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  • in reply to: Blackfish #907605

      I’m thankful for the link, however, I’m not seeing that interview as changing what I took away from the film. Maybe I’ll read it again when I’m less tired but here are my initial reactions. I don’t think a negative light was painted on SeaWorld trainers in Blackfish, with them being portrayed as loving individuals who cared for the animals they trained. The individual interviewed in the link, Bridgette, seemed to be more concerned with A. The movie wasn’t entirely about trainers, and in particular, Dawn and B. Several interview segments seen after Dawn’s death, where former trainers were surmising about what could have contributed to the attack. Those interviews were a pretty insignificant part of the movie for me. I think the movie did a nice job leading up to that scene making it clear that it wasn’t trainer fault, instead, that the history of Orca behavior in captivity didn’t make them safe animals to continue training. As for freeing all whales, I’m not sure if that’s everyone elses take away from the film, but it wasn’t mine. I don’t advocate releasing Orcas who have been in captivity their whole lives and who cannot successfully survive in the wild. But I also don’t think we should continue breeding them and having them perform giving their unpredictable behavior. Which is Bridgette’s own wants for SeaWorld, quoted in the article: “I would end animals for entertainment purposes, and stop the breeding program.”

      My sister is a marine mammal trainer, and I was very sensitive going into this movie that they might criticize them, but I did not see that. It was stated that some of the trainers weren’t qualified their first day in (being chosen for looks/personality instead of credentials), but they mirror senior trainers before they ever get in the water with animals.

      Anyways, that’s just my thoughts. I’ll stop there.

      in reply to: Happy Birthday, Susie! #907511

        Happy belated Birthday!

        in reply to: Show off some of your Christmas goodies! #907321

          Congrats on the new house!

          Oh! Completely adorable rat! Do you think your sister might be wiling to share the pattern?

          I second this! What a cute Rat! 🙂

          I’ll let my sister know her Pom Pom Rat was appreciated by more than just me and ask her how she made it. 🙂

          in reply to: New in our store today, December 31, 2013 #907141

            Woo Hoo!
            Just got two Tadpoads! Both Bengal ‘twins’ – one each eye color! I think I like the tan metallic eyes just a little better than the brown, but both are nice

            I went back and forth between the two Bengals for a good 10 minutes, then considered buying both, but finally decided on the brown eyed one. Too cute =)

            in reply to: Show off some of your Christmas goodies! #907140

              I got a lot of useful things, including a humidifier (I don’t know how I lived without one for so long!), grommets, and a new filter for my vacuum. I got some fun stuff as well, including a gorillapod, label maker (I’m going crazy with it), a horse print, and presents for my pets. I also got some gift cards, which I used to purchase a PSN+ subscription, and put the remainder towards a 3DS XL ….and a Bengal Tadpoad lol =)

              And my sister made me a Pom Pom Rat <3

               photo IMAG0534_zpsbf837b76.jpg

              in reply to: Thank You for the Christmas Card #906752

                Thank you! Lovely as always and glossy this year! Your hand must be cramping signing and addressing all of these!

                in reply to: Blackfish #906718

                  For those interested, Blackfish is now on Netflix. I found it hard to watch, but glad in the end that I did.

                  in reply to: Quest 13 – Week 2 Winner #906609

                    Yeah! Congratulations!

                    in reply to: WHINE is served #906212

                      My aunt’s a florist and her hands are also very dry. She said that when it gets really bad, she slathers on regular hand cream and puts on small cotton socks on her hands just before going to bed. Dunno if that would be any help…

                      I think I will start covering my hands in cotton socks at night. The socks seem like a great method to keep the lotion on and are cheaper (free!) and more readily available than cotton gloves. I’m going to raid my dresser tonight.

                      My hands have improved tremendously since that whine. Each day it gets better. At night, I’ve been applying a modified homemade lotion recipe a member sent me, and during the day, just babying my hands. =)

                      in reply to: The Winner of the November 2013 rafffle is… #906209


                        in reply to: Quest 12 entries #906208

                          I made that mistake as well- being so excited to clink on the links and read entries, I didn’t read the directions at the top about zooming. I figured it out without much trouble, though.

                          Anyways, I loved reading all these stories! Good job, everyone! And congrats again, Drag0n! Although easier and quicker quests are fun (and give me a chance at winning), I look forward to seeing what members come up with for these creative quests.

                          in reply to: Happy Birthday, Zelda! #906206

                            Happy Birthday!

                            in reply to: Happy 18th twindragon1 & twindragon2!!!! #905819

                              Happy Birthday X2!

                              in reply to: Happy Birthday, Branzyboo! #905818

                                Happy Belated B-Day!

                                in reply to: COA sketches!! Post yours! #905692

                                  What a beautiful collection of COAs! I particularly like the mouse one and the oriental playing with his ball =)

                                Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 4,052 total)