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  • in reply to: Grey/Labradorite Griffin Sneak Peek #570396

      I know mine stabilized more especially in the last few years around the end of college. I work with computers and always worry about eye strain. I switch out to glasses on days when my eyes feel a bit strained and take breaks when I can. I can’t even read sheet music without contacts or eye glasses because I’m pretty nearsighted. I thought they were really bad, but my eye doctor assured me I had a long way to go before I’d ever have to worry! 😀 Hopefully yours aren’t any different.

      in reply to: Flion question?? #570618

        ddvm wrote:

        Thanks for all the information. I didn’t realize there was so much out there! And when you watch the Kimba episodes it is amazing how similar some of the plot lines are.

        On the DVD case there is some info about it being the first Japanese anime here – might just be a selling point? It is very disappointing if Disney went ahead with the Lion King figuring their lawyers would just win the lawsuits *sigh* It’s getting so you can’t trust anyone. Walt would be turning over in his grave (if he was in a grave or is it a myth that he is frozen?)

        I think Kimba may have been the first color anime series in the US.

        Well, yes and no. Between him and Roy, Walt was the visionary. He had all these ideas and wanted them to happen and how he pictured them. Roy knew how do the financials and how to get things to happen. Walt was more of a ‘I want to see the results’. If you were an employee who didn’t agree with his vision or questioned it, you were seen as in the way. Kinda ruins the whole picture perfect image I had as a kid 😕

        in reply to: Have you visited the new store yet? #570902

          Yuppers! I’ve played on there twice. I had order ID number thirteen when I ordered my PYOs last Friday(the number amused me :P).

          I like it a lot. Other than the minor bugs that are still being worked out (like adding text to the drop down menus and such – all easy stuff to code and fix), it’s very clean and easy to navigate. I like it! 😀

          in reply to: Flion question?? #570615

            Melody wrote:

            ddvm wrote:

            purpledoggy wrote:

            I used to watch Kimba all the time when I was a kid. I didn’t know it was the first anime cartoon over here, lol.

            Me, too. I remember running home from kindergarden to watch it. I noticed alot of similarities when The Lion King came out but as far as nothing was ever proved that the writers got ideas from Kimba.
   If I was the judge in a case like this, I would come to a different conclusion! When I saw “The Lion King” for the first time I went on and on ( I do that) about how similar it was to a show I used to watch when I was a kid; about a white lion cub… (Wasn’t “Astro Boy” the first anime in the US?)

            Osamu Tezuka’s Tetsuwan Atomu (Astro Boy in the US) came to the US in late 1963- early 1964 thanks to it catching the attention of NBC. It premiered in Japan on New Year’s Day, 1963.

            Osamu Tezuka’s Janguru Taitei (Jungle Emperor), aka Kimba: the White Lion in the US, didn’t come to the US until 1966 (also because of NBC). It premiered in Japan in 1965.

            However, Manga Calendar (just before Tetsuwan Atomu) was the first Japanese Animated TV series, while Tetsuwan Atomu was the first one to feature an ongoing plot.

            Magic Boy (Shonen Sarutobi Sasuke) was the first Japanese animation to be released theatrically in North America (June 22, 1961 in the US, 1959 in Japan).

            The Lion King is such a rip off of Kimba, even though I like both 😛 Matthew Broderick even said when he was signed onto the deal initially to voice Simba, that he was signing on to a remake of the Kimba movie. One of the original story boards for the movie showed a white lion cub too (among many other things). I guess nothing proceeded anywhere because things changed from the original idea (though it still kinda sneaky to me and still a lot of “similarities”). Nobody ever said it was the most honest company in the world *shrug*

            in reply to: LAST CALL – Sign up for the 2nd PYO swap #555236

              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Nirvanacat13 wrote:

              I don’t have issues….I have a complete subscription 😉

              That’s going in my quote notebook. 😆

              I knew someone who had issues. Sorted by date and leather bound. 😆

              in reply to: OH MY SWEET GODDESS! #570833

                nightcrow wrote:

                Aww, she’s gorgeous!

                But what I *really* want to know is, where’d you get those white griffins?! ::Grins::

                The factory is out of stock of the chicks. I think you might be able to still get them, but I would ask. They were $60 a piece. I know they still have a few males left at $230 a piece. I don’t believe the females are available any longer, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. Melody will be coming out with some more females in the retired brown color, the retired black color and they are available now in the new, production wolf color.

                Check ebay for the female pearl griffs if you can’t get one at the factory. If you haven’t already, join the email notification list and watch the forum for announcements on the brown and black female and chick griffs 🙂 They are only going to be limited production.

                How to sign up for the email notification list is at the beginning of this thread:

                in reply to: OH MY SWEET GODDESS! #570814

                  HAHAHA! In the picture of you giving your SK a kiss, it looks like the Spectral is all bug eyed like, OMG! Scandalous! 😆 😆 😆

                  I’m glad she arrived safely! She looks absolutely lovely!

                  Now if only I could ever afford one… 🙄

                  in reply to: Young Unicorns are back in stock at Windstone! #570245

                    emerald212 wrote:

                    siberakh1 wrote:

                    Hurray! I was worried I’d have to start putting out an SOS for one if I didn’t find one in the next 2 weeks. *phew* 😀 Now I don’t have to rush to get him in the next two weeks 🙂

                    Which one? The Grand or the Young?

                    The young, because I see fewer of them around than the Grand. The Grand pops up fairly frequently on ebay, so I wasn’t as worried about him. Just means I can wait until the end of the month to get one. I need to see how May and my trip to CT at month end turns out before I do much in the way of ordering anything (gods knows what the gas will cost me) 😛 I’m trying to save up for something special at the same time *grin* *trying to be good*

                    in reply to: Grey/Labradorite Griffin Sneak Peek #570339

                      OMG! 😯 He’s totally awesome! 😀

                      in reply to: Young Unicorns are back in stock at Windstone! #570243

                        Hurray! I was worried I’d have to start putting out an SOS for one if I didn’t find one in the next 2 weeks. *phew* 😀 Now I don’t have to rush to get him in the next two weeks 🙂

                        in reply to: We can't all be rich (relative rant) #570225

                          Lupin wrote:

                          Hmm wonder if he really is that well off or just makes himself look that way? I have some family that are that way too! And the best slams can be very unobvious I mean he was shopping at Wally World himself! And our British freinds will probably know what I mean when I say they’re often just like “The Bucket Lady” from Keeping Up Apearences even if no one else does!! Sigh Mother is addicted to British TV, Comedy and Mystery in particular, but can I get her to watch an episode of Dr. Who?

                          I’ve only caught a few episodes of Keeping Up Appearances, but I totally know what you’re talking about. I love Are You Being Served and I’ve recently gotten into watching Monarch of the Glen. Poor Archie! Hurray PBS!

                          in reply to: Melody I just wanted to thank you #569041

                            Melody wrote:

                            I am still amazed by this forum and the comunity that has grown with it! May it never die! <3

                            As your siggie says – “All Hail the Creator!” 😀

                            in reply to: Grandparents funeral… #569292

                              tc_cat333 wrote:

                              Your right, usually the next of kin do everything… but I just realised that in this situation (because of my aunt) my grandmother made her laywer the power… hhmmm… I don’t think I will pull him into this… that would be mean…

                              Mean? Nah! Do it! 😈

                              in reply to: MINE!!!!! #569591

                                Wow! Quite the haul! Congrats and happy bday month to you! 😀

                                in reply to: VERY BAD NEWS!! #569254

                                  I’m sorry for your loss DM *hugs*

                                  Lake Tahoe is pretty good sized. I don’t think it’s illegal, but if you just go hiking off some place with a bundle in your backpack, no one will even be the wiser.

                                  We’re here for you if you need us *hugs again*

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