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  • in reply to: Eastwick: NOW I'm ticked off! Grrr! #793589

      Oh! I loved Dead Like Me! That was an awesome show. I wished they had kept Rebecca Gayheart though. Still in all, I adore “George.” I was pleased when they came out with the mini movie that tied up loose ends- like seeing “Reggie” grow older and meeting “George” and understanding, etc.

      Okay, so according to the Sunday paper which brought the TV guide with it, there *is* a new episode of Eastwick coming up this Wednesday. So hopefully they are finishing up the season. However, I’ve read way too much that the show is in fact, canceled. So I highly doubt there will be a second season. While this does bum me out very much, at least they have the decency to finish the season they started. No boycotting ABC for me-this time!

      Would be nice if ABC would move Flash Forward to Wednesday night though. There are too many 8pm shows on Thursday nights for me to handle (no, I dont have TiVo or the like). We watch Survivor, our guiltiest pleasure. And we tape Vampire Diaries and Flash Forward. Bones is left out in the cold and we love that show (have watched it from the beginning and have always hoped that though the show is somewhat based on Kathy Reichs in a sense, that, while brilliant, we hope she isn’t really that socially inept; dumbest smart person on TV). We decided to tape Flash Forward instead of Bones because there is a better chance for encores or repeats of Bones in the off season, on TNT. Everything would be perfect if they would just move one show from 8pm Thursdays, to any other night!

      “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

      in reply to: ARG!! eBay seller being cagey? RESOLVED #792358

        I just keep getting confused. I read an auction that says from ebay (the seller didn’t type it) that “estimated delivery time is X-X days after seller receives cleared payment.” So this befuddles my mind. If Paypal is holding for 21 days, then the seller isn’t receiving cleared payment until then. But yet buyers are supposed to receive their items and leave positive feedback before the seller can retrieve payment? I knew I couldn’t stand ebay. They run in circles.

        An aside- we contacted a seller recently and asked if they understood the Paypal holding policy, etc. They are a single digit (but seem very legit) seller, and said they haven’t been to ebay in a while so this was news to them. That they understood but are hoping to communicate with ebay and get that holding time down some based on the fact they have perfect feedback. Dunno. But I doubt that will work but hey, who am I to stand in the way of their trying.

        Keep us posted D4L… I’m still ubber annoyed for you and want to come out higher than you went into this auction. I love griffs and pleased you got one but based on this aggravation, I want more for you! So what, I’m greedy like that!

        ** I was just thinking further- does Windstone have to wait the 21 day hold when they ebay things? I’d think/hope such an established company with impeccable track record and mega seller, would be given a sanction for this rule. Am I wrong? Do they have to wait too? :poop:

        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

        in reply to: Eastwick: NOW I'm ticked off! Grrr! #793587

          :grumbles vehemently:
          I can’t stand these networks taking shows off the air right in the middle to end of a first season. For pity sake, the Eastwick season was likely only a few weeks away from wrapping, just let the darn season end and then don’t pick it up for a second season. I liked this show (which is saying something since so much on TV has gone to the dogs; like if it’s not a ‘love or sex’ reality show, they won’t produce it). Now, according to various sites (including ABC), they’ve axed it. This keeps happening to things I like and it’s ticking me off! 👿 🙄 :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: The F/X network as been a great offender for me lately having squashed Dirt and The Riches. Nip/Tuck is likely to follow and I love me my Julian!

          It’s bad enough that all networks with all shows have cut seasons down to the bare bones. It use to be that a season would be about 20 or so episodes long. Now we get what, like 9 shows for an entire season? And what’s with this “mid season finale” crap?! Everyone’s greedy and they don’t do diddly for the shear pleasure of their craft anymore. Besides, their salaries are way out of proportion compared to the people in the world that really deserve that kind of money like doctors and people who make the world a truly better and safer place.

          Sorry for the rant but, such is life.

          “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

          in reply to: ARG!! eBay seller being cagey? RESOLVED #792356

            I was just going to say, it seems like most of these idiot offenders are new ebay sellers; ones that have low numbers (not low feedback) over all. Just dealing with a few pieces on ebay, say, less than 10.

            I don’t use ebay but I know those that do. I plan to pass along the knowledge that during the auction process, especially if dealing with new sellers, to ask the question during active auction, if they know and understand the PayPal and ebay policy about the 21 day hold. And ask if they understand that Paypal is going to hold all the auction money I pay, until I get the piece and leave feedback. Making sure they understand this.

            Then if something occurs such as is happening to you, then I can rule out their not knowing about the hold. That it must be something else. What is happening to you is making my blood boil. It’s not even happening to me but based on various experiences through out life that I can sort of relate to with regard to your story, I am getting hives from annoyance for you!

            “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

            in reply to: Any Lady Gaga fans? #793466

              lamortefille wrote:

              Well, I don’t know if she writes her own material, but whoever wrote it gets an A++ for the “hook”. The song is still rolling around in my head a day later. 😈 :shout: 😆

              Hook- that is exactly what got me for that song. I don’t care what an artist looks like or how they perform, but if I find myself stuck with one of their songs in my head for a certain length of time, and I’m not pulling my hair out, then chances are I will like at least one of their CDs. I’ve heard her name around for a long time but never paid any attention. Then I ran across that song during late night and then it was on a TV show. Then I got “hooked” on it 😀

              I do find her run of the mill and generic and like Frozen said, I can barely tell her apart from the rest of young musical Hollywood. I don’t find her unique. But I don’t care. I’ll just grab her CD off the discount rack at WalStore or something. I have yet to go to Amazon but I’m about to mosey on over.

              Hook- you plucked that word right out of my head!

              “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

              in reply to: Weird signs #793528

                I haven’t looked through that site yet, but when you mentioned it and I saw an example, I thought of one of the images that have been in our arsenal for years:

                I love that one!

                “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                in reply to: Any Lady Gaga fans? #793461

                  YouTube is crashing my computer so I can’t use it. I’m going to try to find some site that has snippets of songs (if anyone knows a site that does the MP3 player thing right off the bat for samples, please let me know).

                  Not at all interested in her videos. It’s the music I’m after and if some of her other singles are in similar vein to Bad Romance, then I might like that release that Bad Romance is on. I have seen the video to that song and sure, it is shock value which seems to suit her fine. But to tell the truth, so much in Hollywood these days, especially by younger stars, is all about shock value. When it’s done too much, we start to see everything and nothing raises an eyebrow anymore. I watched the video and thought, “whatever,” not caring one way or the other.

                  Even Madonna. I love her but grew up with her. After so many years of being semi shocked, I think after SEX came out (that was the book, right? I’m brain fading right now) and the album that came around with it (geez memory stinks… Ecstasy maybe), she couldn’t shock me one iota after that.

                  So yeah, I’m not interested in Gaga’s performance, only what she sounds like and is she cool (for me) to drive to. Anymore opinions, please add them! For those that did, thank you!

                  “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                  in reply to: Any Lady Gaga fans? #793454

                    I don’t know Lady Gaga’s music well at all. But, during night channel surfing, when it landed on MTV, her recent song Bad Romance was on. I like the song. For me, she kind of sounds like Cher and though I’ve never owned any of Cher’s work either, I am curious if this song, Bad Romance, is indicative of how the rest of that album sounds. Does anyone know? Is this song representative of how Lady Gaga normally sounds? Thanks!

                    “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                    in reply to: ARG!! eBay seller being cagey? RESOLVED #792351

                      You go gettem D! I hope this works out painlessly for you in the end. Sorry you won’t get the piece you won but hopefully you will get fully reimbursed… there should be interest for your troubles!

                      “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                      in reply to: Griffs, Flaps and Coiled Moms #790494

                        Thank you for the information you two! I understand now, both points.

                        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                        in reply to: Welcome Sway #789721

                          Yeah, she’s a hottie potatie! Wicked fast so she always has great times and in jump offs, she rules. She loves her work- and she isn’t a youngin’ either. These Grand Prix classes, while usually the highest jumping event save for the Puissance classes at select shows, don’t phase her. She rarely pulls a rail. You can see that she’s clearing 4’9″ – 5′ fences with air. I love the galloping shot cause you can see our friend urging her forward (not for speed) to drop a stride between fences, which she did and the crowd “ohhh!” collectively. She is one of the smaller horses too, for what she does and she amazes everyone. She kicks tail in the Hit and Hurry classes and puts many others to shame. Smaller size is to her advantage there regardless of the height of fences. Her ground manners are impeccable and when there is a cool nip in the air, she is a cutie and sniffs it with a little jaunty hop in her step in the mornings.

                          An aside, if you don’t see me around here, please know that all of us over here are having internet connection problems- don’t ask cause I don’t know. But all the computers here are having fits, only with the internet. It’s happened before, perhaps once every year and half. But, it’s happening now so if I lag in response or seem to disappear, that’s why.

                          “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                          in reply to: Griffs, Flaps and Coiled Moms #790490

                            Hrmph. An ebay seller says there will be no more of the Spotted Griffin chicks made. I’m hoping that what Melody said here refers to the entire Spotted [Beagle] Griffin family, and that like the adults, the chicks will be made again too. I know many of us would like to gather the family and I only have the female. And I’m hoping the ebay seller is wrong! I’m sweating now… 🙄 :shout: 😮 😈 … 🙂

                            “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                            in reply to: WOW! #792708

                              NicoleH wrote:

                              Off topic but i personally like the realistic unicorn/pegasus color because it makes it more real for me. like maybe one of my horses will pop out a horn or a pair of wings one day 😆 I have yet to see an un-natual hoofer color that i like… but maybe someday that will change (but i kind of doubt it if its this color on them) squeek* for dragons 😀

                              I completely get what you’re saying about realistic equine hues for the fantasy hoofers. And it might sound contradictory to what I’d expressed earlier, but I agree with you. There have been times I’d like to have plopped a horn on my horses and/or painted them some funky colour to make them fantasy. So why not realistic colors for fantasy sculpts too, right? I get it, I do.

                              I just figured since I have rarely seen fantasy hoofers in fantasy colours except for plush toys, I thought deviating from the too popular white would be nice. I’m ever so in love with the black hoofers. And I’d not turn away from any hoofer colour Melody would come out with, unless it had too much white in it. I prefer my colours to smack me in the face and open my eyes wide. I don’t even wear white. Too clinical for me.

                              So, whatever colours Windstone would decide to come up with for hoofers, I’ll enjoy! I just think a rip roarin’ tie-dye (not rainbow but rather the pattern of tie dye which I doubt is possible) Young Unicorn would rock!

                              “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                              in reply to: Welcome Sway #789718

                                Here are just a very few photos you wanted. Can’t find original CD as there are tons more, but these are some of the proofs (which is why there is a copyright proof stamp on it). Proofs usually have this however, my cousin (they are her photos) has had unfortunate luck with her photos online. Be they in chat or in photo accounts, she’s had them hacked and stolen for whatever reasons (not just horse pics). So she tends to only share the proofs online. At least if someone tries to take them, they will have a Photoshop job in front of them. Anyhoo, here are a few:

                                “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                                in reply to: Welcome Sway #789716

                                  I was in the candy zone, what can I say?! I don’t eat either but remember them from my youth. I always wanted Goobers, or, as we called them, the poor man’s M&Ms. And mom always wanted me to have Raisinettes (if she allowed me candy at the time) because she felt they were a tad more nutritious because of fruit XD :yum:

                                  OK, now I have a hankerin’! It’ll pass 😀

                                  We need a “D’oh!” bop on forehead emoticon for those “doy” moments (or, as a blonde I can say… Blonde moments)

                                  “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                                Viewing 15 posts - 241 through 255 (of 290 total)