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  • in reply to: 4/24 GBB Discussion/Share Thread! #879199

    I got my notification for back in stock AFTER I’d received my order confirmation email from both Windstone and PayPal.

    in reply to: I am scared, angry, upset, and need advice #845747

    Fiancé here.

    As far as why I’ve told my ex: I would be upset if my daughters came back to me with wounds on their face, with no word from my ex, only to hear “yeah daddy, the dog bit me”. I was being courteous, and letting her know that her child had been injured, what happened, and that all was taken care of. She overreacted. I’ve been told this by the few people I’ve spoken to about it. I’ve even emailed my lawyer detailing what happened, just in case something comes of this, I don’t want my lawyer blindsided.

    This!! Thank you for being a responsible ex.

    Now let me play devil’s advocate here. What would you do if you sent your child out to the park to play and she came home with scratches on her face and said that a dog/cat/whatever bit her. Wouldn’t you freak out?? You have no idea what the animal that bit her was like, you wouldn’t know it’s temperament, if she provoked it or if it just attacked. You wouldn’t even know if it was rabid or had some other communicable disease.

    I think so long as you have proof that your dog has had it’s annual vaccinations, that you’ve repeatedly warned the girls not to do this (and she has to be able to back you up on it). You should be fine.

    I hope you’re calmer now and can look at this with a little more objectivity. Hugs Hun!!

    I think that’s a different situation entirely. If the wounds were caused by a random animal at the park, I’d have taken her to the ER, just in case. That said, the bite was caused by a member of the family, and I know he’s well taken care of, is up to date on his shots, and normally has the temperament of a small happy-go-lucky child. I can’t blame him for reacting to being scared, just as I can’t blame my daughter for wanting to snuggle his fluffy little head. The situation I’m faced with is an ex who is prone to over-reacting, having double standards, and holding on to an anger that, in my opinion, she should have left behind long ago.

    Update on the munchkin/dog: Kid’s face doesn’t hurt her any more, and is constantly slathered with Neosporin. Puppy dog is a bit skittish right now, considering I had to re-establish my role as Alpha in the family. Beyond that, everyone here has made nice-nice, and we’re just taking it in stride. Wish the ex would.

    in reply to: I am scared, angry, upset, and need advice #845642

    Fiancé here.

    First, I’m definitely not upset. My daughter (both of them, actually) have been told not to snuggle the dogs…specifically Louis. I locked the dog up, to separate him from the situation, put my daughter in the bathroom, and as I was cleaning her up, told her that she knew better. We had a talk about how she’s not supposed to snuggle up on Louis, and to basically just not get all lovey dovey on him, like little girls are prone to do.

    The ex, on the other hand, doesn’t really understand that the dogs are just like any other animal (including humans) and are equipped with a fight or flight response. He chose to fight. I completely understand. I don’t like that my daughter got hurt, but on the other hand, we both have warned them on numerous occasions, and we weren’t listened to.

    As far as why I’ve told my ex: I would be upset if my daughters came back to me with wounds on their face, with no word from my ex, only to hear “yeah daddy, the dog bit me”. I was being courteous, and letting her know that her child had been injured, what happened, and that all was taken care of. She overreacted. I’ve been told this by the few people I’ve spoken to about it. I’ve even emailed my lawyer detailing what happened, just in case something comes of this, I don’t want my lawyer blindsided.

    Louis is my buddy. We have our issues, he needs to learn that I’m alpha now, but beyond that he’s a good boy. The girls have never been around dogs, and need to learn how to act around them, as well as read the dogs’ body language, so this doesn’t happen again.

    in reply to: Reputation goes a long way… #839697

    Wampus Dragon wrote:

    If we meet on the Ebay field from now on, I will either win it, or she will pay way more than it’s worth to me. Simple.

    Wampus Dragon wrote:

    DO NOT ACCUSE ME OF SHILLING!! I have NO intention whatsoever on bidding on anything I do not intend to win/do no want. Im just saying that my high bids will be even higher, and if she should try to snipe me again, it will be for a price that I dont intend to re-bid over anyway, and it wont be for an easy price. I have never NOT paid for an auction I won, regardless of price. So watch what you are insinuating!! If I bid, I intend to win, period. I might have changed my mind on a few pieces, but it had nothing to do with who I was bidding against! Nothing whatsoever. If she wants a pink polkadotted dragon or whatever, and I dont actually want it…Im not hopping over there just to bid on it because she did!

    I have a problem with ONE person. One person only. And I will not say anymore after this post. Take it or leave it.

    To everyone else on this forum besides this one person, I apologize for making a scene… BUT putting a gigantic gorg pile on me for stating my opinion on an internet forum definitely has no chance of solving anything either.

    So, you don’t want to be accused of shilling, yet you blatantly say that you will bump a price if you know you’re not going to win it? That may not be the exact definition of shilling, however its still not in the spirit of these forums.

    I feel the need to say, I’ve only ever posted here twice. I’ve had no real reason beyond this to post, until now. I’ve read through all the drama generated by your actions, and your seemingly selfish need to make yourself come off better than the others on this forum. I do have to say that you really don’t understand what this forum’s about if that’s what you’re trying to do.

    I may not be an active member, but I do see the community built here. Considering how active you are here, I’m surprised you haven’t.

    Please try to think of other people’s feelings, before throwing a tantrum and acting like a child because you feel slighted. We’re all adults here. I think we should act like it.

    in reply to: Archive? #838827

    Jennifer wrote:

    I think this is an inquiry best sent to John. 🙂 john {at}

    Will do. Thanks for the info. 🙂

    EDIT: I’ve emailed John.

    in reply to: Archive? #838823

    Griffinlover wrote:

    I just talked to my hubby to be. He said he could make a database with website if you are interested.

    He’s a computer software developer. He loves taking side jobs like that. He’s willing to do it for free. Let me know if you are interested.

    Griffinlover told me about this, and I figured I’d come in and say something. I’m more than willing to do this, I just need whatever info you have. I’ve got ~10 years experience coding web fronted databases, and honestly, I just love doing it. I don’t mind helping you guys out, especially since Griffinlover loves your art so much. It makes her happy, so I’m happy.

    I would want/need the following information:

    Host information (since the forums look to be PHP, I can guess that you have access to PHP / MySQL)

    A list of all known Windstones. I saw the links above, but I’d prefer a single complete list. I can always have Griffinlover do that part for me. 😛

    All associated media (pictures, videos if you have them, etc)…again, I can manage without.

    I’m assuming you don’t want users to be able to add to this, so that’d take me even less time to do.

    Feel free to hit me up here, or via the email linked to this account. I’m sure Griffinlover will tell me I got a reply before my email will. 😀

    – marou

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