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  • in reply to: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKI D55 #1530264

      Thanks guys!!! (Sorry for the late reply)


        I agree.


          I just emailed him.



            This listing is back up and listed for $1200. Was it determined that this was a knock off or infringement?

            in reply to: Happy Birthday Siberakh1 #1518892

              Happy Birthday!!!

              in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1515996

                Thats the plan. 🙂 Thank you!!

                in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1515987

                  Thank you all for responding. Ive been dealing with more craziness. I think i mentioned pulling my credit and there being tons of inquiries, added phone numbers, names, and my ex being on there as my current spouse/co-applicant, and his phone number on there.

                  Well there was a tenant screen done and ive lived in the same place for three years. So, i checked with my landlord and she said shes never run my credit so i called the company that did it and they said they had a signed auth from “Marty the process server”. I called Marty and he said he didnt remember me or why he ran my credit, but would call me on monday with more info.

                  Well, he didnt call and wouldnt answer my calls. So i picked up this auth… the signature is nothing like mine. Doesnt look like a signature just some squiggles. But before the lady gave it to me she went in the back and went through and separated a stack of papers into two and gave me the shorter, much shorter, stack. Which ended uo being one page of this application, signed, and five pages that say they are a transunion report.

                  Then she kept accidentally setting her papers on the signed page and picking it up. And would say oops everytime i asked for it back.

                  Anyways, the whole thing was weird. She said theyd been in the office 5 years. But it was practically empty and their sign was printed on three pieces of paper and then taped together and taped to the glass.

                  I went by Marty’s office, but he wasnt there. (But since the assistant made a call while she was talking to me im pretty sure they called him.) Anyways, there were two women in his office and one came outside as we were leaving and took pictures of my car and plates. Then they followed me until i pulled into a deadend parking lot and they had to turn around in front of me. Since i had gotten out of the car and was standing a few feet from where they turned around they knew that i saw them and took off.

                  So, i did some research on Marty and he is also a pi, owns a computer company, and is an instructor for the las vegas police department (metro).

                  But this app was dated 6/23/15 a couple months before the hearing for a retrial on my divorce. So i think my ex hired him to find some dirt on me and when that failed he called desperate to make a deal.

                  Then when i sued him for breaching that deal everything started. So, pretty sure its my ex like i thought. Too many coincidences not to be. I mean that app lines up with the first court date he knew hed lose. This stuff lines up with the second. Plus his attorneys address ends up on my credit report, and im getting calls for personal loans and crap i applied for where he lives???? Too much not to be him.

                  Just need proof!!!!!

                  Merry Christmas everyone!


                  in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1514493

                    Thank you, Mi. 🙂

                    in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1514352

                      I was also notifoed by anthem (insurance), yahoo, and opm (governments office of personell management or something like that) that my info was stolen in each of their cyber attacks.

                      Anthem and opm have given me id protection for x amount of years. Well, neither of the id protection places or the credit monitoring place ive been paying for ten years can help me with anything apparently.

                      Or the umpteen tech/computer places I’ve paid.

                      Sorry, Im ranting. I get a little frustrated thinking or talking about it. I’ve had everyone act like I’m either a criminal or crazy for the last four months. After being with some companies 15 years! Never missed a payment, never late and all the sudden they dont believe me that im not going through 3 Gb of data kin a couple days, or one account goes from 4 or five transactions a month to 100+ and they don’t thats its not me.

                      One bank finally decided a couple weeks ago i am in fact dealing with identity theft. Well, its about freaking time.

                      Ok, no more bitching. 🙂

                      in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1514337

                        I have spent hours on the phone with each of my banks, and all of my accounts, setting up their highest levels of security only to have it been like i never called to begin with. All my info changed back (to the email I’m locked out of or the phone number I suspended.) And any phone password/pin removed and usually with my ex added to my account, with email and phone number.

                        No matter how many times i tell them he does not have permission to access anything, we are divorced. They say they are noting the account. Nope next time i call nothing. Even the banks that had me go straight to the fraud department every time i called to be verified. It was a pain, couldnt even use the automated system…then poof all gone, no security, well no additional.

                        One of them had me set up a phone pin. I call next time and ask why they didn’t want to verify my pin…. she said you have to request to be verified. Wtf? What criminal is going to be asked to be verified?????

                        This month even my water and power bills got changed back to the email i changed with them 4 months ago. Oh, and my mail is now being stolen. My other banks branch manager opened a line of credit in my name, and added my dsl phone number to my account so the bank couldnt call me, the same day.

                        My exs bankruptcy attorney’s address is on my credit as my address. Ex is on my credit as my current spouse or co-applicant. With his phone number. You look up my suspended # i had for 10 years, before i even met him and his name comes up. Hes back on my vehicle registration, oh and all the sudden after 3 years im getting mail for him. Hes never lived in this state. Even had something in his and my father’s name sent to their house. Yeah, they would apply for a refi together. Uh, huh.

                        Then I have all the inqueries on my credit saying i authorized or gave hand written consent to my credit check. One says tenant screening. I asked my landlord, she says she’s never run my credit, which surprised me. So, i call the place that ran it, which is 40 minutes away, they said “Marty, the process server gave us a copy of the signed consent authorizing a background check.”

                        So i talk to “Marty” who tells me he works for several local apartments and retail stores running backgrounds, but doesnt remember me but he will check into it and call me back. Right.

                        What are the odds that i get hacked and cant fix it; id theft, cc fraud, bank fraud, loans in my name. And new accounts; theft of service for cloning or hijacking my phone, and pretty sure direct tv bc it was updating for hours eveynight. Then the light on the front, record, well it won’t turn off on either receiver; my mail gets stolen; and my branch manager is a thief???

                        That’s not even taking into consideration the botched port placement that collapsed both lungs. He also cut the catheter too short so turning my head tore the, i assume jugular since thats were the catheter inserts, so i start bleeding into my chest. Swelled up really fast and scared me, thought i was a goner. And the tip has migrated causing clots , some of which are blocking arteries in my arms so im a ticking time bomb. Could throw one at any time.

                        I go into the er and find out im pregnant but they cant find the heartbeat, so can’t fix clots or port, and possibly dead baby. All of this plus a bunch more junk…. Like ex not refinancing house or taking debt as he agreed to in divorce, so my house gets foreclosed (auctioned off in 10/16) and is on my credit, im being sued by the companies he didnt pay because he decided not to do what he signed a contract saying he would do. (Im on disabilty now bc im so sick, but had to stop meds bc of pregnancy)

                        These companies suing me have frozen my accounts, tried to take my car, harrassed me and my parents, tried to garnish my disability check. Failed, but branch manager got that check this month by keeping my acount open five days after it was supposed to be closed, and of course removing any note of it ever being closed.

                        Ex is even sending people to collect the 30k he was awarded when he went to the divorce hearing without me. …. Was in the hospital with sepsis, attorney was supposed to postpone. Didn’t so i lost. He got the house, my cars, my animals, everything i owned before him, 800 a month in alimony, 30k judgement for fraud i committed against him!!! Even my windstones.

                        I faught it gathered my evidence and drove back to Texas for my new hearing… this time with VRE that i picked up from the hospital when i was septic. And medicine that can make you toxic and shut your kidneys down…. Usually only give it if they admit you, but i wasnt going to miss court again. -yes, im that stubborn.

                        Any ways day before court his attorney calls mine begging for a deal. I said no, it’s public records that i committed fraud against him bc he lied his ass off in court so i want public record that he’s an abusive (animal and human), dishonest pos and i didn’t do anything he claimed.

                        Long story short, attorney was convinced we wouldn’t get a better deal than him paying me 30k, taking the 80k he ran up on my cards, his debt, and the mortgage. He got the house… i paid for it, but whatever i wanted him gone. I got everything else, which was mine or bought by me anyway.

                        I didn’t want to but agreed, with the stipulations that he had to sign a document stating i did not commit fraud against him or our estate, and he would never claim it again. Also could but file bankruptcy on divorce agreement, and if he failed to abide by anything in the contract i could sue him for breach, hed still owe me everything in the contract plus what ever the judge awarded….

                        I have evidence of the infidelity, abuse, animal abuse, kidnapping and attempted murder, him admitting to it and threatening to come find me and finish the job, the bruises on my neck from him trying to strangle me .you name it i got it with pictures.

                        So, he really didn’t want to go to court. Plus i had transcripts from the first hearing and had evidence disproving every claim. He didn’t want to see the same judge and try to explain his bs…

                        After he didnt pay me, take the debt, or refinance, he filed bankruptcy claiming fraud against me again! Claimed i had everything he was awarded in the divorce including my dragons, dog, and car… and now i supposedly owed him 50k instead of 30k he was originally awarded….

                        I sued him for breach, not two weeks after he gets served my computers are hacked. We were supposed to go to court in september. 8/26 catch hacker on computer, and i see files ive never seen before. Like divorce consultation, general consultation, and a profile on my attorney. None of which ive ever seen or created.


                        I dont even know where i was going with all that at now…

                        in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1514278

                          Thank you, Kim. I really appreciate the help. 🙂

                          It has been a very stressful learning experience. Lol, Ive actually learned more about computers in the last 4 months than I had the entire rest of my life. So much so that I’m no longer a fan. Well, Im not a fan of the lack of privacy or having to opt out of things that I never knew I was opted in to. And REALLY not liking how ignorant I was or how easy it is to completely derail someone’s life, and not get caught.

                          Also, learned a lot about the lack of security and privacy with my banks and everywhere else I have an account. The indifference and lack of concern or even empathy by the so called experts is a little disheartening. Like I said, learning experience. But I think I’m finally making some progress.

                          Thanks again, Kim. Please gives Brian my condolences.


                          in reply to: Emergency sale TONIGHT ONLY #1514240

                            See classified for update.

                            in reply to: Emergency sale TONIGHT ONLY #1514189

                              List posted in classifieds …

                              Payment must be received tonight.

                              ***Prices include shipping and insurance. ***

                              Fledgies: **** $100 each (s+i inc) ****
                              Red Fire
                              Black Gold
                              Copper Patina
                              Em peacock
                              Violet Flame
                              *if i missed any listed on the other sale please inquire.

                              Hatchers: **** $100 ea (s+i inc) ****


                              Emerald: (unsure if original boxes)

                              Red Goof Up Edition Small Panther – signed – *** $150 ****

                              Production pieces:

                              ***price tonight, includes s+i***
                              Male $200 obo ***$150****
                              Spec $300 obo ***$200***
                              Rising Spec $400 obo *Does not have box.* ****$300****

                              Em peacock:
                              Spec $250 obo ***$175***
                              Rising Spec $300 obo ***$200***

                              *** 2 for $150 ****
                              Gargoyle dragon
                              Small Gargoyle Dragon
                              Dragon Sconce
                              Right hand dragon sconce
                              Left hand dragon sconce
                              Owl sconce
                              Wolf sconce
                              Lion sconce
                              Wolf Council

                              in reply to: Emergency sale TONIGHT ONLY #1514182

                                Will consider reduced prices on other pieces. But have the option to decline.

                                in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1514167

                                  Thank you so much for all your time and effort. I really appreciate it.

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