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I got a Cafe’ Press store set up! I have two coffee mugs with images of dragons on them in it! (This took me all day to accomplish, even with help from very kind people.)
Here is the link:
I’ll add other items when I can dig up some good pics that are large enough, and of high enough resolution to make nice larger images.I showed this agreent to John, and he thinks it is all ok. So I will start putting the “Windstone Stuff” store together. Cool! Poad underwear!
emerald212 wrote:Oh really?! That’s good to know. I don’t remember reading that. Hmm… I may have to look into this again. I don’t want my husband’s Fairy Fossil designs ripped off either. I’ve had the store up for a while (meaning, years) and never had trouble with them though. I’ll have to look into it.
I am in no way suggesting that Cafe Press isn’t an honest, upright company. I have never heard of them abusing any copyrights.. it is just that agreeing to a vauguely worded (subject to change at anytime)license to a company, like Cafe Press, might somehow cause legal issues when other companies DO rip you off.I need to check with the lawyer, or the psuedo-lawyer(John) first.
Here is the text that concerns me most: reserves the right to add, delete and/or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in this TOS(Terms of Service), at any time and in its sole discretion, by posting a change notice or a new agreement on the Web Site. In the event of substantive changes to this TOS, you may be notified by email. If any modification is unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to not use the Web Site and the Service. Your continued use of the Web Site following posting of a change notice or new TOS on the Web Site will constitute binding acceptance of the changestarbreeze wrote:I hope she tells us…
You make it sound as if I plan these things. I don’t. I usually don’t know what they are gonna be till I paint them.
Dragon Master wrote:how will we know when we can order these items? Will we be able to order them thru this sight? Black mugs with SK’s sounds nice
I was going to post a link to the shop here, but after reading the “terms of service” cafe press has, I chickened out on this. It sounds as if they have rights to your designs! It probably just means that you are giving them the license to use your designs on their stuff, which you would have to allow them to, of course, but there is a clause about them being able to change this agreement at any time!
.. so we are back to Lawyer land again. This is why we never accomplish anything.Okay, I opened a store on Cafe’ press. It is called “Windstone stuff”. So far this morning I have gotten ONE coffee mug design uploaded. I hope it will go quicker when I learn how to do this..took me all morning to sort it out!
I’ll need to get, or take, larger, better photos of the sculptures to do a calendar, poster (they have those?) or shirts with them. Most of the images we have are sized for web gallery use or Ebay, so the res. and size need to be greater. I spent all morning trying to get an image cut out of a photo to make a mug wihtout the square format. It looks good, however is a great big pain-in-the-butt to do, so I think we gotta just enjoy the square block images on the coffee mugs! Most of the Metallic dragons look best against black anyway. I wish there was a black mug! There are black tee shirts, but again, the design needs to be messed with to get them to look right. I’ll be working on this in the future, unless I can get someone else to do it for meeee.. Chessie.emerald212 wrote:Women’s tees – v-neck, tank, t-shirt
Probably men’s too, to make it fair
Coffee mugs and travel mugs
Large, unframed prints (like posters)
unframed tiles, like coastersThey have all that stuff??
Zelda wrote:Hello! Just this morning I decided to do a little dusting, and ran my Windstones under a quick sprinkle of water to get them clean. I was darn near horrified to find that the eggshell paint on my gargolingus started to blister and flake off! I quickly patted it dry, but as it has dried, more paint has started to peel away from the piece. Help!
Have you ever run across this problem with your other gargolingi or egg pieces, and do you have any repair ideas? Thanks in advance!
NO! I’ve never had this happen to an indoor piece. From all the tests weve done, the paint is water resistant. The gypsum underneath is suseptable to acids however, such as acid rain, and I suppose acid tap water, but it should not happen that fast! Did you buy this piece new? -or was it “used”?
I could send you some of the stain we use and some finish, but it may be tricky to repair the damage invisibly. Fortunately he is a gargoyle, and they aren’t too picky about their appearance, being kinda weathered looking anyway.SPark wrote:I don’t suppose you could let us know what color of Secret Keeper we’re going to see next? I know you’d mentioned there being another batch of ten… those aren’t going to be all the same color, I assume, so what colors will there be?
I’ve got about eight that are already painted black.. so I’ve gotta paint them a metallic color. I haven’t decided. Gold? Autumn leaf? or a plain old retired color, like Rainbow or Peacock?…or maybe Black Rainbow? (that’s like the Black Emerald, but rainbow colors)
I don’t know! I’ll have to ask John.
February 17, 2007 at 12:35 am in reply to: Do you like the oriental dragons??? Show your love here! #540977Quote:(btw, it is not my intention to harrass the Windstone people at all, nor do I believe I have any say whatsoever in what gets produced and what retired – Melody has every right to put the orientals to rest if that is her choice, most especially if they are not making her money. This is just to state that I would LOVE to give her money for more orientals, would be extremely sad to see them disappear, and to give other people the chance to voice their opinion….Go!)
I like being harassed,
Thanks for this!emerald212 wrote:Melody,
Have you ever thought of offering your Windstone designs on t-shirts or greeting cards or posters? Like a picture of “the BEP SK in a setting of caverns, gems all around it” on a sweatshirt? That would be awesome! I would buy my favorite dragons and griffins on shirts and tote bags and postcards. Cafe Press has an easy way to do this, and I’m sure there are other places that do too.Just wondering.Okay, I’ll do it. What things do you’all want? I just checked the items available to do and there are so many, I don’t know which to choose… which sort of t shirts should I choose, if any? What else?
Nambroth wrote:I was very disappointed with Cafepress’ quality, but this was about two years ago. Has it improved? There are actually a lot of other companies that do this these days! And some that don’t take such a huge cut of the profit. It’s best to research. 🙂
Come to think of it, it was you who had the experience with the badly cropped calendar(s),right? Was that just one, or did you get a bunch that were bad?
foxfeather wrote:Is there any chance that there will be any new garden statues made/released? Maybe some of the Production pieces already being produced? I love how real they look and would much rather fill my garden with gorgeous statuary than stuff everyone else has!!
I have a couple garden dragons that are intended to be stone finish, and are shaped like my normal dragons (not the rock-dragon type). We haven’t produced them yet,however, and I don’t know if we will.
We aren’t going to produce the regular line as outdoor things, because we don’t want people to be confused about whether a sculpture can be outdoors or not. The cement line will be different sculptures… not that anyone puts them outside anyway.AdaraSky wrote:Hi, I was wondering if the Scratchings, OW’s, Laps, and Spectrals were going to be made in Emerald Peacock. I need these pieces and I have picked out the colors I want for them but if they are going to come out in emerald peacock I might wait. All the colors I want are retired anyways. 8)
I plan to do all the dragons in Em. Pea. eventually. The only exception would be the Orientals. We may discontionue those.Oh, and I can’t do the Secret Keeper in that color because we did those as a limited edition.