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  • in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.4 #754210

      kitsunelady wrote:

      Hah, I love that sketch. 😀 He looks fierce!

      AHAHAHAHA Looks like a cross between Chicken Hawk and Toulouse from the Aristocats. I couldn’t find the right picture, the one where Toulouse is all puffed up and hissing and spitting, but this works =P

      in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784536

        Ok, Ki’rin diograms! Take your pick of spots and let me know! Also, please specify which # on which sculpt if you’re doing both! Thanks! Also, third picture are the eye colors I have for the Ki’rin. Dark Brown, Dark Blue, Green, Orange. Let me know if anyone has any preferences, or I’ll just pick a pair when he/she gets back to me =P

        in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784533

          Tyrrlin wrote:

          Here’s my request in order… 1, 12, 5, 6, 7, 8 I’d really like #1, though. 🙂

          Hmmm, there are twelve spots on the griffin, but thirteen people on the list?

          Koishii is doing interference shinies after everyone is done, so she doesn’t get a “section” perse =P

          in reply to: Argh! I need a new feather! #784909

            AWWWWW!!! PUDDY TAT!!! He didn’t eatted it, he hid it in that sheep fleece he’s sleeping on! =P

            in reply to: Bodine's PYO Griffin #784962

              bodine6127 wrote:

              8) Thank you so much Starbreeze.I have to learn that final snaffu…
              Thanks guys,I appreciate the comments.It is my first.Next one will be better.
              I put the jewels on as part of the local M.G.theme.Lots of sparklies connected with Mardi Gras,hence the purple,green and gold.Representing…. 😀
              Her name is “Eoria”.One of the Greek Goddesses.

              Ahhhh! Mardi Gras! Ok, with that in mind it definitely works! =P Grats on your first PYO! Look forward to seeing many more!

              in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784529

                Ok, here are the diagrams for the Griffin, I tried to match the views but kind of messed up the back view on the left shoulder but meh, I was doing this on vicodin and a thumb track ball mouse XD XD . This at the very least will give a general idea as to the spaces availible to paint. I know most of you said you don’t really care where you paint, but take a look anyway. 😉 I’ll post #s next to peoples names as they are requested. Ki’rin diagrams to be posted soon! (as soon as I can get pics without killing myself 😈 )

                in reply to: Bodine's PYO Griffin #784959

                  Very nice! I don’t know how I feel about the jewels, but they seem to work with this griffy! LoL

                  in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784527

                    Have all the addresses thanks!

                    in reply to: windstone repair #784950

                      I think there’s a thread about repairing Windstones somewhere, and failing that send Kyrin a message, she’s our resident Windstone doctor and fixer, she may have some tips for you! Good luck!

                      in reply to: Argh! I need a new feather! #784903

                        Tyrrlin wrote:

                        Okay, so I have one of the grey purring cats (one of the ones with the parrot feather sticking out of their mouths)… Well, looking at him today, I noticed that the feather was missing.

                        My cat ATE the parrot feather. 🙄 😥

                        I now have a purring grey tabby cat with no feather. *weeps* Would it be possible to get a replacement? It was a little greyish-white one.

                        Your REAL cat? or the sculpture ate the feather? I keep wondering that as I read this post. 😆 😆

                        in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784524

                          Tyrrlin wrote:

                          Leigha wrote:

                          I don’t mind which feathers I get 🙂 I just didn’t want the kitty part 😛

                          *chuckles* Kinda figured that, as it would take a LONG time to paint all those feathers! 🙂

                          Nope, I’m gonna make her do all the feathers, she wanted feathers, she’s got em! =P She’s got her work cut out for her! LMAO. j/k hehe

                          in reply to: UPDTED w/ LOTS of new WINDSTONES! 1st post! #784287

                            drag0nfeathers wrote:

                            LOL! You guys are too kind. Even in the pictures I can totally pick it out like a sore thumb! Maybe cause I look at it all the time and it irks the crap outta me 🙄

                            Ya, I can *sorta* see a little bit around the right horn as I’m looking at him, but other than that I’m not seeing any of it…..and you KNOW how nit picky I am about the little things!

                            in reply to: Lost #784932

                              Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry to hear the bad news. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you right now and am sending lots of e-hugs and warm fuzzies and comforting thoughts! We’re here to listen and love, so don’t be afraid to vocalize!

                              in reply to: Not so great test results. #783586

                                Just wanted to see if you guys had an update, hope everything is going smooth with not major issues along the way (like the pharmacy /sigh) Much love and hugs!!

                                in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784521

                                  Tyrrlin wrote:

                                  You already have my address, I hope? And it’s Tyrrlin, not Tyrrlyn. 🙂

                                  As for the feathers on the griff, where, specifically, has been called? Leigha called “feathers,” but that’s an awful lot of griffin! *winks* I wouldn’t mind doing part of the wings, chest feathers, or the head (and beak), personally. If that’s too specific or if someone else has called it, I’ll paint anywhere. :yes:

                                  (I also said I’d paint both sculpts, if you need more people on the Kirin)

                                  Ooops, my bad on the spelling, my typing isn’t so good with headaches, lots of backspacing LoL…. 😳 Fixed it!

                                  And no one has called any one of those areas specificaly, I’ve got a temp scetch of the griffy breakdowns but I’m waiting untill Mon when Louis can print my actual picture of the griffy out to specificaly break it down…..maybe I can do it digitaly if my hand steadies out…..I’ll give it a try!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 541 through 555 (of 3,168 total)