Thats funny . Yes ALS is horrible . I hadn’t heard her speak in 3 years . She had to write everything down . Oh it furstrated her many a time . Mind is sharp but the body isn’t . Sorry to hear that your aunt had it too .
The way we’ve had storms at night of late I doubt I’d see anything . I saw the story on the internet . And the metor shower . Well it will be fun for sky watchers .
Mouse is cute . Nice living memorial to her . She’s a cute kitty too . May the real Mouse live a long time with you and make your life wonderful as well . Then you’ll have the wolf and your memories .
Just read a piece on a man who has had trouble with neighbers over his 100 year old house that he has been remodeling to be a rental property . So he painted it with colorful poke a dots . I love it . As he said the pizza guy will never miss it .
Good for him and his neighbers who don’t like it even more now . Well they need to find the child within themselves .
Heck I’d live in it ! Oh what fun .
They do sing pretty . I love seeing them on drives and by the Mississippi River . Egrets , herons , bald eagles and I can’t wait for the gray pelicans to come back .