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  • in reply to: New addition to collection and more windstones found #546735

      my goodness im so you have the horror stories to tell! i would love to hear the sellers answers when/if you asked why the pieces looked/arrived the way they did. my bad break today was a peacock sun dragon… untold to me his whole tail was broken off and glued back on crooked,CROOKED, with epoxy no less. a huge chip was missing along the crack but thankfully its on the backside. his horn fell out and was glued back in crooked, and all his toenails were rubbed.i shrieked when i saw the tail though! i was told he only had two micro flea bites on his back. lol and hmmmph! my bf was ready to kill the guy!!

      in reply to: New addition to collection and more windstones found #546730

        well, if people want something bad enough they will pay it and again you are providing a service in finding and delivering a piece in good are not forcing anyone to buy your stuff, its their decision to buy from you and pay what u ask. if peeps find your prices too high at some point, then you’ll sense it and you may choose to lower them. no force is involved though, if someone wants something enough and if they have the money they will is in the buyers hands to use good judgement and not overspend too much and pay on the things that REALLY matter like food n shelter,it is the buyers responsibility. as i think dm said, windstones look lousy in cardboard box houses! lol!

        in reply to: New addition to collection and more windstones found #546728

          its alllllllllllllllll good bt! again i had no real hold on anything. no money was exchanged or anything like that. the peeps knew i had hopes for certain pieces, that i would call in two days with money, but they did not set them aside for me, nor did i tell them to as i am on a tight budget and if my funds fell thru i did not want them out money if someone else came along and wanted it. its all good, you had the money before i did, and just like on ebay, someone may outbid you cuz they are willing to spend more. so be it. i’m over it. i am resouceful so i can find what i want eventually, as you said, there is PLENTY more goodies out there, even afer you and everyone else shopping around all these years!you just have to work at it a little more if you want it cheaper at a shop, but again it may be damaged for your bargain price.ya get what you pay for, most of he time.

          in reply to: windstone websites #546842

            yeah talk about unupdated sites! i called that undersea gallery or whereever that was in california and they were out of tons of stuff! no old warriors, no coileds, no peacock youngs, no real peacocks in general. aw poop!they did have a rainbow mother though.they were grateful i called though as they said they will now take this opportunity to update their site accordingly! i told them i highly recommended it as a lot of peeps are out shopping for windstones.

            in reply to: New addition to collection and more windstones found #546726

              wow! i missed alot in the past couple hours! lol! and of course let me say i was not voicing any nasty attacks against you folks, BT. its all a free market, TOTALLY! anyone at any time has the right to buy any darn thing at any time from anywhere- there are no windstone police , its life. heck, just like you said YOU ARE PROVIDING A NO B.S. SERVICE, PROVIDING PERFECT PIECES WITH NO EFFORT FOR THE BUYER! that is a LUXURY!!!!! and you charge to compensate for the massive amount of labor and loss involved! i can only imagine, just like you said, all the pieces that broke in shipping, or were broken to begin with and it wasn’t disclosed to you, its a huge loss or your end. if i REALLY wanted something badly and i wanted it perfect, of course, i would come to you guys, no problem, for your have an incredible reputation! 😀 if you buy something from a shop, u have nothing to go on but their word that its in good shape, but they aren’t into windstones, so they don’t have the “eye” for and damage, like flea bites, or rub offs of paint on toenails. you guys are incredibly honest on reporting a micro blips if they dare come up with your stuff, which i think i only saw twice. anyhoo, you guys do all the work for someone who wants rare pieces and you handle all the baloney to provide a mint piece. its all good.i would feel total peace of mind buying from you if i was looking for that particular something.thats worth alot!
              me, yeah i was sad for a few that i lost my coiled the other day, cuz i love a bargain, but hey i’ll live, its common enough, there are plenty of other pieces i like out there was a bargain, thats it. 🙂 i would mention that, just like you said, i just got a couple pieces today from a shop and they had massive damage undisclosed to me, leaving me ho hum about both the piece and the seller, so that is a perfect example of what the service you provide bypasses. at this point i would have paid extra to not get the mess i got today! lol!
              warm n fuzzy thoughts everyone, cuz there are plenty of other folks out to snap great pieces up too, at least thru bt we have a second chance at em! lol! my biggest loss was an emerald sun dragon for 157 bought by a walk in customer, not a person on the phone.everyones out for da good stuff! thank you bt for offering a no-baloney chance at perfect pieces!:)

              in reply to: New addition to collection and more windstones found #546704

                not you don’t get the duh prize! you’re fine! i didn’t assume their names either! i had to go look for their post. i forgot the b meant bob! lol! oh boy what a week! lol! its been a long week for everyone i think! its hard balancing getting the old stuff you want before it dissappears/becomes unaffordable and wanting new stuff! oy! i am loving the new calico flap cats and i really shouldn’t! help!!

                in reply to: New addition to collection and more windstones found #546702

         she introduced herself as tina when she joined the forum as dragon keeper/BT as in…bt = bob and tina. 😉
                  just like ebay, all’s fair buying from shops, but if you want a fair/low/list price on something in particular, maybe get it kinda quick. there are lots of people calling in general though. there was only one place i called where i was the first recent caller on the collection. peeps are out for them especially the orientals and kirins! well, peeps and shops are asking for both back with gusto, as they get customers asking for them ALL the time, so if they are brought back in a new color, they all will do very well, from what i have heard!! 😀

                  in reply to: FINALLY! #546611

                    i hear you on that one! i hope you get it! i wanted that one too, but i’ll let ya have it 🙂 – i hope the good karma lets me win my uni gargoyle- that is one i simply must have, one of those soul pieces, i would hate to lose it, just as you would hate to lost that bat cat! oh the anxiety is unbearable!!

                    in reply to: New addition to collection and more windstones found #546700

                      cool beans! well, let me tell you places i have called have been cleaned out by a woman by the name of TINA from NEW YORK who had bought out all their goodies. arches eyebrow………. yeah real bad, lol. i heard that from near a dozen stores now, several items of which i had an unofficial hold on..”yeah, this tina lady this, ya know this lady named tina from ny bought all that” so funny( well not funny) hearing it over and over again, the shop keepers anywhere from bursting out laughing to getting a little sore. shes been a busy bee! i had snatched from me personally a female kirin in arizona by her, but my fault for now having money down on her. i got the male though, so pffffffffttttttt! i lost the coiled peacock and young oriental in peacock too, she called before i could call back cuz i was at work. i was less than enthused let me tell ya! anyhoo, grab that stuff you want in stores, cuz if you don’t, someone else WILL ! i lost the two peacocks by minutes!

                      in reply to: decoart paint pen #546689

                        stupenderific! i just wanted be totally sure! phew! oh boy now i have totally ants in the pants to go get it, but they closed our roads in and out of town due to flooding from our rainy day here! lol! oohh i’m all kinds of excited now!! thank you thank you! (does happy dance and trips on dog)

                        in reply to: decoart paint pen #546688

                          oh COOOOOOOOOOOOOL! so it does match! oh GLEE! i can go down there tomorrow and get it then! thats amazing that it matches, as i tried a marker that they had out near it and it acted like a normal boring marker. must have been a different type. thats reassuring. i didn’t want to get the wrong thing as companies love to play off other peoples product names to make themselves look better.they had a krylon liquid leaf pen too there, in silver and gold which looked cool, but they were 9 bucks a pop so i held off. i wonder how that would be for doing nice silver toenails…i wrote down exactly what yours was called so i don’t get the wrong thing…thank you! weee!

                          in reply to: decoart paint pen #546684

                            hmm. very mysterious. i’m not dummy when it comes to this stuff., but this little pen is a tuffy! i checked pearl paint, dick blick and michaels (in person), to no avail. i was really surprised at that!! at michaels they where total dunces as usual, i spoke to the manager at the ignorance or their employees actually- one of theirs instructed a customer totally unfamiliar with the world of clays to mix water to sculpey to make it more pliable and to be sure to wrap up oil based clay as it will dry out quickly if it is left out! she said you could leave water based clay out as long as you like though! lol! i butted in and instructed to customer correctly of course. like, duh!!!!!
                            anyhoo, there i did see the decocolor brand pen, i DID find that, but i was a little hesitant as i wasn’t sure if was the REAL thing. i know melody and dragonfeathers stated before to use the medium point, as the fine ones drip. is it really the same thing? i look to go to an art school store where i think i should be able to get it this weekend, as they have a good selection of stuff, but i figged i would ask here just to make sure i wasn’t losing my gourd!

                            in reply to: FINALLY! #546607

                              yeah, does that give you peace of mind or what in regards to his packing ability? lol! a little scary, but he should be able to give it a pretty pimpin’ packing job for 25 bucks! hopefully!

                              in reply to: decoart paint pen #546681

                                anybody know where the heck to get one of these buggers?! i have checked a bunch of places for them and found, in some cases, decoart paint, but no paint pens. where have y’all found yours? i had wanted to touch up my older pieces but now i got my ruby lap today from grandio and (i hate to say it) it has some sloppy gold detailing that needs real help! i honestly might even need ruby paint to cover up the gold that got brushed/dropped onto the scales n feet, ( i know bottles of touchup paint are sent out to some folks for certain situations) but i’m not sure if i’d be able to get ruby touch up paint as it was different from their normal paint right? who would i talk to for that? i REALLY love the magic sealant they use to try to take the sharpness out of the very matte, gritty areas (its more matte than my black gold lap)…
                                in general its amazing how each paint job varies; my ruby scratcher is pure perfection everywhere and very shiny like a new sports car, but my lap is funny, almost like it didn’t even get sealant in some places, with a real grit to it and then the biff ups in the gold detailing…well, everyones human. input is super duper welcome!!

                                in reply to: Okay gang… #543666

                                  i’m looking to, yes. i just need to figure pricing, etc. plus get some pieces stocked to start with. its a little intimidating, but it shouldn’t be as scary as ebay right? i do custom sculptures all the time, but i’ve been a little shy on the custom paint job thing… i know i shouldn’t but i can’t help it. 😳 i just wanted to make sure i have time for everything too, since i do work part time. hmmmm i’m worrying too much.

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