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Thanks for the well wishes guys.
No Prob Dragon my Mom was calling between work and bed from Labrador to find out how the Khym, Jubilee, Nan, me and Marc were doing(in that order). She calls every single day, and more than once if she’s not working. *Sigh* I can’t wait until she’s out here full time, then she can cool it a bit….I hope!! But at least she’ll be the one looking after my Grandmother then.
Could also be a UTI, that’s how we knew Jubilee had her second round of UTI. It’ll also weaken the bladder for a while.
I love my Book too!! If/When things turn around for us we’re thinking about getting several, hopefully you’ll still be making them by then Jen!! (still plotting on jewelry too)
OK so Khym’s been having some issues, they think they may be Seizures (Dog’s not alerting and an upped Pheno doesn’t seem to help)or headaches (possibly)due to the shunt. Let’s just put it this way if I(or any adult) were to have a headache that bad it would be classed as the severest Migraine possible, and I would be placed in the hospital for observation. I wouldn’t want to wish that on my worst enemy. There is also a third possibility, all the side effects of having a VP Shunt (the same thing as Little Mallory just got) we managed to escape, with the exception of ones that may happen at any time including in 30 years, but will invariable happen (He’ll out grow the shunts positioning and it’ll have to be replaced/positioned, or it’ll clog, every drain does at some time or another, just when and how often) and this also looks like what we’re dealing with, however after numerous visualizing tests they highly doubt these are the problems, I mean they literally cannot see that this is what’s happening. Later this month he goes to see his actually Neurologist, and have another EEG, he had one in June. Hopefully we can find out what’s up. Oh and there’s no identifiable triggers to this, but these “episodes happen(“Start”) at approximately 2:30am, sometimes up to an hour earlier or later.
My mom made her move here in June, and we spent all of that month and the first half of July running all over Northern Alberta(Though not as far North as Fort Mac.) trying to get her moved in and house hunting, we’re still looking for our future home(to buy). However now she’s back in Labrador finishing up her retirement.
I’ve got one little(3 almost 4 years old) cousin who’s had her open heart surgery, which was supposed to be done because it was “Now or Never” get put off 5 times in 9 months. She was born with her heart Valves reversed, and a couple of shunts between her heart and lungs as well as a hole in her heart. The hole mostly fixed it self, the Shunts were corrected within the first month, and the rest of the hole was closed off at around 18 months. But they were waiting until she started to go down hill before doing the reversal. Oh and I had another little cousin born with the same problem in May.
I Don’t even know where to begin with my Grandmother…. Let’s just put it this way, while my Mom’s back in Labrador she falls under Mine and my Male’s care, and we finally found out she’s had a broken foot for over a month…..and I’m not going into anything else, ’cause there’s way too much.
The car repairs are like my Nan, way too long to list… There’s a reason we’ve been looking at getting an brand new Smart(for 2) for a couple of months, at least some of the reasons for that are alleviated by the use of mom’s vehicle.
Oh and we just had to have our dog go through Surgery (still dealing with allergies) She had 5 teeth (Most of which were the big back chewers) and 4 “warts”/growths removed. Poor girl, she was in so much pain the first day even Khym was crying in sympathy. Note she’s a 12 year old Dalmation, so we have some considerations that have to be taken into account because of both age and breed. Also she’s had 4/5 vicious UTI’s in the last few months. They’ve been bad enough that the Vet’s couldn’t believe she was as happy and touchable as she was, actually they couldn’t believe she was able to sit, far less stand and walk. Apparently the levels she had normally mean the dogs already dead, just doesn’t know it yet. Again we thought she may have had Stones, not an infection, she’s high White Dally, and that is apparently linked with stupid high chance of stones, but nope still hasn’t had any.
I’m not going into Male or I’s problems, let’s just say thank god the Cat’s healthy, and he’s currently over at the Medi center.
Oh and all this is why I’ve not been logging in lately, but I have been following along. To top it off, last week Khym had one *BEEP* of a stomach Flu, we were so concerned he ended up in the ER twice in 1 day. I’ve never been as sick as my poor Little Heart was. So Yes I have missed some things, and may still be more of a lurker for a while, but I’m not too badly out of the loop…. I hope!!
And feel free to make this another “Life Sucks” thread!!! 😀 😀 😀 ‘Cause yeah usually it does!!
A combination of that and the converts were still celebrating the old holidays so they had to trick them into “Giving them up” and celebrating only Christian holidays. Even St. Paddy’s and April Fools, though they technically had way too much trouble with April Fools and that one’s conversion essentially failed, but they succeed enough that it ended up seriously toned down, like man was that one wild!!! YAY for inane trivia you learn in University during Theology, Psychology, Philosophy, English and Comparative Lit classes. 😯
Adaneth wrote:Jennifer wrote:Haha, the family photo is funny. It was obvious he was just goofing around for the photo. He might have his pants down but the tighty whiteys (or, navy blue it seems) are still on. 😆
I’m with Nam on that. It’s so obvious he know’s what he’s doing, and I just love it! 😆
How long has it been since I last saw a 5″ floppy? Where did she GET those?!
My place. Seriously…
Snap did you ever find me that Diskette drive? So you know I can upgrade?
I also have a working Commodore… You know complete with Cassette tape drive. The cassette drive is what you store to, like a floppy or diskette or you young ‘uns the CD/DVD.twindragonsmum wrote:OH MY GOD!!
This guy used to be my Boss!!!
His name is Randy!!!
Seriously, if it’s not Randy he’s got a clone!!Maybe that’s what Carol needs to get the clue that she needs it too.
“So what are you getting counseling for?”
“Well I just feel so guilty that Chloe is healthy and Mallory isn’t, I don’t want it to affect our relationship, or the relation ships with either of the girls.”
“Oh umm…. Yeah college people get sucky jobs”Next conversation
“I’m getting counseling to better help Mallory as she grows deal with being not having been the healthiest.”
“Oh Good for you Carol, ’cause Mallory needs you to be there for her more than any other child ever will.”Maybe that’ll help? And the worst of it is I know you do feel a little guilt. I have a little cousin who’s 3 years older than Khym, and she finally got her open heart surgery that was put off 4 times in the last 9 months, even though they had been waiting until she had to have the surgery to do it in the first place. We feel a little Guilty that when Khym goes to the ER he has specialists every which way from Sunday, but she has to wait. I’m dreading if there’s ever a time both of us go in at the same time, because Khym will probably get in first.
Glad to hear she seems to be doing better. Hopefully she’ll come out of this nicely.
I’m dreading not being able to send Khym to school with a PBJ, I mean what the *BEEP* else am I supposed to send my kid to school with for lunch? A Ham sandwich? That’s not a proper kids lunch sandwich, and they can go bad too quickly? Some times I think it’s a way for processed food makers/sellers to actually force us into buying their over priced “nutritional” (I believe falsely labeled) crap. But I do know some of those people who are seriously allergic, like a friend in High school who almost died because of her allergy to Peas(green) they knew it but she was originally allergic to ingestion, but then found out the hard way it turned into a “Steam”/air reaction. Also we found out that Green Noodles are made with Peas. Her poor father almost killed her for with that one. He thought they just used normal food colouring, not peas, but after she started having a reaction he read the ingredient list. 😯 😯 There’s one to be able to hold over your dad for the rest of his life!! The only time he never read a label…
Oh and I’m stupidly allergic to perfume, but you know what I only request that people not drown in it, or spray it inside confined spaces like buses and staff rooms with no ventilation or inside an internet cafe when there’s a door 6 feet away from you!!! 👿 👿 👿 Yes it’s nice when they realize they smell, and try to remedy such, but inside is not a good idea. I really really hate Pneumonia.
Oh and Halloween/All Hallows eve is supposed to be “All Saints Night” And most of the dates we now celebrate Christian Holidays on were because the church couldn’t actually eliminate the old Pagan traditions so they just subverted them by saying “Oh you must be celebrating this holiday instead”. The phrase “I reject your reality and insert my own” comes to mind. 😀
Snapdragon wrote:The rest, like rebuilding walls, doing wallboard, ceiling, etc. I can handle myself.
It just takes time… and time is not a huge quantity I have obviously.
If you don’t mind Khym helping a little maybe we could lend a hand sometime!! Mom(When she get’s back in November) and I(Mom especially) have a fair bit of practice with all of that. She can even install some types of hardwood floors all on her own. 😯 She’s reno’d our (former) house in Labrador often enough on her own, including Windows and bathrooms.
You need this right now so I’m making the time to give you what I hope is some faith in what’s to come…Oh and I’m going to try and keep rants out of this, but I have more than a few.
I don’t remember when you actually joined the forums, but when my Khym was born, he’d had a stroke during L&D, I know that there’s a big difference in the fact that he was born full term (40wks 5Days) but this is a rather common and very surmountable problem that occurs in Preemie’s/low birth-weights. We were told that it’s so stupidly common in pre-termer’s that because Khym was full term it was actually far more of a worry. Here’s the “Dumbed down” version they had to give my male so that he could start to follow when this nightmare was happening(and what I simplified even more for him).
1) stroke happened
2) stroke is basically a Hemorrhage (bleeding) into the brain.
3) the blood pooled in the brain’s natural cavities (spaces)
4) Blood filling these spaces causes brain pressure(think “Balloon” inside small box being filled)
5) Pressure in brain causes seizures *this is what we had been seeing*
6) The Stroke, pressure, and seizures could all cause brain damage.
7) they don’t know what caused a healthy full term baby, who shouldn’t have had a stroke to have had one *I have my theories*Ok so after a terrifying time, remember in little one’s this is perfectly normal- but not in full term healthy big but not too big babies it’s not, we were finally able to bring our Little Heart home on anti-seizure meds. The one actual potential side-effect of the blood in the cavities is that as it’s being reabsorbed(going away) it will do what blood does and clot/clog up the brains natural drainage tubes. And umm yeah 1 Friday we were released the next we saw his Pedi, and the following we were right back in the hospital because of this. The seizure meds were working , which was both good and bad, because he didn’t have a seizure which would have been a nearlier warning sign than “Sunset eyes” where the pressure builds up so much it literally forces/pushes the eyeballs in their sockets down. Yeah and we thought the seizures were scary.
😯 so then they had to rush the Neuro-Surgeon up from another city, since they had both gone there for different reasons, and we needed one immediately. The neuro-surgeon installed a VP shunt, which is basically an artificial brain drain tube (sorry I had to 😈 ).Yes we had been thinking “Why didn’t they just put one in in the first place” well reason is that in the first 3 months the chance of it becoming seriously infected (or working it’s way back out of the skin) and it’ very slight chance of ever being removed, as well as the constant probability of it’s clogging up, and then the guarantee of it having to be replaced in the future, oh and did I mention the chance of infection? makes it something that if “You absolutely positively do not need” you should not have thing, is why. The “Stroke”/Blood often vacates the brain fine on it’s own, however Khym’s not in the normal category.
We have seriously lucked out by not having the actually complications with the shunt. However that’s one of if not the main reason I’ve been ghosting here instead of anything else, he’s been scaring the bejeebers outta us by doing what looks like “Shunt Failure”, but is now looking more and more like it’s merely a different form/type of seizures than we knew. And until that’s cleared up and I can get something more akin to sleep than I have, I’ll be returning to the ethereal state.
I hope this stupidly long post helps you some.
PM’d!! Thank you so much!! 😀
*Giggle* Your Porcupine looks all soft and fuzzy!!! But I wouldn’t want to be the one to check that out!!
Ok so with your saying she’s got lot’s of hair, I read Nair when I saw Nar!! But then again I am a little bit off, and I know so are a few others out here, with some of the other critter names we all have!! 😆