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This will end up being my new PYO thread from now on. I finished (finally) another dragon. This one took forever and she was very fussy about what colors she wanted and such. She’s donein shades of metallic black, to blue, to purple, to rose gold, bronze, and metallic red highlights. I was going for a dawn sort of theme and thusly she’s named Aurora.
So I really really really don’t have the space for all of the things in my studio. As such…
Aurora (dragon) Melusine (unicorn) for looking!
Oiy, I wish I had advice on this but my total sympathies. I just moved to Florida so I’m potentially going to have this issue a few times myself.
Then my black gryphon could have a mate and a chick and stop being so grumpy…poor guy. He’s all surrounded by dragons.
It occurs to me one of the things i”m looking forward to with painting the muse is the ability to do insane color combinations that I might not otherwise try on a less eclectic looking dragon or uni or gryphon, for example.
This should be interesting.
True! I hadn’t thought of that.
So are the swaps going to be regular things? I’d like to sneak my way into the next one
Quote:Now there’s a nice unnatural design! The blue is perfectly placed. I really like her
Thanks. I sorta have this feeling that they should have some touch of something that’s not real horse colored. The problem comes in trying to balance that with not making them look too fake. I don’t know if I’m brave enough to try a full “fantasy color” on the whole thing yet but I’ve got a week to kill and three more unicorns so we’ll see!
True, like I said not a hard and fast rule and i tend not to apply too much regular anatomy to fantastical creatures, but yah
Hmm most of them I think are genderless but speaking as a horse person, I expect different anatomy in subtle ways out of a female horse versus a male horse (thicker neck, higher crest etc.) Thats by no means a hard and fast rule, but the unicorn DOES look female to me as a result.
I’m still trying them all, so to speak but I find the more ‘open’ pieces (space wise) harder than ones that have definable color areas. Even when I totally ignore those color areas.
Which basically means it’s psychological to me. Eesh.
So far? Unicorn (I like a challenge!)
Well my first unicorn. I actually found her much harder to paint than the dragon not because of the texture, but rather because without scale boundaries or anything of that nature, patterns can be much much more free form.
She started off VERY metallic and I decided I didn’t really want her quite that …uh..copper shiny penny look. So she got antiqued with a lot of raw sienna repeatedly, though there is still this cool kinda sheen to her coat as a result. it’s far more subtle and made me far happier. I added touches of blue to her legs and face to match her eyes and used metallic blue and gold highlights in her mane.
All in all, pretty happy with her.
Larger ones would be lovely, but I also like the small ones. Of course if the phoenix is still in line along with larger pieces I’d be very content and go be quiet in my corner full of shinies.
But yes, larger would be great, even if they were a bit more expensive.
Can I quietly recommend that if he’s causing an issue you report him and otherwise ignore? Honestly, there’s a ton of jerks on ebay and the best way to push against them is to either report them or not give them money. Usually both
I’ll be honest. I don’t care WHAT sort of tail you give it. The phoenix is the patron creature of my studio.
To say I’d have one. Or several. Or a whole flock. Would be underestimating…