diaries
The King & I
Lots more; too many to list…. 😀
Thanks for the warm welcomes! (it’s freezing here, now; brrr) I found my way into the forums while trying to find info on all the beautiful dragons I’d seen over the years in various gift shops and ta-da! here you were! I’d like to try my hand at a PYO, as I’ve done lots of painting over the years (art major) and wanted info on that as well. Gorgeous work in the galleries, by the way. Hope to do as well!