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  • in reply to: Finding the Easter Egg (or, hidden things in Windstones) #564465

      SilverArrow wrote:

      siberakh1 wrote:

      ooooh… I just checked my female griffin and I found three! w00t! That’s so kewl! 😀

      I checked my male dragon, but I don’t know if I found it or not. 😕

      I hope it’s ok to ask, but what is the third thing?

      I just edited my post. Does that help?

      in reply to: Finding the Easter Egg (or, hidden things in Windstones) #564462

        ooooh… I just checked my female griffin and I found three! w00t! That’s so kewl! 😀

        EDIT: The third is a peace symbol under the right wing (near the back haunches).

        I checked my male dragon, but I don’t know if I found it or not. 😕

        EDIT: There are some little lines up near the top that may say something, but my room is dark and I can’t tell. The ridges kind of remind me of hatchling feathers on the newborn griffs, but I don’t think that is it (though it does look different from the mother dragon).

        in reply to: Latest Commission Fjords for Copper! #563433

          They look awesome! 😯 Great job!

          That’s such a great idea copper! 😀 Hope the Fjord is recovering ok.

          in reply to: buy me buy me buy me #563357

            Awwww, we listen to you whippet! 😆 I’d try for him, but I have a convention this weekend and I’m low on funds as it is since my reimbursement check is rather late.

            in reply to: Stained glass #563495

              Ok… lets try this again (computer made me repost *grrrr*)

              Those designs look awesome! The griffin reminds me of a cover of a book I want to do in stained glass! It’s a griffin holding a sword with a clock tolling the 13th hour (it’s art that looks like stained glass). A woman I know has a stained glass store just down the street from me. Someday I’ll have time to take a class from her *sigh*

              in reply to: how would you feel about this? #563780

                I’d be extremely pissed off 👿

                I know they can’t avoid unrest, but they could have maybe changed the date, or offered refunds to those who didn’t want to go to those ports. People tend to chose cruises based off of where, not just the point that it’s a cruise.

                I’m sorry Whippet 🙁 At least you will have your gal with you on vacation 😕

                in reply to: Moon Griffin #558411

                  Sweet! Congrats DDVM and Nam! 😀

                  in reply to: Very sad news #562638

                    The first shooting was suspected to be a domestic dispute and police/security believed that the gunman had escaped off campus, so only that area of the campus had been blocked off. No one suspected the guy would cross campus to go shackle up another building and start shooting anything that moved. No one had any reason to believe or suspect that, as it is a freak, rare incident. It’s not exactly a violence prone area or campus. Ironically, the administration had a planned meeting to discuss security on campus because of what appears, at this time, to be 2 unrelated bomb threats in the last couple of weeks.

                    in reply to: Get in chat you sillies! Again on Sat April 21st! #563327

                      The firewall at work blocks chats 😥

                      Hey, I do work some nights, but if nothing blows up, it’s pretty dead 🙁

                      in reply to: Anyone in MA Get the Storm Hit? #562729

                        That looks like what my place had back in January with the ice storm, except ours was part of a tree and a whole powerpole (which I had been standing next to about 30 seconds before). I think it should go a bit to the left though dragon. Remind me never to ask you to trim any hedges 😉

                        Just the cable going in and out most of the day. LOTS of flooding. I drove home from Syracuse, NY yesterday morning and there were lots of people off the road (at least one fatal – the blue tarp was over the crushed front of an overturned car). One caravan about 2 vehicles ahead of me went spiralling across the three lane northway (I-87) driving home. It wasn’t a fun day to be on the road. By the time I left for work today, most the slush had melted away, but one major road south of me is closed (flooding from the Hudson… not too uncommon with this much water), and at least one road I drove to work on I am not taking home because it was up to the side of the road driving in. It will be over the road driving home. My aunt and uncle now have a very large duck pond for a backyard (and ducks actually dropped by today to test it out!).

                        One place south of me is evacuating people because the flooding. North of me got 8-14 inches of snow. Honestly, the flooding isn’t as bad as last June though when the Catskills and my brother got hammered. Knocked out I-88 in a section straight across that had to be totally rebuilt. That kind of flooding is unheard of in this area.

                        Is it spring yet?

                        in reply to: Very sad news #562624


                          The shooter didn’t just barracade the classroom. He tried to barricade the entire building 😯 Good thing he missed the construction entrance. This seems to give quite a bit more info than I’ve seen on some of the other reports.

                          in reply to: More pics! SO CUTE! #560916

                            tfsculptures wrote:

                            i bet you’ll have yours waiting for you tonight, i just got mine today finally!

                            Yup! My mom called me at work to let me know I got a package (it’s the only one that would possibly get her today!) and it is waiting for me on my bed. She even got it in before dad came home, so he is unawares 😈 (and can’t pick on me :wink:).


                            in reply to: More pics! SO CUTE! #560912

                              NOooooooo! Don’t spill it yet! My order is on the way, so I don’t know what the fuzzy is yet, but Susie said I should be getting one, so don’t spoil it yet (I think he’ll be here when I get home in the am – yay second shift!).

                              I know I sent an email with a .gif of fizzwidget (from the move The Dark Crystal) yelling and she said it would remind me a lot of fizzwidget! 😉

                              A little over four more hours to go before I can head home and see!

                              in reply to: Logo stones #562305

                                I’m with star and emerald. I had one dragon at college with me (white male) because I bought him when I was in college. I also was lucky enough to have a single every year thanks to have medical stuff on record (w00t!), except freshman year because I didn’t know I could get one (but that was before I had any windstones). I did add another piece or two (I know I added a male kirin – surprise auction for only $20 because it was mismarked!- and a peacock coiled dragon because a friend got him for me for christmas one year), but that wasn’t until I lived off campus and had an apartment shared with one other person. We didn’t have parties and my room was pretty much safe from intrusion. Dorms are not safe places for valuables that can be seen or easily found and sometimes, it really just comes down to opportunity for someone to try something that they normally wouldn’t consider if the temptation is there. Most things I either acquired or I kept home. I didn’t really ever come home after I left for college freshman year, except for quick trips and all of christmas break (and only because I had to). I worked summers at the college and didn’t leave for breaks. College was home for me 8)

                                I wouldn’t bring any limited production pieces or anything really hard to replace (my pieces weren’t hard to find at the time :P). Lots of people at college really aren’t careful with other people’s things. It gets worse when they add certain libations to their systems!

                                Ohh, if you bring some pyos, you might get some people interested and some commissions 😀

                                in reply to: Very sad news #562621

                                  Just heard it on the way into work (my cable has been in and out all day at the house because of the noreaster and winds playing with some of the lines). NPR spoke with one of the professors on the campus. He was located in the academic building (for engineering and sciences) that the second batch of shootings happened. He was in his office one floor above when the shootings started in. He heard the gunfire, saw people jumping from windows below and just locked his office and stayed until police broke the door in and told him to leave. He knew of one professor shot in the arm (stable) and another who was shot in the face and someplace else (unknown condition). The academic building is 1/2 mile from the dorms and, for reasons still unknown, police didn’t really arrive on campus, either in any real number or at all, after the first shooting at the dorm.

                                  The police (as of this time) have not said whether the gunman was a student, alum, or what, but witnesses have said he was in his 20s. The guy apparently went into one classroom, chained the door shut so people couldn’t get out, and started shooting. When he left for a moment, those remaining barracaded the door with their feet and would not let him back in, though he tried.

                                  Just a sick, disturbed individual. I don’t know if they will ever know why this guy did it. I checked and thankfully my fraternity doesn’t have a chapter there *whew*, but it’s heartbreaking just the same.

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