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  • in reply to: I know you cant put them in store, but WOW! #838549

      Money draw aside, in my opinion, I don’t feel you should think in your head with self talk, that you’re wasting your time. For pity sake – we buy the foil sculpts you make!!! Thing is, with this level of not only talent, but passion and individual care to each piece, your love gets channeled. Not to sound all new age-y on you, but when I get pieces direct from the factory, they always come with the most loving and calming energy. We are into that over here as we’re very spiritual people (not to be confused with religious; and not to say one is better than the other).

      Nope. Never feel you’re wasting your time Mel. You will ALWAYS upon ALWAYS till the day you glove your hands and hang up your paintbrushes and airbrush, will have numerous collectors and fans of your work, clamoring to possess any piece you make. Yes, there may be collectors and fans of only dragons, same as with only hoofers. I feel our collection in this house represents everything well. But it does become obvious after some looking, just what we favour here. And believe me, we’d have more if only we really could afford eBay. In this economy we consider ourselves lucky to get the In Store pieces (between paying off medical bills for the last decade which, once they are gone for her, will open her up much more to getting more pieces she sparks at; and paying off the ouchies the car got [not an accident; just parts needing replacing on what is already a very spoiled car so we kinda didn’t expect it] and helping out my aunt, or Jillian’s mom with getting her Lynx Pt Siamese’s health back on track — he’s in a tricky place right now and is already slated to be on SubQ fluids for the rest of his life but this is all money we are helping her out with even when she doesn’t want to take it. She’s like a second mom to me, and was so good to me and her daughter Jillian when we were kids, we owe her anything she could possibly want, even when she doesn’t ask. She currently enjoys all your Siamese versions, and Birman cause it really does look very Siam, small Bird Winged Flap Cats!)

      What Im boiling down to in a less than Cliff Notes version, is that the work you do, it might not live up to your perfectionist standards, but for us, even the “rescue” pieces, we still can’t find any flaws that made them rescues in the first place! Your work in this field is top notch and I think all of us here have done tons of mythical and fantasy shopping of figurines and I KNOW we all agree that you’re the best. And I challenge anyone to challenge me on that blanket statement. I never put myself on the line, however, in this certain case, Jillian and I feel your work is so far beyond tremendous talent, it’s like you’re truly divinely gifted. I’ve never seen work like your’s before. Though some idiots do try to rip off your molds (backhanded compliment if you look at it just right) as well as rip off your poses (another back handed compliment … if you’re going to copy someone, you copy the best).

      For me, I don’t say these things to make your day. I don’t set out to do that because then it sounds like lip service and disingenuous. When I say what I do, I mean to curry no favor and am simply saying my opinion(which is Jillian’s as well; we can talk about you and your Windstone work for hours upon hours at one time), calling it as *I* see it, and complimenting you from the bottom of my heart. There is no reason that when someone does something right, or something generous, or something stunning, that they shouldn’t be commended on it. Our society seems to favor the negative complaint department more than giving compliments or kudos where they are due. It’s been a practice of Jillian’s and mine as well as our other cousins, to try to change the world in our own teeny tiny little way, and shine the light of compliment on those, in OUR opinions, we really feel have tremendous talent, AND a generous spirit and helpful heart. You embody all, and more.

      For those of you that think I’m kissing up to Melody, I feel badly for your cynicism. I never understood why I can’t compliment someone without others thinking I’m trying “to work her.” I get nothing from her. I don’t even enter raffles because I currently live in a house with a collector that DOES enter some raffles. But she doesn’t get preferential treatment either. Just because someone is being nice and saying something nice to someone else, does not mean we have an agenda. And I’m personally saddened that our society comes down on people for that because of their own warped way of thinking … “oHHH, she’s schmoozing her – she must hope Melody gives her something.” Hardly. Melody works her heart out for all of us, does more than any artist I’ve ever enjoyed, and whats more, she gets personally involved with her fans via the forum as well as free gifts of her work which many of you have received, the holiday cards, etc. But without her heart, while her talent would remain but those generous gifts, including listening to our CONSTANT squeaks (I’m part of that too), *that* is generosity of heart. She goes above and beyond.

      Now that my novella is done, what would have taken me a few sentences in person to get my point across, has turned into what would seem to some, as a lunacy post. But I’m only concerned with how it affects Melody. The rest of you, you either do know me and “get it,” or you don’t and you think I’m crazy on toast. I don’t care. Why should I shy away from complimenting Melody on such wonderful work, just because some of you think I’m a kiss ass. I won’t change who I am and who I was brought up to be. So keep up the great work Melody. You keep out doing yourself and next time you feel you’re wasting time, remember that someone’s trash is someone else’s treasure. Everything you do will always upon always, be bought. Might not be the exact amount you’re hoping for or need, but the interest in the work is there. And keep up that good work … and yes, I will ask that you keep us Store only people in the back of your mind since so many of us can’t afford eBay. But most of all, just thanks for listening and reading. Im glad you felt what I said, made your day. Seeing your work around the house, makes our day each and every day and brings frisky fun atmosphere as well as conversational piece provocation to the house. So, thank you – however you want to receive it (as sincere or as kiss ass; only you can feel it inside but I’m letting you know I’m meaning for it to come across as genuine and sincere).

      “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

      in reply to: Fantasy colored unicorns and pegasi? #838354

        etruscan wrote:

        I also am looking forward to seeing it, though when I first saw “palominto” I thought it meant “palomino + pinto”. I never even thought of green! 😕

        Me too! Or, me neither, depending on how you read that!

        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

        in reply to: Fantasy colored unicorns and pegasi? #838347

          I just made a thread that ohhss and ahhss about the Zeppard Male Unicorn on eBay. I’m stunned and floored by its beauty. As for true fantasy colours (not just patterning), I’m all for trying out fantasy colours for fantasy animals. We’ve got a host of real colours but I think at least a small run of in store fantasy coloured hoofers or Flap Cats would be tremendous. I’d not shoot down the idea of having real life colours of the hoofers in Store too. Obviously, if you can’t already tell, my first and huge hollered vote goes for BUCKSKINS!

          “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

          in reply to: I know you cant put them in store, but WOW! #838543

            Oh Melody! While I’m very aware you can’t put such complicated designs in the store (but I’d soooo buy them if you did!), I had to compliment you on that Bengal OW on eBay as well as that incredibly spectacular Zeppard Male Unicorn. I about died when I saw that. Blew my socks right the heck off! I can’t stop looking at him. And for what it’s worth, I think patterning on the dragons is such a cool idea. The sculpt itself (all dragons, like all your work) have immense detail in the mold alone, but when you go and add such intricate patterns to it, it becomes 3-D to my eyes, which is a VERY good thing. I’m drooling and hate that I never win the lottery. I wish I did because I would buy up that Zeppard Male Unicorn in a second, and hope to rope the entire family. Yes, we’re equine people here however, the colour scheme in and of itself, I’d buy both the bengals (which we have of those in Store) and Zeppards without thinking twice. Such a feast for the eyes and just when I thought you couldn’t be more talented, you keep out doing yourself. That must be a super feeling being an artist. You keep topping yourself, and you keep your fans wanting more and on the edge of our seats. Though we can never afford eBay pieces, they are still so lovely to see and I hope that a forum member is lucky enough to get the winning bid. If I ever meet your Muse, I’m taking her/him to dinner to thank them for the inspiration they shower on you!

            “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

            in reply to: Grackle griffies? #837153

              I think whats great about mythical creatures, is that we can let our minds run wild and experiment with fantasy colours on fantasy animals. I’m not suggesting to put purple Griffins in retail stores, but certainly fantasy coloured Flap Cats or Griffins or equines would be a nice change of pace. A small batch would likely sell out and you can see how many people are struck by and interested in them. I do however, understand the desire to play with natural colours on the mythical creatures that come closer to real life animals such as Griffins (with birdie colours) and the cats. I still like the idea of being bold and playing with fun colours on the creatures though. I mean, the dragons got pink… but we (us here in the house) love all your work, and while we might favour other colours over another (such as we are not fans of the natural white or pearl here), we enjoy seeing everything you do. And if it’s the right sculpt that we collect all of (ie. Curlies, small Flaps, etc), we’ll get them in ALL colours you do.
              Buckskin buckskin buckskin buckskin buckskin buckskin buckskin buckskin 😆

              “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

              in reply to: BW Spotted Beagle Griffins? #837138

                ^ ^ ^ Boy do I hear that! We just happened to get lucky this time, which was a very rare treat. Third batch must be the charm! Now, if we can just be online when she releases those Males, it will be a complete Griffin family not just in colour, but in ALL the Griffins (save for the Pearl adults which just don’t do it for us; tho if we really wanted them, know where to score them). But I think we got lucky this time, because Melody responded not only so quickly to this thread, but favorably and affirmed she’d be doing them soon. She was our luck in this case.

                “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                in reply to: BW Spotted Beagle Griffins? #837134

                  We couldn’t afford the chicks right now either but got them and owe someone in the family, for stepping up. She’ll be repaid as soon as we get our paychecks. But at least we knew they were coming based on what Mel said above, so we could ask her if she could stand in for us. This time, she could with the stipulation that we pay her right back next week when we get paid. So really, for us, because we bought the whole Siamese family back to back when they came out (both chicks in one and then both adults), we blew our luxury spending allowance right there. But it occurred to us to ask Melody, since they did new coloured Griffins (Siams), if she was going to do any of the ones we’ve been squeaking on and off for since Sept 2009. I figured if new griffins came out, they obviously had castings, so wanted to know what happened to all the squeaks for the last new colour Griffin which was this one. I knew there were a lot of people out there that have not finished collecting this family, as well as those that have not gotten even one yet, especially out of those that collect Griffins more so than other pieces.

                  I feel badly that asking or bringing light to the topic, caused an unfortunate timing incident for you Siberakh1. I wish there was something I could do to help you out. But even we needed help getting the chicks here, or else Id find some way to try and get a pair on reserve somehow. But me personally, I can’t (which doesn’t help you to hear, I know). I think I read somewhere, maybe in description or alert email, that there will be more spotted chicks coming soon. Thats something to hold onto, sweetie! And I think now that Melody’s memory is jogged (I know she can’t remember all our rumblings) that she’ll get this colour out so that everyone that wants them can have them. I remember that being a pledge on time I was reading somewhere and it made me think, “wow, what an involved and amazing artist to pay *that* much attention to her fans requests and needs, desires and wants, when she could easily just go her merry way and make anything and still make the money because whatever she makes will sell. That she’d take the time to revisit an older colour (tho I don’t consider this one old like the original Black Peacock is old) to appease our requests and squeaks and squawks. I’m willing to bet but by no means speak for Melody, that there will be more of this family colour soon, and that everyone will have that chance to finish the sculpt in this colour as well as those that collect by sculpt and be able to get the ones missing (such as those that only collect Male Griffins but do not yet have the BW Spotted one).

                  Good luck all, and thanks again, MELODY, for doing this and so fast too! I do NOT mind waiting just a little bit of recovery time for the Male – and he’s even our favourite! Anyone else that already can afford him, can put the money aside knowing he’s coming up, but those of us that are waiting on money, we could use a little tiny week or so break before another large sculpt drops! Now I’m just hoping that another sculpt we collect is not released between then or we’ll be in trouble!!! (money wise)

                  “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                  in reply to: BW Spotted Beagle Griffins? #837132

                    Thank you Melody, from me, Jillian and our Mama Spotted Griffin for she’s been informed her chicks are on the way to her! She’s very excited and can’t stop squawking (which is no quiet chirp considering she’s a mighty Griffin)! We told her that her Male is in production and she is excited for him as well. Can’t wait to see him and hope that like this time, there is either a large enough batch to go around, and that we’re online at the time of release of those! We should have our pay checks by then, assuming it’s after the 15th.

                    But thank you from all of us over here, for getting out some more spotted chickies! Was waiting for so long! Glad that you were able to jump on this so fast, it really was like making a wish and having it come true. Thanks for listening, not only in this case, but for always being so attentive and generous with your fans and collectors of your work. I think I speak for everyone here when I say a collective, “we love you.” I’ll take the beating if anyone chooses to challenge me on that!

                    “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                    in reply to: No email alert #837748

                      Actually, I received a PM that someone took back, probably because I didn’t open/respond. However, I never got email notification that it was there. And I have never had trouble before when it came to email notifications. There is NO spam guard on the email used; believe me, it lets everything through! So yeah, I’d say I had trouble recently. But I’ve not been here a lot. However, if we get email notifications of PMs, we do come here to check them even if were not chatting here as much. That’s how I know that one was missed. It was still in the inbox, but it said it was “Unsent” or taken back by the sender before it was sent (which in and of itself makes no sense because if it was taken back before the sender sent it, what was a ghost of it doing in my mailbox, right?)

                      “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                      in reply to: BW Spotted Beagle Griffins? #837130

                        The Male is our favorite of the Griffins too (easiest to display). And one of our overall favorite works that Melody has done. We were hoping the release of these Males would be after the 15th (sounds like it will be). That’s when we get paid and know that we have the money for that sculpt. Seems the release timing should be wonderful – now one of us just has to be online at the very right time. We haven’t had luck with the first 2 batches released and have always been met with “Currently Out of Stock.” As you can see by the Chicks description, we’ve been waiting for them since 9/22/09! Over a year is a long time to wait, so I sympathize with our mama griffin being so worried, upset and concerned for her family.

                        Thank you, Melody! :yes: :bye:
                        Sway and Jillian

                        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                        in reply to: 999 #832163

                          purplecat wrote:

                          Is there a security setting of some sort to guard against single members with multiple email addresses sending more than one entry? They could also use a neighbors or perhaps even parents address to muck up the works… seems odd to me that there are three times the number of entries than there are people who voted on an “Are you here?” poll…..

                          Then again….that all may just be some paranoia on my part…. 😳

                          Heres how I see it cause I’m on your train of thought. I don’t even enter the raffles because I live in a house with a member that use to come here, and she enters the raffles. So I do not. Just to keep it fair – for some reason, I don’t feel I should enter. But thats neither here nor there…

                          I have to admit, I bet there was a spike in members when the word gets out periodically, that Melody does FREE raffles. I also have noticed, that while I pretty much recognize everyone here that says they are lurkers or don’t post much (and I’m not that old a member either but I still recognize your names), soooo many of those raffle winners … never heard of them in my life. If I’m curious, as I tend to be, I check them out and they have maybe, 3-5 posts, if not 1 total. I can’t say that for ALL of them, that they are here only for the raffles, but numbers are statistics and stats don’t lie. Everyone wants something for free. I get disappointed when I see a member that signed up a few months ago, win a raffle and yet a member that not only has been active here, but been on here since like, 2007, has never won ANY raffle they have entered (not talking about me or my cousin who was a member; remember, I don’t enter them tho I do cheer for what I would like so Melody gets to hear what people like in case she gets ideas for the Store).

                          So to me, her 350 email list has a lot to do with people interested in raffles only, and it was that pure motivation to sign up. Again, just my opinion but I call it like I see it and thats how I see it. I’m not saying you should have to post a lot to enter, but something is just fishy to me. And I know fish when I smell it! :shrug:

                          “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                          in reply to: Grackle griffies? #837150

                            Gee – wonder what colour scheme I would ask you to do?!?! Hmmm…

                            it’s natural!!

                            “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                            in reply to: BW Spotted Beagle Griffins? #837125

                              Uploaded with

                              “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                              in reply to: BW Spotted Beagle Griffins? #837122

                                Oh yay! Will definitely pounce on the Griffin Chicks!!! Male is our favourite over here but since we already have momma, she can be appeased without her mate (for now) by being joined by her chickies! Now, the trick is to be online at the time they come into the store! Already on the waiting list but again, need to be online to field Susie’s alert in order to get them cause I’m willing to bet, they will “fly” out of the store very quickly!

                                Dont mind waiting a little bit for the Male Spotted ones (not too long!) because we just blew it on the entire Siamese family. But we just got them and boy are they worth it. They are stunning and being that we’ve always (still do) have had Siamese cats in our family and daily lives, we appreciate the color scheme. But like I said, poor Spotted momma has just been so very lonely for so long now! We don’t want any adultery going on in our Griffin families!

                                Thanks for the quick response Melody. Hope you’re staying warm!
                                Sway and Jillian

                                “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                                in reply to: BW Spotted Beagle Griffins? #837120

                                  Hi Melody,
                                  I was asked to ask you about the coming around of these sweeties again. We’ve been waiting for them (well, we have the female) since the year you first did the Male which was 2009 I think. Somewhere in there. But with the amount of Siamese Chicks and Males that came out, and with SO many squeaks for the BW Spotted’s to come back so everyone can have at least one, we wonder if you will ever do them again? It’s the only Griffin colour we have that only has one member. The rest of the families are full and on display. And our female is quite lonely and rather hormonal at seeing the rest of her species families, all blended happy together. I know a lot is on your plate, but seeing as theres been new Griffins lately, we’re curious. We were hoping to have saved the money to finish that set before a new colour had come out.
                                  Thank you!

                                  “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                                Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 290 total)