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  • in reply to: YIPPIE!! I got my PYO swap today! #567367

    I just went through this entire thread (and now my eyes are crossed). Benefit to having insomnia is catching up on threads I can never get to!

    I think it’s really great that you guys do things like PYO swaps… it’s like secret santa several times a yr! Great idea. And how great it is to be able to collect Windstones from various artists of all abilities and types from all around the world?!

    I’ll never get to be as good as you guys to ever be able to participate in this kind of thing (heck, I have my first PYO Unicorn here, and she’s pretty much going to be one color and strictly for me (and then my mom once Im gone – then family many yrs down the road)- yet Im still petrified to lay brush to sculpt. Granted I dont have paints yet but Nambroth was AWESOME in helping me figure out what colors to get and other info too.

    Having said that, since I wont be in any near future swaps (if any at all), you guys can always use me as a sounding board to bounce your works in progress off of. Id love to be able to help out and at least participate in that way. It’s up to you; my PM is always open… actually Im going to add my email in there too now that Im comfortable with this message board. Never use to do that w/ other boards b/c everyone was so nasty. But you all foster a safe atmosphere here.

    I really enjoyed looking at all the PYOs in this thread. They are incredible! And of course, I want them 😈 There are some real WOWSERS in there for me that just jumped off the monitor; I was so impressed. I was like, “sheesh, I’ll never be able to compete,” not that were in a competition, I know but thats just me. Maybe intimidated or perhaps frustrated because my hands use to work better and I use to be able to paint and pick up things much easier than now.

    Anyway, to end my little short story here, I think everyone did a wonderful job. Im just floored (however, not surprised) at the talent that is here and I SO wish Id found this board earlier. Not only are you talented but youre all so supportive of one another which is hard enough to find in life, and next to impossible to find on a chat board! To that end, anyone that mentioned they were/are feeling sick or had any accidents or boo-boos, my thoughts are with you. Feel better soon & bright blessings always.

    Glad everyone is happy with their swaps and cant wait to see the ones still pending. You guys are amazing… in so many ways <3

    in reply to: winged animals #591272

    I’ll take some of that winged money as long as you make it so that it doesnt migrate!

    Seems nothing is off the charts here so Im voting for winged dolphins (after my initial vote). They practically fly out of the water anyway!

    in reply to: Hatching Emerald Empress for saaaaaaaale #589922

    vantid wrote:

    You want him? (The dog Scotch) He’s free! He’ll be great for a BBQ.

    Nah, Im a vegetarian 😉

    j/k … about the BBQ joke though I am a vegetarian!

    That other pic… talk about backing into a tree! Thats just what it looks like. I laughed heartily at that shot; can always use a good belly laugh!

    in reply to: Anyone got a PYO Uni horn for me? #591557

    Awe Ski, Im sorry to hear about the horn situation. Thats such a bummer. But you have such a wonderful attitude about it; very proactive rather than pitching a tantrum which is refreshing to see. If I had a horn to give you I would but I dont 🙁 Love to see what you do with the lovely when its done. Good luck.

    in reply to: Hatching Emerald Empress for saaaaaaaale #589911

    How much for the curious white pooch with the black nose and brown ear?

    j/k 😆

    Im envious of your description of the trees and waking up in the morning. Reminds me of times in my life past, growing up in the north east, heading out on trail rides (horses) at 6am. *sigh*

    On topic, sorry I cant offer for your lovely babies as Im selling my own unfortunately. But theyre beautiful. I too hope like you do and that someone here gets then instead of eBay.

    in reply to: winged animals #591247

    Im a wild cat (big cat) nut, so any wild feline with wings gets my vote (and constant drooling).

    My next vote would go to the fox because that animal is the closest cross between a dog and a cat that you can get. It’s a great inbetween kind of animal that, IMO, would appeal to both dog lovers and cat lovers alike.

    But since were talking Windstone PYOs, Im sure everyone will love any new creature that pops its nose out.

    And it’s out of sheer curiosity that Ive got to see a winged otter or platypus. I can then say Ive seen it all! Envisioning it is already making me go, “awe” and the thing isnt even real! But neat idea!

    in reply to: My New Ki Rin #590390

    I think he’s darling… and he gives me a hankering for a caramel! When he does go up on eBay, I wish you lots of luck. Im sure someone will snatch him up.

    in reply to: Forest Griffin…Up for offers! #591046

    I think he’s fantastic!

    in reply to: Thank you everyone, sales over. #585547

    Snap (and Romeo) thanks for the money order clarification. Now I know what to get when I go to the post office so there will be no faux pas or any hard to deal withs on Romeo’s end.

    And Romeo, after all youve done, you NEED to get money soon & you shall. Im expecting (never know with the mail these days) that what Im waiting on should arrive in my mail tomorrow. That means I need to go to my bank (long away in one direction) and then to the post office (way back then in the other direction) and mail out the package. While there, I’ll get you one of your money orders.

    On the gas front, I obviously dont understand Canadian currency equivalents or what the price of gas means as compared to ours. When put in terms against ours, yea, it seems yours is more expensive. It just all bites the bit baduki IMO. What I pay for now for my car, is what ppl who drive SUVs or Mini Vans use to pay only a few years ago. I use regular (87) gas and to fill my car costs almost 3 TIMES as much as it use to. Oh how I long for the days that my tank would only cost $18. Now, that barely gets me a hair over a quarter tank. Wow, I hope it all gets back to normal.

    Anyway, thanks for the helpful info on the postal money orders and what to look for when they go to Canada. Apparently the USPS ones (green) I had previously sent to CAN worked, but they had to do it in some round about way and never told me about it because it was a one time deal type of thing. Since Romeo is a doll, Id rather she not have to deal with diddly, and have in hand, what she needs right away. It takes nothing for me to do now that Im armed with the right info. Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Has anyone ever requested this mythic creature? #589791

    dragonessjade wrote:

    I like the story behind his name. It is very interesting to hear.

    Thank you… thank you very much (ok so you cant hear my Elvis from over there) 😉 Yup, he just spreads out where ever and when ever… and often! Lives in that position he does. Can you see us arguing over the remote control? 😈 Only takes flight when he jumps up onto the counter to holler at me for more food (not unlike he’s doing at the moment)! Despite his girth, he’s quite the active Buddha belly. Tears it up… usually at 4am but tears it up nonetheless. Still, very UN Phoenix like as they are birds which, regardless of gender are graceful. They glide down to their destinations… my Phoenix, he thuds!

    I like the idea of the PYOs being without gender too. Leave it up to the artist to decide. Thats cool and part of the process and emotional journey (Id imagein) that one goes through when they get into creating a piece.

    With regard to the unicorn PYO, I think most jumped to calling it a “she” because the original Windstone piece for sale was kneeling and close to that mold was a female. And the males were always up and bold, showing bravado (and had the little – er, the word escapes me for the moment- “beard” for lack of the missing word, under their chins). The PYO doesnt. But again, if the artist identifies with the piece as a male while doing it, or the owner (after sale) feels a masculine vibe from it after finished work, hey, more power to ya. There is no right or wrong and thats the beauty.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday List. #527332

    OK, I admit I havent read though the entire thread but my eyes cant take it (no, really… they neurologically cant take it!). So I hope Im doing it right by just giving you my birthday- & not giving you a headache! Dont worry, I dont expect anything 😆

    My BDay is August 5 which makes me a true blue LEO, and I was born in the year of the Dog. We all know about dogs, but if you know anything about Leos, you know theyre loyal. Tack that onto dog attributes, and if you knew me, youd know right off that this combo of signs fits me to a tee! Id walk through fire for my friends and easily take a bullet for family.

    Wow- Ive never been to other forums other than the Flea, Ask Melody or PYO. Could be fun… could be dangerous (addictive)!

    in reply to: Wanted: Damaged/chipped Small Flap Cat #590332

    Im so terribly sorry for your loss. I had lost one of my feline babies last year & a friend was kind enough to do as youre going to do and take a broken down flapper and do it in a likeness of my kitty. She did a great job and it sits next to my kitty’s urn. She was 13.

    I know youll find what you need but I want to say good luck anyway. I feel for you and will keep you in my thoughts, prayers and my heart as well as little Miss Elvira.
    Peaceful Blessings

    in reply to: Thank you everyone, sales over. #585542

    Snapdragon wrote:

    USPS you need to get the ORANGE money order.. not the green.. and it will be fine.

    So I just go to my US post office like usual and say I want “$XX.xx” amount for a money order but it’s going to Canada” and theyll know what to do from there?

    in reply to: Bump SALE: final chance before eBay #591355


    Last chance before they go to eBay. Some of you have amazing memories and remembered this old thread so I thank you for those of you who have bought pieces from me recently (seen sold below).

    What I have for sale will ship USPS Priority (I highly recommend insurance). You can do money order, personal checks or PayPal (money orders must be cashable at ANY US bank and personal checks need time to clear). If you really need to do a payment plan, PM me me and we can work something out.

    Links to photos of the pieces are under each title. Save for some dust, they are all in perfect condition unless otherwise stated.

    Please PM me with any offers.

    WINGED CAT CANDLELAMP SCONCE $75- which is less than what it retails for now but Im honest in saying this is what I paid rather than cashing in on the current retail cost. OBO

    (comes with electric cord and the pink bulb I have attached to it but that size bulb is readily available in grocery stores in clear, pink and blue for different effects through the eyes and crystal ball. Also comes with a perfectly clean incense holder [see pix] which fits within the cauldron. You have the option of not using the electric cord light and putting a votive back there when the mood strikes you. It’s a 2 in 1 kind of option piece) Reminder: this retails as a candlelamp votive (NON electric) for $101… my price was my cost and is slightly more because the one I bought had the $12 electric cord.
    Pink light on:
    Light off:
    Incense Dish fits into cauldron:


    in reply to: Thank you everyone, sales over. #585540

    You know me… leave me (including packing them up) until last. I’ll get a money order out to you (do USPS money orders work in CAN??? I know Ive sent them there before but with all your PMs I dont know if you got to that question and I need to know since thats how Im paying ya… hope it works for you! :sudden stress:).

    Anyway, leave my packing till last; just put it aside. Payment coming soon!

    Have a good and safe trip! (Gas under a dollar 😯 please tell me I read that wrong or dont understand Canadian gas prices cause Im sitting here jealous and scratching my head!) 😕

    Have fun!

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