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starbreeze wrote:
Poor Susie!! I hope she doesn’t get a bunch of phone calls now!!!! 😆
I love mine plus she sent me a fuzzy! So I can deal with a shiney female and chicks…
The male can play like Hugh Heffner and be the old Geezer with some pretty new women and chicks…hehehehe
October 25, 2007 at 2:30 am in reply to: selling white male dragon.. possably ruby old warrior dragon #629014PM sent…
frozendragon wrote:yeah your male and my male are the same age…..and you can tell the difference in the female in your pics too….
Do you think I should ask Susie for some Windstone Factory dust also? Hehehehehe……
Nambroth wrote:Oh, this looks just like my home in the hills of Western NY. Gorgeous, makes me miss it.
It also reminds me of the Smokies and Adironacks(sp?)
What gorgeous scenery. I have some great pictures like that in the Smokies on my honeymoon 14 years ago.
Question about you camera? What are you using. I have a few 5 megapixel digitals, but I just bought a Sony 10 megapixel DSLR A100K with the lens package.
What camera are you using to shoot these gorgeous pics? You must be using your macro feature for those gorgeous closeups of the fungii.
Thanks for the pics 🙂
Here are pictures of my Griffins….I have owned the Black Male since he first came out about 17 years ago or so….so he is a bit dusty…or as I think of it…”a nice patina of dust”…
I got mine in today also and you are right, my male has een with me for a very long time and is a bit dull. The female is bright and shiney and new!
Leave it to Susie to send you the fix, she really is a genius! I wonder if my Chicks will be here today?
It has been so depressing lately, I am almost scarred to watch.
First of all, I am so sorry for your loss, but you did the right thing.
I have lost many animals over the years, because I take in animals who are ill or old. The two animals that impacted me the most were my first two miniature pinschers. I got BJ when I was 15 years old and had to put him to sleep during graduate school. That dog was like my child. But he was in kidney failure and he was suffering. It took several years to be able to come to grips with my decision. I was with him. He has been gone for 11 years now and I am crying just thinking about it.
This year, I had to put down BJ’s mate Taz. She was 15. They had one litter, of which their 14 year old daughter is still in good health and their grandaughters are 13 and still hanging in.
I will never forget my dogs that have passed and they are family members and no matter how long it has been, it will always bring me to tears…but we have a duty to make sure that our pets do not suffer.
October 19, 2007 at 11:22 pm in reply to: Should the white old warrior be signed on the bottom? #627446darjeb wrote:I just had a second thought and went and looked at my white OW to see if it was signed – it was!
Mine’s not signed…and I took his tag off too…so now I can never sell him and that makes me happy 🙂
October 19, 2007 at 11:20 pm in reply to: What is the next special old warriors going to be? #627776ddvm wrote:My dream would be autumn leaf – plus it would be very seasonal!
You got that right!
I have a question…is this a Freaky-Eyed Spectral. I am considering getting it and I can’t remember what happened with the Freaky Eyed bunch. Was it the first batch of Spectrals and how do you tell?
Thanks, Kaya
Jvargas0667 wrote:Dragon Master wrote:Jvargas0667 wrote:Dragon Master wrote:Jvargas0667 wrote:Dragon Master wrote:Romeodanny wrote:TC won this SK, Rumsey won the Coiled Mother.
OK well then TC just make sure she gets sent to my house Susie has my address on file!!
You had best be careful there DM. Lodi is close enough to Concord that 3 SKs in one place might become an overpowering temptation! 😈 🙄 😈
OOHHH But you are forgetting about my attack Ninja kitties!!!I’m patient. Need to get my alibi in place anyway. So, when did you say you were going out of town again?
Didn’t forget a thing. I have the trusted Samurai ball of string. Completely nuetralizes Ninja kitties dead in thier tracks.
But alas this is all a MUTE point since SK #3 is not on it’s way to my house……..YET!!!
MMMUUUHHHHHAAAAA!!!!!GOOD LORD! This looks like some sort of sick maze game……whhoooo I think it just gave me a migrane!
It is terrible you are having a bad week! Please don’t take it out on others. No one is trying to make your week worse! We just want to be friends! You should put up a vent thread in the Community section so you can get it all off your chest. We all have bad days and weeks, so I sympathize. Hope it gets better for you!!!!!
October 18, 2007 at 11:34 pm in reply to: Should the white old warrior be signed on the bottom? #627436That is what happened to mine and you can PM me if you want to know the compromise I asked for and got!!!
I did get a letter with mine and Windstone, Melody and Susie took care of me 🙂 I am very happy as I have a rare “unsigned” version that may end up on Antiques Road Show some day with the “Freaky Eyed Spectrals”
But then again, I like OOOP’s
Kyrin wrote:Jvargas0667 wrote:So far it looks like the Brown OW will be mine, unless I get sniped for some ridiculous amount. So either he goes to a good home, or you get a good return on him to help with those bills. Sorry you have to sell him, but I promise to give him a good home if I win.
How do I say this nicely? Considering that this particular brown OW was originally going to be mine, and then Travistie had to unexpectedly hurry up the sale, (ie get money for him before I get paid), I’d really appreciate it if you wouldn’t crow in my post about winning it.
Don’t get me wrong, I am happy for you that you are getting it, but really unhappy that it isn’t me, especially since it was supposed to be, so do be a dear and don’t rub my nose in it.
Thanks so much.
I am not involved in this at all…so I should keep my mouth shut…but don’t you think that was a bit mean? I am sure he didn’t mean to offend you.