Forum Replies Created
darjeb wrote:
Enjoy – you’ll enjoy FL anyway but don’t forget there are many many more things to enjoy around Orlando as well as Disney World. Also if you want to see the Atlantic Ocean just take the Bee Line (528) east and it is a very short trip
Couple years ago they did the dumbest thing and changed the 528 name from the Beeline to the BEACH Line. Dont ask me why; it is stupid and just screwed everyone up.
DMiss~ Brightest blessings and safe travels! It’s too long of a drive for me since I moved (with my health; I get dizzy when driving too easily now when going fast) but Id have been only 30 minutes from Disney before! Could have taken you guys out to dinner or lunch or something.
Yes, there is LOTS to do other than Disney if you can fit it in. There are lots of individual attractions such as Ripleys Believe It Or Not, Wonder Works (lots of fun and scientific illusions; hands on), water parks… and dont forget about Downtown Disney which holds House of Blues and Pleasure Island which consists of a bunch of cool theme bars (reggae, 80s, comedy, safari, etc). You also have dinner shows such as Arabian Nights, Pirate Adventure and my favorite- Medieval Times! Those are in Kissimmee not Orlando (south of Orlando but only just). Animal Kingdom is also separated from Disney and is just south of Orlando but beautiful. Be sure to hit both sides of Universal- I favor the Islands of Adventure and ALL the wild rides. Food is great there too if you pick the right “theme” part of the park (such as a fantasy realm where Merlin is walking around, etc- by Dueling Dragons double roller coaster). Looks like a HUGE carved oak tree and you eat in it.
If you want any more tips on the area, email me and I’ll give you my number. Have fun! So much to do! But dont spread yourselves too thin. You cant see everything so Id research a bit and commit to certain things so you dont feel rushed through.
Enjoy, take pixs and drink lots of water to stay hydrated… very important and deceiving!
HUGS!!! <3
I may not have been posting a lot but I browse and certainly come here specifically to click on eggs and dragons I see. But I hear what you guys are saying… my baby and blue egg do not have many clicks at all. I think they may just die and Id be heartbroken!
Click them please!
Thanks Khat!
And I just got myself a blue egg! I was close to getting a purple one too but their site coughed on me. Next time!
khat7 wrote:PhoenixTears wrote:HEY! I need someone to add my newly hatched egg to whatever page they gather at so it can get clicks and grow up! It just hatched!!!
Just PM new eggs to Dragonmaster. He’ll add it to the hatchery ( I think he’s already got it)
Godfather has always seemed to be able to do it when I mention it in threads but if I PM a code, the egg shows up. What other “code” am I supposed to email him- know what I mean? Cause he can just click the egg and get the addy off the browser, pop it into a page and the egg would show.
I know there are several codes we can choose from but if I use the code for DM that I use in my signature, a blue egg will simply appear to him making it no different than when I ask and he does it from the thread. Make any sense? Hey, Im punchy from a long day yesterday, no sleep and it’s 630am 🙂
I had horses all my life and grew up competing… until my health took it all away from me. My best horse died in 96 at age 33 and the ones that are mine now that I cant ride per doctor rules, my sister in law keeps and trains as she rides too.
Argh! Weird and frustrating! You guys know Ive been dying for a purple egg. Well, I just got the blue one and all went well. I refreshed as normal and there was a purple one. When I clicked it, for the first time it told me I had to sign in. When I tried, it told me that user name was already in use or taken… yea, duh, it’s me!
Well, by the time I back tracked and “signed in” for the first time ever since the beginning, eggs were gone. Dang, that purple was so close!
What I have for trade is a brand new Young Dragon in Ruby with box and tag (only out for photos).
And, I have a flawless (from what I can see) stone finish Cat Wizard with cauldron for incense cones (clean). When I bought it, I opted to buy the electric lamp to go in its back (but you can use a votive too). Id send it with the pink bulb thats in it now, but if you get pink, blue or white, it changes the color of the eyes when the lamp is on. It’s a great piece Ive always treasured.
Id be willing to trade these individually OR together. The pieces Im mostly looking for are these:
Both the Large Wizard Cats in Siamese and B&W Peacock
Light Calico Flap Cat (yea, how I wish! I miss my real calico baby 🙁
Large Bird Winged B&W Flap Cat (retired)
Lap (any color except Peacock)
ALL the LE/LP Small Flap Cats (except for the white w/ black spots)
ALL future CURLS and Coiled MAMAS (and ones I dont have; only have BG Coiled mama AND I still need the Lavender Pearl and Blue Pearl Curls)
I know it’s a stretch but you never know unless you ask. Ppl here never cease to amaze me with their kindness and consideration.
PM me with any thoughts or questions. Thanks!
Oh- and to be fair, if Im trading a heavy piece such as the Wizard Cat for, lets say, a Pearly Curlie, lets split the shipping evenly. Ive sold here and on ebay and pack extremely well, by the way.
May 3, 2008 at 9:27 am in reply to: Rainbow mother and fledge, black gold scratcher, ruby lap… #694671Sigh… oh how Id LOVE that Emerald Siamese Cat Wizard so desperately. Usually Id be able to afford your starting price but my air conditioning (in FL) has broken and Im staring down the nose of a steep bill to replace something since it got so bad they cant repair it.
All I have for trade is a brand new only out of box for photos Ruby Young Dragon and a Stone Wizard Cat with cauldron for incense cones AND the electric lamp and cord to go in the back should you choose not to use a votive. The cone holder is all cleaned and was used maybe once or twice and the piece itself has no flaws at all that I can see.
But youre probably not interested in those pieces as trades (or both those pieces for your Emerald Siam Cat Wizard).
May 3, 2008 at 9:19 am in reply to: Lots of Windstones For Sale/Trade Updated More added 5/6 #695647Oh for sure you know Im interested in both the Lavender and Blue Pearl CURLS.
Since I do know it’s just a matter of time before more batches come out, Id really only be willing to go $55 each, +S/H and insurance.
If I can only have or afford one, I favor the lavender pearl.
I thought it was you in another thread that had these curls for sale and if so, I did PM and email you but never heard back at all. However, I may be confusing you with another member and if so, my apologies.
Best of luck with the sale and do yourself, me and others a favor and put your WISH LIST of items in the stickied Wish List thread of mine near the top of the Flea Market Forum so at a glance at anytime, ppl can see what youre wishing for. Ive already written it down for you on the list Im keeping but it would be good for others that look out for each other too. Just a thought to help you out. 🙂
With the Oriental Jades… are they the dark forest green jade color or the regular bright emerald jades?
Arr- and I cant look back right now but are there any coiled mother dragons in there?
I fear the shipping may be more than the items! Yikes! But very, very kind of you to bring these to us first before going else where. I hope it all works out the best for you.
May 3, 2008 at 8:58 am in reply to: Many, many Windstones for sale! More pieces 5/8/08, MO's now #694877Melody, Im so very sorry for yours and Cathy’s (etc) loss. My most sincere condolences.
This is certainly the place for this gentleman’s treasured Windstones to go to loving homes. Im glad that wish is fulfilled for him at least.
Nam, thank you for all the time and effort it took for you to compile all of this. I wish I had the money for what Id like. But, those are the brakes.
Good luck and happy shopping everyone!
purpledoggy wrote:Right now I’m looking for a rainbow hatcher and emperor.
Which rainbow hatcher? Hatchling, Kinglet, Emperor or Empress?
Some of you sweeties have asked me to pull my own Wish List into a new post so here it is. Thank you for thinking of me! xoxoxoxo
PhoenixTears wrote:Both the Large Wizard Cats in Siamese and B&W Peacock
New Black & White Male Griffin (chicks & mama if they come out)
New Striped Brown Female Griffin (and if any striped chicks come out)
New Kirin family (I HOPE IT’S THE BLACK FIRE COLOR!) :squeak:
New Flion and Flioness (when they come out)
New Grand Pegasus (when he comes out)
Light Calico Flap Cat (yea, how I wish! I miss my real calico baby 🙁
Large Bird Winged B&W Flap Cat (retired)
Lap (any color except Peacock)
ALL the LE/LP Small Flap Cats (except for the white w/ black spots)
ALL Poads future colors (except for the Metallic Blue, Butternut, Black Violet and Silver)
ALL future CURLS and Coiled MAMAS (and ones I dont have; only have BG Coiled mama)
Phoenix (coming out as either a piece or PYO; either way, I want it)
Alicorn (Unicorn/Pegasus hybrid combo) if Melody ever decides to make such a creature)