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tsija wrote:
So, I try to lightly wipe down my windstones once a year. I just use a paper towel with a light spritz of plain old water. Everything went fine, till I got to my ruby lap dragon. When I wiped him down, I had red/pink staining on my paper towel. Is this common with the rubies? I just want to know that I’m not damaging my dragon and won’t eventually wipe all the colour accents off. This hasn’t happened to any of my other colours of dragons. Any thoughts or suggestions…
It is best to not get them wet. Canned air and a soft brush is what we recommend. Don’t wash them, like I do.
Those rubies… argh..
We had some trouble with the older ruby paint bleeding, it isn’t supposed to do that anymmore! It is an auto paint, and is supposed to be able to take any amount of water and sun. We didn’t find it to be as bomb proof as the company claimed it to be! The pieces are well coated with a clear acrylic finish.Pam Thompson wrote:Mel, are you going to show us any more test paints for these guys or have you pretty much decided on a wolf colored one?
And I’ll venture to say that I am not fond of green eyes, although I appear to be very much in the minority with that opinion 😀 Someone else mentioned them looking drab, and I think a darker color could look really nice on these, help bring out the colors on the feathers.I can show the production ones when they appear. This is pretty much the color they will be, but like all our stuff, colors evolve over time.
I wanted to use green for the eyes because we have some beautiful green jewels that I wanted to use.The green eyes match them… and also, I am sick of all the old eye colors! At least this is different!Pam Thompson wrote:Mel, are you going to show us any more test paints for these guys or have you pretty much decided on a wolf colored one?
And I’ll venture to say that I am not fond of green eyes, although I appear to be very much in the minority with that opinion 😀 Someone else mentioned them looking drab, and I think a darker color could look really nice on these, help bring out the colors on the feathers.They look nice blue…
The only problem with silicone (besides the price!) is that it can sometimes have alot of silicone oil in it. Silicone oil contamination of the plaster part you are casting will prevent paint from sticking to it.Be sure to wash out your silicone mold well with alcohol before casting plaster into it.
Another tip; Wet the dragon’s feet and tail edges real good before pouring plaster against them, or the set part will draw too much water out of the newly cast part.This could weaken it,or even prevent it from setting properly.mimitrek wrote:I was wondering about that! 🙂
By the way, is this the “wolf 3” color scheme in your gallery? Wolf 3 does look the most like these. There are slight differences, the wings of the production ones are whiter, and have less barring. The Wolf colored family in my gallery are paint samples that I painted, so we will see how the production ones actually turn out. Usually the production ones are brighter and “cleaner” looking than mine.
SilverArrow wrote:I’m terrible for coming up with names for pets even, so I’m totally helpless with Windstones! I can’t come up with good names for any of my Windstones except my emerald oriental dragon. He just looks like a Ralph to me (don’t ask me why). I would like to come up with some good names for my Unicorns, but can’t think of any. Any suggestions?
I wonder if Melody names her sculps? Uh, yes, I do name them, but not the all sculpts. I’ve named some individual pieces I have around, too.
This is funny, especially for Calvin and Hobbs fans.
emerald212 wrote:Melody wrote:emerald212 wrote:Melody wrote:mimitrek wrote:Melody wrote:emerald212 wrote:Ooo! A calico would be nice, or a tortie.
I am painting calico flapcats right now!
Show us a picture! Are these the eyes shut version?
These are the eye shut ones. They will be limited edition. I’ll put pic up when I get a finished one.
Question: Do calico (tortoise and white) cats always have the black marking on the face on the cat’s right side? Seems like every one I’ve seen does. Is this just a coincidence?My Claire Marie in my avatar pic is a calico tabby. I think her dark side is the left side. Her left or your left?
Her left. That blows my theory!
drag0nfeathers wrote:So is there a month slated for release??? …I know thngs are never planned so I won’t hold you to it 😉
Oh please! I give up trying to figure out when stuff will be out! I am always wrong!! We are test painting these right now, so it is possible that they will be coming along shortly. No dates.
drag0nfeathers wrote:See, That’s kind of what I was trying to do. I’m not trying to make a mold of an Emperor or anything copyright infringing, just a cast of the missing piece, I just don’t want to destroy another Emperor in the process. I bought this rubber mold stuff you are supposed to paint on the area, but it has amonia in it, hence why I was asking Mel about it. It just didn’t seem like a good idea to apply straight to a Windstone. I would think the paint would peel right off with it when I tried to remove it.
How do you do what you were saying. I’ve never heard of hydrostone oh, I see.. hmm. How about that gelatin mold material? I’ve seen it in craft catalogues, it is used to make molds of your body parts. I think it is pretty harmless, although it would have some water in it.
I put a picture of calico flapcats in my gallery. They have more black on their right sides, of course.
mimitrek wrote:Melody wrote:mimitrek wrote:Melody wrote:emerald212 wrote:Ooo! A calico would be nice, or a tortie.
I am painting calico flapcats right now!
Show us a picture! Are these the eyes shut version?
These are the eye shut ones. They will be limited edition. I’ll put pic up when I get a finished one.
I can’t wait to see it! 😀
Melody wrote:Question: Do calico (tortoise and white) cats always have the black marking on the face on the cat’s right side? Seems like every one I’ve seen does. Is this just a coincidence?
Hmm…I can’t tell if this guy has a black marking on the right side of his face also, but he definitely has a black marking on the left side:
She has more black on her right side! See? It seems most are like that.
emerald212 wrote:Melody wrote:mimitrek wrote:Melody wrote:emerald212 wrote:Ooo! A calico would be nice, or a tortie.
I am painting calico flapcats right now!
Show us a picture! Are these the eyes shut version?
These are the eye shut ones. They will be limited edition. I’ll put pic up when I get a finished one.
Question: Do calico (tortoise and white) cats always have the black marking on the face on the cat’s right side? Seems like every one I’ve seen does. Is this just a coincidence?My Claire Marie in my avatar pic is a calico tabby. I think her dark side is the left side. Her left or your left?
SilverArrow wrote:Hey Melody,
Would it be possible to have a picture of the wolf griffin next to the tan griffin? I was curious to see which one is more colorful. I really like the green eyes on the wolf color, but it seems a bit on the drab side. Although, it could be just the lighting. Ok, I posted a pic of the Wolf male griffin with a Brown one in my gallery.
MORE pearl things? Aren’t you guys sick of pearl things yet?