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  • in reply to: Bambi and Thumper #730193

    Wow, those are great pictures! Thanks for sharing.

    in reply to: hidden online status #720440

    I’ve never been “hidden” before…I guess I’ve never really had a reason so be, since I’m only logged in when I’m actually browsing the forum.

    in reply to: awsome sand art #713709

    BiPolarBear wrote:

    So cool! I like the bear with the sniper rifle and the sea monster eating the sandcastle maker. Deliciously twisted.

    GMTA! πŸ˜† Those are the ones that I liked best too!

    All of them are excellent though.

    in reply to: It's Caturday….again! πŸ™‚ #700766

    Dragon Master wrote:

    where is Mimi?? She needs to seee the squirrel!!

    Thanks DM! Star pointed out this thread to me. That is a great ninja squirrel! πŸ˜†

    in reply to: 100 Reasons Why Cpt. Kirk is better than Cpt. Picard #711767

    Hahahaha! Those are funny!

    My favorites:

    54. Kirk’s hand phaser is sleek and sexy. Picard’s hand phaser looks like a Hoover dirt devil.

    16. The only way Picard would allow tribbles on his ship would be as hors d’oeuvres.

    in reply to: Dragon plush/suffed animals #706653

    Jennifer wrote:

    Hey guys, how cool are these? They’re Hansa so of course they’re wildly expensive, but I think it’s neat to see a ‘realistic’ dragon plush. No one makes brown dragons, so I’m happy to see these. Wish I could afford one!

    I like the large dragon and the small dragon!

    I have some Hansa stuffed animals, but I never knew that Hansa also made dragons. Hmm…. 8)

    in reply to: Sales Tax #706964

    Good question! I’d also like to know when sales tax on Windstone direct pieces will be ending for Californians. πŸ˜€

    Those look awesome! Its great that you’re painting special pieces too! πŸ˜€

    My first choice was yellow, and my second choice was green.

    in reply to: Im Moving To Hawaii. #694660

    skigod377 wrote:

    mimitrek wrote:

    So what’s the first fun thing that you want to do once you get organized and have some time?

    I just found out that they only loan the furniture here for 90 days, so I will have to go buy 2 bedroom sets. Not looking forward to that. πŸ˜•

    Eek! I wouldn’t be either. But I guess you do need to go look soon in case the one you want needs to be ordered and takes some time to arrive.

    skigod377 wrote:

    Besides that, I want a surf board and a nice trip to the beach where I can just relax. Im tired. πŸ˜†

    That sounds good! Try snorkeling while you’re at the beach. Its very relaxing to float in the water and watch the fishies. πŸ™‚

    skigod377 wrote:

    I have yet to try these Doritos. πŸ˜†

    Aaaaah….now I really wish I had gotten some… πŸ˜†

    in reply to: On a Serious Note #699991

    darjeb wrote:

    Everybody don’t forget to have an annual mammogram. I had mine the 1st of April and it came back funny so I had to have a biopsy which fortunately came back negative but there is an area on me that is still black, dark purple, brown and yellow. So don’t forget to have yours it can be life saver.

    That’s good news. And very good advice! Every woman 40 and over should get an annual mammogram. I just had one two weeks ago (it was normal).

    Here’s more info from the American Cancer Society.

    in reply to: Im Moving To Hawaii. #694657

    skigod377 wrote:

    YAY!! Who got a rental car?? I got a rental car. I couldnt take this crap anymore. I got a house, too. It had a giant cockroach dying on the counter. Yeah… I havent seen them in years and I was slightly disgusted. I used to catch them when I was a kid but I am so beyond that now. Now I would just like to pretend they dont exist. πŸ˜•

    Ack! I hope you don’t find any more like that. But I’m glad you got a house and are getting settled in. πŸ™‚

    So what’s the first fun thing that you want to do once you get organized and have some time?

    in reply to: Im Moving To Hawaii. #694655

    starbreeze wrote:

    skigod377 wrote:

    Iron Man was really good. Star, I think Sean would dig it.

    I thought the preview for Ironman looked good. I’ll have to ask him if he wants to see it. He’s looking forward to Prince Caspian and Indiana Jones too!! πŸ™‚

    Harshy was just telling me tonight that he wanted to go see Iron Man tomorrow! I’m glad to hear that its good.

    I want to see Prince Caspian and Indiana Jones too! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Im Moving To Hawaii. #694654

    starbreeze wrote:

    skigod377 wrote:

    I cant believe I know about something before ya’ll!! πŸ˜† Here I thought I was just behind the Dorito times. πŸ˜›

    munch…..munch…these are really good!!! Thanks Ski!!! πŸ˜€
    Now I wish that I had gotten some! I looked for these when I went to the supermarket today, and I saw a whole bunch of different kinds of Doritos with two flavors. I was soooo tempted to get some…these are on my list of things to eat after I finish losing weight! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Anyone seen Mimitrek? #697834

    Dragon Master wrote:

    mimitrek wrote:

    Thanks everyone! πŸ˜€

    Now if only my boyfriend would get rich, then I wouldn’t have to work anymore and I’d be able to spend a lot more time on the forum! πŸ˜†
    When he figures out the secret tell the rest of us will you!!?? We all need more Windstones
    No problem…though I think by the time he figures it out we’ll all be too old! πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Anyone seen Mimitrek? #697832

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    😳 You’re busy with work and life and still remember and find threads that I’ll forget within five minutes of looking at them… πŸ˜†

    I remember that thread because I made all of those posts in it! πŸ˜†

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