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  • in reply to: /sigh….Insomnia…..what do you do? #783818

      twindragonsmum wrote:

      Sometimes a glass of bread and milk helps…

      twindragonsmum 🙂

      Heh heh heh So do you pour the bread then toast the milk?

      ….oh ya, I wrote this while I was not sleeping last night….. Have fun, there won’t be any more =P Psychoanalize that Freud

      in reply to: PT's PYOs for Sale! Jan 9, Re-listed PYOs pg11 #717943

        I was looking at her! She is stunning, I hope she sells well!

        in reply to: Windstones and other things for Sale (UPDATED) smaller pics #779007


          Crimson Vision wrote:

          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

          Adopt us! Love us! Take us home with you so we can get out of these boxes!…..can’t…..breathe…..eeeeeee…..

          Oh that is just mean! :spank:

          in reply to: Windstones and other things for Sale (UPDATED) smaller pics #779004

            Adopt us! Love us! Take us home with you so we can get out of these boxes!…..can’t…..breathe…..eeeeeee…..

            in reply to: Windstones and other things for Sale (UPDATED) smaller pics #779003

              I also have the full Black Unicorn Family, with the exception of the Grand Unicorn. I’ll be putting them up, I just don’t know which of them are missing partial packaging. I’m pretty sure they all have original boxes but I think one of them only has one half of the form fitted cardboard………anyway, that and I don’t have pictures for whatever reason. More to come later.

              in reply to: /sigh….Insomnia…..what do you do? #783812

                Oh don’t mistake me for in bed yet =P I’m still here…..Mmmmm on to Elfwood now, into gallery 13…..

                in reply to: Random story, round robin style Rules on First Post! #783845

                  I started this rather random story out of an episode of insomnia with really no intention of finishing it, but was inspired to make a game out of it.
                  The Rules:

                  #1. Quote the last story passage that has been written, and then continue the story as the muse strikes you.
                  #2. Anyone may “continue” the story.
                  #3. Keep it clean, family forum and all that =P
                  #4. Try to actualy make a continuation of the story, if you go off on a tangent be sure to bring it into focus with something previously written (like in my second part I refer back to something in the first part of the story to keep it connected)
                  #5. You may post up to two times in a row, try to keep each seperate part to about a paragraph ~5-10min of writing. (I find this sort of thing works best when there is no pre-emptive drafting, just start writing and see where it goes, set a timer, etc.)
                  #6. No Angry Grammar Bears Allowed!! If we all decide to publish this, then it gets edited, for now just write and don’t worry about AGBs!
                  #7. HAVE FUN! I would love for a lot of people to join in!

                  She cried. Tears stream down her face as her sobs echo in the empty void of her lovers heart. A hand brushes at her cheeks but she doesn’t know if it is hers or that of a stranger. Though she longs to fade into the darkness she cannot stay still, for danger is looming though she does not know the source. An spiny dread fills her like a dead wind and interupts her inpenitrable sorrow, she must keep moving. In the dark empty space blinds her like the force of an afternoon sun and she stumbles forward towards where she last saw a hole. But what if her persuer lurks before her instead of trapsing behind as she had originaly thought? She pauses, uncertain and the fear mingled with her already collapsed self rises to a panic drowning out the rush of sensation to her left. The howl of anguish and gurgling delight was the last thing that pierced her conciousness before she fell, tumbling down, down, down, for an eternity before the harsh resistance of water flattened her under the force of her assailant before enveloping them both.

                  in reply to: /sigh….Insomnia…..what do you do? #783809

                    It’s 4:20 am PST, I have to be in class in 5 hours and I’m not the least bit tired. Well, that’s a lie, I’m tired, but can’t get to sleep. So far I put 3 cds of video game music on iTunes, got bored, made up my listings for random stuff including cookware, misc. World of Warcraft stuffs, and an egg incubator, got really bored, made it through 3 pages of my business law book, got really really bored……been hitting the refresh button here on and off for the past 4 hours, browsed eBay for stuff I don’t need. Oh, and stubbed my toe going to the bathroom in the dark. 😈

                    So, the question remains, what does everyone else do when they can’t get to sleep?

                    in reply to: Windstones and other things for Sale (UPDATED) smaller pics #779001

                      Added some new pieces for sale. The pictures can be clicked on to view a larger picture.

                      in reply to: Thank you everyone sale is closed #783616

                        Big hugs for Romeo and family!!! Sending lots of healthy prayers and warm fuzzies your way! Hang in there!

                        in reply to: Not so great test results. #783556

                          Oh lord no! Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry, that is just horrible news!!! We are sending you lots of love and possitive prayers that it’s either nothing or something small they can get rid of! *warm fuzzies!!!!*

                          in reply to: Windstones and other things for Sale (UPDATED) smaller pics #778998

                            Bump, improved and updated.

                            in reply to: Any advise on a roleplay windows vista game ? #782981

                              Neverwinter nights or Diablo/Diablo II

                              I don’t think either require super graphics to run, and you can get both for pretty cheep. (I think Diablo and Diablo II come in a bundle pack now)

                              in reply to: movies that scared the crap out of you when you were a kid? #782972


                                ….something about those two letter movie titles O.o I was 6 when I watched IT, my mom had to pull an all nighter and requested I record the movie for her but not watch it (no pun intended)……ya cus that happened….ET was just creepy and the worst thing to come out of my birth year IMHO

                                in reply to: Dragon 1995-2009 #783225

                                  Oh, what a pretty baby! I’m so sorry that you lost him. I know he lived a long, loving, and prosperous life with you and is keeping watch over you!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 631 through 645 (of 3,168 total)