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I found my number nine, how bout the 12 candlelamps, that would be great!!! I wanted to do 12 Royal Hatchers, but I am missing the White Empress. Maybe next year I will be able to use them 🙂
Jvargas0667 wrote:Not to nit-pic, but I count 10 curlies a-curlin.
You are right I fixed it so now I need 9 and 12…
Greater Basilisk wrote:So Kaya, how do things stand? I hope you get the castle.
I will probably have to wait until Monday when John or Karen come in. I am hoping that I can work something out directly. I am more than willing to buy the Castle from them. But I guess it will be up to Windstone….
On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
One Mardi Gras Muse A’Musing
Second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
Two Spectals Shining
On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
Three Poads a Poading
On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
Four Coileds Coiling
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
Five Coiled Mothers
On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
Six Baby Dinos
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
Seven Warriors Conspiring
On the eigth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
Eight Hatchers Hatching
On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
Nine Griffins Lounging
On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
Ten Curlies Curling
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
Eleven Fledgies Flocking
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
Twelve Lighted Candlelamps
Very Pretty!!!!
KoishiiKitty wrote:keschete wrote:He looks like my cat Mephistopheles. Stoph weighs about 20 pounds and he is long like that!
OMG! you name your cat Mephistopheles??? as in the Mephistopheles from Cat’s the play????????
The cat from TS Elliot and the Cats Production is Mr. Mistofelees (sp?)
My cat is named after Mephistopheles the character in Christopher Marlowe’s manuscript “Dr. Faustus”
Mephistopheles is the equivalent of a demon or the devil…and since he is so big and opens regular doors, opens cabinets and turns on water faucets..he earned the name. My other two cats are Tatsu (the word dragon in japaneese) and Chupacabra (goat sucker in spanish, a mythological creature that kills livestock in south central america)
Yeah! I am weird…but according to the Cats play..cats need unique names!
Watch this, it is my Mephistopheles, congrats on your work with him…my Stoph was a feral 12 week old kitten when I took him in off the street.
Good luck to the other bidders, and I pray this doesn’t happen to you! Hopefully, we will find a solution. It makes it frustrating for all of us and it isn’t fair to Windstone. They need to be able to sell pieces so they can move 🙂
foxfeather wrote:John had posted somewhere that they were working on the problem. This sucks 👿
Yes, I was the victim this time along with Windstone. I actually called Karen this afternoon when I saw who supposedly won the auction and told her I wanted the Castle and would pay whatever for it.
The bidder hasn’t bought anything in almost two years…and all of a sudden he puts a $700 bid on a Windstone. That is strange…so I was suspicious.
Anyway, I have emails to Karen and John and Melody and will see if I can somehow get this fixed.
If I buy it, then the person who tried to screw us all up, well, then he doesn’t win. They can’t hurt Windstone if all of us collectors are willing to honor our bids, and if Windstone is willing to sell outside of ebay.
This sure seems malicious to me. Is this just random trouble making or is it directed at Windstone?
I have actually had an encounter, as a seller, where someone hacked an account in order to try to scam me into western unioning them money…so I am very suspicious….
Jvargas0667 wrote:Wolflodge said the auction was cancelled. Another bogus bidder or something.
JC, sorry I have been delinquent emailing you a response….I will be chatting with you tomorrow am 🙂 Hugs!
And Yes I lost to a Bogus Bidder!!!! Actually as soon as the auction ended and I looked at the bidder’s info, I was suspicious. All the girls in my office were booing….because they were all watching me refresh every few seconds…..then blammo..I loose! I have been talking about this all week…. (we have an office full of abay addicts and I taught them all how to ebay 🙂 )
So I looked at the buyer, no purchases in almost two years and that seemed strange. I called Karen and told her I wanted the castle and would pay if it happened to be a bogus bidder. I think she was suprised when I told her it seemed funny…that it wasn’t like Ski bid against me….
Now here is the email from ebay!!!!!
Dear keschete (,
The listing in which you were a bidding participant:
has been ended by eBay. Since the listing was ended by eBay, for the transaction itself is null and void.
AGGGHHHHHH! If I knew who was doing this, I would break their knee caps myself!!! I was willing to do whatever necessary to get this castle…and I got sniped by a non entity.
I completely sympathize with everyone else who has been messed up by this!!!
He looks like my cat Mephistopheles. Stoph weighs about 20 pounds and he is long like that!
Obsidian is gorgeous and I love the name too!
That is so good of you to take in a feral boy like him. We did that with Chewy’s momma and now she has a great home (with no kids) and she is well loved by her new owner. All of my cats came straight from the street.
Ferals are a lot of work. Good luck and congratulations for what you have achieved so far. It is so great to see people who love animals helping out the ones that no one else wants!
Hugs and keep up the great work!
He is a comedian from South Louisiana and he has quite a few youtube videos. We have tickets to see him tonight at a local night club…here is a sample:
Melody wrote:We are going do Laps and sitting Spectrals in Red Fire next, just cause we have extra castings of those two designs to paint.
Ohhh! A Lap in that color will probably be a very nice piece to add to my collection! Are you going to do some special sparkly invisible paint lap dragons?
Kyrin wrote:I’m with you. I love the dark blue one, but I know when that one goes up, I don’t have a snowball’s chance in heck of getting it. So I hoped to get this one, since everyone kept saying how they didn’t really like it, someone fibbed.
If it helps at all…someone snipped the Hawks Castle right out from under me and I was prepared to bid more, but I just wasn’t fast enough!
I know you get frustrated, but hang in there and keep saving a stash on the side. Sooner or later something you want will pop up and you will win! You never know, you may save a nice little stash and then the perfect thing comes up and you win it and occaisionally it isn’t as expensive as you thought. I got that test paint Mariner’s watchtower for a steal…
Just keep trying 🙂
Akeyla wrote:I’m surprised noone asked me yet “WTF 50 times didnt you get bored?”
We are all addicted to something. I am addicted to Windstones and fast cars, so I can understand why you could want to see the production so many times.
I had a blast. I really enjoyed the acrobatics and the singing and just the fun of it all! I was on the first row and in the middle, so I think that made it much better. I enjoyed interacting with the cast 🙂
Jasmine wrote:Man, now I know who’s house I’d be raiding… 😈
I will be adding more pictures this weekend and when I get my other castle in. I now have all of the fledgies, but I still need Castle of the Hawks and a White Hatching Empress…..