Most dolls give me the willies. Those are neat, but *shudder*…
I will admit I have 3 dolls based on LOTR characters… They are probably the only ones I will ever own, because I just get the heebiejeebies every time I see others…
If I’m remembering my tax class correctly, when you pay a mortgage, you only get about $.35 credit for every dollar of interest you pay. At least I think that’s what they said…
I think poor drag0n is going to end up pulling her hair out! Poor thing is going to run and hide if she ever hears I’m looking to commission something new… lol… I think he’s looking great!
I’m not a big fan of the whites, as much as I’ve tried, but got hubby the Pearl male for Christmas, and he is fantastic… He’s gonna be thrilled when he gets the female!!