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  • in reply to: Crouching fledgling #543093

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Hi Melody,
      LIH had a wonderful idea that half a dozen of us have seconded so far. Could you make a crouching fledgling, sort of the pendant to the cute crouching griffin chick? The poses of the sitting fledgling and griffin chick are so similar; it would be neat to have a fledgling to match the crouching chick.

      AHH…you have noticed that I often do several “species” of creature off of the same concept sketch!
      I used the female griffin pose for the old warrior,the lap and the cement dragon we haven’t made yet, because I thought we would never do the fem. griffin..
      I used the hippocampus pose for the pyo griffin, which was originally the flion sketch;
      -The crouching griffin concept sketch was the one I used for the young oriental dragon, since I thought we would never use it for a griffin chick.(The dragon did end up looking totally different though, since the belly of an oriental Dragon doesn’t drag.)
      -The fledgling pose was taken from the first drawing of the sitting griffin chick I did.

      It doesn’t matter really, each one is itself, even if they were derived from the same piece of paper!

      Yes, I could do a crouching fledgling. Be happy to. May I have a long life!

      in reply to: Muse #542651

        Dragon Master wrote:

        should the pics that just got posted come down? We would not want someone to steal your work with no legal recourse

        eh, it’s got a copyright on it, I think it is safe, but I should ask someone if that pic is okay or not. Gad, we are picky..

        in reply to: Other Windstone items #539761

          gryphondreamer wrote:

          SilverArrow wrote:

          Hey Melody!

          I just saw you added new items to the shop. If you could get a pic of the grand unicorn you would so have me as a customer for that tote bag. 😀

          TOTE BAGS!!! 😀 😀 😀
          there are tote bags now! cool. put more dragons and other things on the totes.

          just a suggestion to make it less cluttered: for each design, have a sub category with all the items you can buy for it. i mean, when you start to have hundrends of items for sale, it kind of makes sense. 🙂 and that seems to be where this is going.How do you do that?

          in reply to: Other Windstone items #539760

            emerald212 wrote:

            Hey Melody!

            Put that Gold OW on a women’s dark v-neck T-shirt, and I’ll buy one! Thanks.It is on a w’s black v t, isn’t it? Maybe it doesn’t show up?

            in reply to: Other Windstone items #539758

              Hey, go look at the calendar I just put up in the cafepress store! It isn’t a fancy big 12 page one,just a “yearly”, but I think it is cute. And cheaper.(I am still working on the 12 page one)

              in reply to: Different greens? #542427

                WindstoneCollector wrote:

                I have one question…I got a Green Fledgie and he matches my male, young and hatching, but I also have a female who for some reason is a much yellowier green on the lighter green than that of the others…Is it because she is older? I noticed that the Emporer’s on Ebay were different too. One matches my 3 and one matches my mother. Was it just a difference in the painter? Or did you not like the more yellow green? I really wish they were all the same. But I am glad to have them all (Except the Emporer…I wish I could afford him right now since it is the only full family I want in one color. 😥 )! 😀

                The green color varies alot. We made that “Old Green” color for years and it “drifted” around. There were three basic types of the “Old greens”, because of the three different paint brands we used: The oldest dragons were the darkest green. The lighter green color on the dragons then became more yellowish for awhile when we switched paint brands the first time.(This is probably when the female you have was made,so she is older than the others you have.) When we finally switched to “Golden” brand paint, we had the colors custom mixed for us, so after that point the color stayed consistent; a nice medium green. These most recent ones will match the fledglings (it’s the same paint). You can probably match the colors by looking carefully at the greens on Ebay, and pouncing on ones that appear to match your others. Sell the ones that don’t match!

                in reply to: Other Windstone items #539731

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  I vote anything! That griffin pic in your gallery would be nice 😀


                  in reply to: Other Windstone items #539729

                    AdaraSky wrote:

                    Can calendars be next?

                    I need to find twelve images that are interesting enough and big enough! I am trying to avoid having to do new photos, but maybe we will have to.Do you want a calendar to be all dragons? Or can it be anything?

                    in reply to: Other Windstone items #539727

                      Greater Basilisk wrote:

                      😆 😆 They look great. Which dragon is the next to get itself on something?

                      I gotta dig through this disk I burned of all the latest Windstone pieces we’ve photo’d.(The older images are on REAL FILM and I don’t know how to get them on the computer!!) I’ll see what else is the right size; the images are all different crazy sizes for some reason. Anyway, I want to get the violet flame Old warrior or the Violet flame S.K. image on something. Oh, and the Gold Leaf Old Warrior. He is so pretty, and there was only one of him… I can’t find any good Kirin images, I wanted those on stuff too.

                      in reply to: Production Dates #542327

                        Dragon Master wrote:

                        Thnaks!! So it is the copyright date of the sculpture not just what color it happens to be the person so many years ago was correct


                        in reply to: Other Windstone items #539723

                          Got some tee shirts up! I think they are cool.I am my best customer.

                          in reply to: Windstone stuff, and blatant advertising #541507

                            I got some tee shirts up in the Cafe’ Press store this morning!
                            Just one design so far, but it will turn you into a lovely walking billboard. Check them out:

                            in reply to: Broken Record #542171

                              So do I! I need to find out. There is also a pyo unicorn in the works somewhere.

                              in reply to: I just got my momma griffen #542236

                                Keplilly wrote:

                                and I put her up on my bookshelf and saw this shiny blue stone. The tail jewel fell off on me! 😯 Do you have anything to reccomend for glueing the stone back in?

                                AAAHHH! White glue works fine.I hope they don’t all fall out! Is everybody else’s jewels staying put? We use a tough type of white glue, but Elmer’s works fine.

                                in reply to: Production Dates #542325

                                  Dragon Master wrote:

                                  Hi Melody

                                  This came up in another topic and I wanted to get the answer correct from you. I had heard many years ago that the date you have stamped on the base of your Windstones is the date the actual MOLD was made and not the date the sculpture was made. I’m sure you can use molds over and over again. So even the modern day Male and Mother dragons are being cast with the original date of the first casting. After collecting for so many years it does seem to be true since all my Emperors, Males, Females etc all have the same date on them for some reason I just wanted to confirm this and was wondering if there was a specific reason you did this??That is the copyright date. That is when the sculpture was first published. The oldest Windstones, such as the little hatching dragon, will have 1984 on them. The Female griffin wasn’t published until now although the sculpture was started in 1985, so she has a date of 2006(I think) on her.

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