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OK guys, they’re going to hold on to everything for me, and they do all have their original boxes!
So the four of you who pounced on things will get them mint with their boxes.
There may have been other things on the shelf I happened to overlook, so if I see something else someone is looking for, I may pick it up.
No extra ki-rins or unicorns or orientals, sorry guys! All of those are spoken for. The white male and mom dragons are also taken.
It’s just the rainbow mom now. The lady I spoke with will let the manager know I’m coming, and she’ll hang on to things for me.
Good luck on the ki-rins, you guys, there are about four sets spoken for, which I kind of doubt they have!
All the ones I have listed are mint, I looked them over. Most have their hangtags, though there were a couple that didn’t.
I’d kind of doubt that they had the boxes, that store has moved a couple of times, but the prices they have on them are list, or just a few bucks over. Much, much cheaper than ebay! I’d keep them all for myself if I had the money, but I figured I’d share the wealth.
I have quite a list already, they won’t know what hit them! Especially since everything was dusty!
yes’m, I will ask!
I know how you feel, drag0n. I had that happen to me a couple weeks ago too. *pets* Maybe you’ll get lucky? I will ask, though.
yeah, got a PM pretty much right off the bat. I’m sorry! I’ll be calling tomorrow, and I’ll ask if they have another for you!
whippetluv wrote:more like a silverblue grey with dark points….but roan might just be the term for it.
Grulla. 🙂
I’ll call tomorrow after class and ask if they have a couple more sets, there was someone else who asked right after whippet did.
Ki-rins spoken for!
Mother Uni spoken for!
Edit: And I’ll be calling Tuesday evening before I head over to make sure everything is still there. It was all a bit dusty, so I really doubt it, but just to be safe!
They were all just above list, I think.
The mother unicorn, if I rememer right, was $100 or close to it
mother dragons $132 or so
Father ~$104And the kirins about the same, ‘roud $100 each.
There’s a store about an hour from me in Missouri that has a few retired goodies that I thought I’d tell you about.
I’ll be going back to pick up the two young orientals (peacock and young) and the emerald sun dragon for myself. The peacock babe I thought to ebay to see what I could get out of him, but they also have:
Mother Ki-rin – spoken for
Father Ki-rin – spoken for
black mother unicorn – spoken for
rainbow mother
white mother – spoken for
white father – spoken for (so far)If anybody is interested, let me know, I could be persuaded to pick them up for you! (the emerald sun and oriental babe are mine – the peacock babe is destined for ebay unless someone would trade a regular peacock oriental for him)
I’ll be going back this week.
February 23, 2007 at 12:11 am in reply to: Dang pedigree pulled out all the stops with this one #542270I don’t think you caused a furor, we just had a misunderstanding is all.
Honestly, if that food works for your dog, I’d just stick with it as opposed to doing more trials and standing the chance of having a hairless pooch again, but that’s just my opinion.
Like I said, good luck with your hunt, if you go through with it.
February 22, 2007 at 6:41 pm in reply to: Dang pedigree pulled out all the stops with this one #542266Romeodanny wrote:Woah, okay….I wasn’t saying that to be snarky. Really, I’m sorry you took offence to that. Really I am. That was not my intention. Stupid me for having a say about anything. I’m sorry, really for making you feel belittled or whatever you feel. I know you didn’t know that I was a vet tech. I didn’t expect you to know. From now on I’ll not offer ANYONE any help or advice, or a link to better foods. (Hopefully, nessie a vet will be able to help you out. And Rusti, I really am sorry you took offence to my post.) Syanara, thanks for all the fish. I’m out. 😛
Such is the problem with the internet, tone of voice goes a long way toward making words a lot less harsh. The way you worded it came off super defensive on my radar. I use words like ‘snort’ and ‘whatever’ when I intend to make an angry or sarcastic (or sometimes defensive) point and that’s what I picked up on.
No offense taken, now that there’s clarification! 🙂
February 22, 2007 at 6:19 pm in reply to: Dang pedigree pulled out all the stops with this one #542263Romeodanny wrote:Snort, I was a vet tech. I know that. I thought that her dog was already checked out? Whatever, there are foods out there that will fit most requirements. You don’t have to get a vets permission to switch foods. Just like you don’t have to go to a doctor to switch foods in your own diet. But, I do recommend that whatever is done, you switch food slowly.
Wow, was that necessary? How was I supposed to know you were a vet tech? Snark much, especially since it wasn’t really you I was addressing? No, she doesn’t have to get a vet’s permission, but it might certainly help her! Especially if he/she can find her a food that they can readily order for her.
She didn’t say whether or not she’d had her dog checked out, which was why I made that recommendation. I sort of like my license, and would rather not give advice out without having seen the dog personally and make a decision from there.
I, personally, would not go to the internet to get advice, because I’ve seen some pretty horrible things happen when owners do. That’s just me, I guess. Not to rag on Nessie or anything, I can understand looking for leads!
Nessie, if you have visited a vet, and they couldn’t find you a food, good luck! I’ve checked Purina, S/D, Eukanuba and Waltham/Royal Canin and all of their Rx diets have at least one of those ingredients. If you haven’t, make an appointment to get pup checked out and go from there.
Whatever decision you make, I wish you luck. Allergies are a bugger!
February 22, 2007 at 5:55 pm in reply to: Dang pedigree pulled out all the stops with this one #542260*puts on vet tech hat* If Nessie’s pup has food allergies, all food trials should be done under a vet’s supervision for safety’s sake.
Food allergies can cause rashes, hair loss, itchy skin/ears/feet, diarrhea, vomiting, IBD (or something like it) and any other variety of nasties, and dogs certainly don’t manifest their allergies the same way we do!
She should get her dog allergy tested so she knows for sure what’s going on, and talk to her vet to get appropriate food choices and to get treatment if something goes wrong so the poor vet doesn’t have to play ‘guessing game’.
Pay a visit to your vet, first, Nessie, before you start playing food carousel, and whenever you do switch, make sure to do it gradually (over the course of a week to 10 days!) or it could really upset your baby’s GI tract! (And all food trials need 6-8 weeks with NOTHING BUT THE FOOD BEING TESTED being eaten for the entire trial – which means no treats, no people food, no garbage, nada!)
Edit: to put it simply, anyone with an ounce of common sense wouldn’t come to the Windstone message board to get advice on that weird swelling in their throat after they ate peanuts…they’d go to the doctor. Please, please, please!! visit your vet for treatment!