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I tried taking wallpaper off my kid’s room once while she was in the bathtub “Just a minute, it won’t be much longer, honey!” as I frantically strip this stuff off the walls which has four layers of old wallpaper and I’m soaking it off with water and the glue is loosening and I’m throwing the strips on the linoleum floor “Not much longer, I promise!” *strip, soak, yank, pull, shout, swear quietly* (I was in my early 20’s at the time and kid was about 4 or so.)Go in, add warm water to bath, “almost through, just a few more minutes!” Finish getting wallpaper off wall, discover that wallpaper is now stuck! glued! tight! to floor!!! What a mess!!! Child has been in bathtub for long enough to become a prune and as good a child as she is, she will not stay there one more minute! Get child out of bath, dress child, start laughing and take child for walk in park. Face problem later. My first experience with wallpaper should have turned me off permanently, but it didn’t. I went on to learn how to do it better without children in the bathtub and actually enjoy it. I can’t say I’m an expert by any possible means, but it got to be fun. One does things in one’s 20’s that when one looks back, one says what? were you mad? But it seemed reasonable at the time or it worked or it seemed the only way at the time or the best choice. Funny that way…
Did you pay for it by paypal? Maybe they can help you get it resolved. I have had a lot of good luck with them backing me when I have had trouble with sellers. See if they can find the seller whether he is still registered or not or whatever resources they have access to. Good luck!
I know how you felt about that Taurus. I am driving my fourth Taurus,(a 2000) and probably my last as Ford has stopped making them. I absolutely adore it and every time I get into it, I am so thankful for it, for exactly the reasons you expressed. I know that car looks like a mess from the outside, but is it a mess on the inside? Is the engine or the tranny blown? Is it salvagable at all? Sometimes the local colleges have programs where the automotive students practice on cars, maybe working out a deal with them. Maybe getting some enterprising highschool kids and and a cooperative mechanic who will let them use the shop. I don’t know, but sometimes there are ways that show up when we get creative. I don’t know enough about mechanics, I do know about asking the universe for help and getting it in amazing ways. But maybe you don’t want the Taurus anymore, you said you were driving another car now that you were ok with. All this were just suggestions for the Taurus, maybe because of how I feel about mine! Sorry about that!!
I’m glad you are OK too! 😆 I wrecked my dad’s Ford when I was 17 coming up over a hill and seeing 2 little kids in a wagon in the road with a car coming the other way. It was either hit the car, hit the kids, or hit the ditch. I hit the ditch, snapping the front axle and tearing off the bumper, bending the grill and puncturing the radiator. I think I tore off the oil pan too. The other car stopped and pulled me out, the kids went on their way unaware. I was dazed for several minutes, unhurt, except for a bad bump on my forehead from hitting the steering wheel. We didn’t have airbags then. The whole thing took just seconds. Amazing how fast one can think in just seconds! Turns out the occupants of the car were 4 Marines on leave with nothing to do, so they literally pulled the car out of the ditch and kicked the tires onto the axle at 1 mph back to my dad’s house and spent the weekend fixing the car, fascinated by the fact that every tool they asked for, dad had.(of course, the fact that I was 17 and cute at the time may have had something to do with it! That was 19ooh long time ago!) I still remember that feeling of unreality and suspended time when I made that decision to hit that ditch. But again, good ole Ford! That was a stick shift dad taught me how to drive(one of the more useful things!) (The car still had a lot of work left to do on it, but it was functional)
Anyway, Good Thoughts with it all, my sympathy meter is running a 10 of 10. You hang in there, and don’t let it getcha down! 🙂PM’d you.
sorceress/enchantress works for me! Someone with that wisdom that teams well/complements the wizard’s. She could still have a feminine version of the flowing cape and her own companion “familiar” on her shoulder. That would be so cool!! 😆
Melody, I just started collecting the wizards and it occured to me to ask: how come no witches? No female wizard equivalents? and no children wizard/witches? I personally would love to see a strong loving witch and/or witch/partner for the wizards! and some children/students to pass all that wisdom on to! Would that be possible in the new Oregon world?
hey, Lemme know if you want those packing peanuts! They are in a huge bag waiting to be shipped if you want them! Sorry I can’t send them completely free but $12.50 for $125 worth of PP is still quite a deal! No rush, though, whenever and if you are ready, just let me know! 🙂
Are my white wizard and white pegasus and turtle still in the lineup somewhere? I hate to ask too, and there is no rush, either, I also watch your updates and I didn’t see them so I thought I’d check. I get embarrassed to ask when I know the pressure you are under, 😳 so I just get encouraged when I see them in the lineup somewhere. Thanks!
Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy
Birthday Birthday Birthday Birthday Birthday Birthday
(yesterday)! Have a roses and sunshine day today!PM’d you!
The peacock male was also my very first Windstone given to me by my best friend for Christmas in 1990 and he has always been very special as my friend was killed in an auto accident in 1997. I now have 13 of the males (and 2 duplicates) so I guess they are at least one of my favorites along with the curls, OW’s, laps, and ki-rins. Oh, and the kitties! :lol:For me, the male represent the well mannered dragon: strong, dignified, calm, not aggressive with teeth and claws out ready to fight, but knowing he can defend himself if necessary and not having to prove it to every stupid peasant that wants to pick a fight, and you better not mess with him, he just knows his own power and projects it, doesn’t have to prove it. For that matter, that’s one of the major reasons I like all the Windstone dragons, they all have that quality in one degree or another. But the males also have that young prime of life quality that the youngs and fledges haven’t come into yet and the OW’s have past already. The males have come into their full power and they know they have teeth and claws and can use them by choice if necessary to defend themselves and others so they can use their power wisely without wasting it on useless fights. A truly mature wellmannered dragon who knows how to behave himself! 😆
June 26, 2008 at 8:55 am in reply to: My debut! (Tiger Griffins going to ebay!!! more pg 18) #703848Those are truly stunning!! Well done, well done!!! Congradulations!!! They “make your mama proud”!!!
Oh, Kyrin, I am just sick! I now have TWO busted up large wizards! In a row, in a week already!!! And broken in the same place on both of them! And one came packed in some hard pieces of bubble stuff and WRAPPED IN A TEESHIRT!! And the seller is outraged and wants detailed pictures and a detailed denial of the insurance claim by the PO because in his “research” neither ebay nor the PO has clear explicit detailed packing requirements so they should have to pay the claim and not to let them push me around. Are we having fun yet? Anyway, the other green emerald dragon with the bustedup nose dispute got settled in my favor, so I will be sending him and his poor broken nose to you soon. I want to get all these poor ole bustedup Windstone disputes resolved and then send them to you and then I hope no more of them will have to go to Idaho for the summer. I am so TIRED!! of getting busted up Windstones!!! If these sellers can’t pack’em, then don’t sell’em!!! If they want to sell’em, LEARN HOW TO PACK’EM!!!! There’s my rant for the night!!! 😈 👿
Anyway, I’m so very glad we have you to turn to in our hours of need!! Thank you so very much!! More later.The weather has been scarey everywhere. I live 10 miles from the fires in Northern California where we just had to evacuate a whole town where my 90year old stepmother lives. It burned 74 homes and damaged 20 more and burned over 23000 acres. One third of the residents were retirees. It just got contained yesterday after a week with over 2300 firefighters from 5 states fighting the fires. The sun was red, the air was thick, ashes falling on everything. We just found my stepmother today in a motel(being her cranky self “I’m fine, leave me alone! I can take care of myself!” OK! OK! :)) Her house wasn’t burned so she and her sister can go home tomorrow, but they will be escorting residents in with police escorts to prevent looting. So if it isn’t too much water, it’s too much fire!! Many people who work in Chico where I live, lived in Paradise, the town that burned. It was the worst fire since record keeping began. People talk about California’s earthquakes, but we only get them that do much damage every once a while. But we get fires EVERY YEAR! And they always do a lot of damage! This year they are really early too, most of the time they don’t come until August-September. It’s only June!!! That’s what is really scarey!