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  • in reply to: Show your Collection, v.6! #854318

      Pics hopefully coming soon, but wanted to say I have them on custom build shelving unit. I put them in groups by colors and then started in a group of 11 different types in each cubicle: Mother, Male, Young, Hatching, Fledgling, Mother coiled, Coiled, Scratching, Rising Spectral, Spectral, Emperor. Under those conditions and accounting for that some of those do not exist for all the 14 colors. I am 32 short of all that we know are made and 3 colors are full, 3 more just need 1 more. I have about half the laps, and a third not counting the limited ones like of the OW.
      Hope to show soon and finish off sooner. Please head to the Wishlist thread in forums pg 1 #42.


        Pm’d you on two of above.

        in reply to: Anyone in the SCA? #854313

          Been in the SCA for 28 yrs, explains my love of dragons too.
          My name was simple, used real life first name and real place of birth worked great.

          in reply to: *sold* #854312

            Pm’d you.

            in reply to: The OLD Ebay Cart Thread #854123

              Pebblecat with a dragon or Unicorn on its back would be great.

              in reply to: Squeaks for scratcher, lap, or coiled dragon? #853762

                How about a “Red Panda” dragon, say a male or emp. Even a SK would be cool.
                Still waiting for a two tone blue, one like my car if I ever figure out how to load images I will share my dragon car and my collection with all.
                I have been told how now just need to figure out what is not working.
                But squeal for dragons everyone one and blue my favorite color, light and dark with silver highlights..
                When are the Cheetah Dragons coming out? Oooh Big Squeal
                The blue on the “Ocellated Turkey Griffin” is gorgeous, the scheme on a dragon on a male or Emp would be wonderful. A rising spectral would be nice as well.
                Barnswallow had a nice Blue coloration with other bright and beautifully blended colors.

                in reply to: Yet Another Squeak Thread …for Barn Swallow Dragons! #854094

                  Same person is lucky enough to get both Barn-swallow test dragons. Guess they are starting a set if they do one.

                  in reply to: Sold #853948

                    PMed seller


                      You color wonderfully but I figured out what it is about these guys bothers me. Although it worked for “pitch” not so in many of the other colors and that is the neck scales that seem to be, outlined. Caribbean is an example I can point to, beautiful colors but when it comes to the neck you see those wonderful blue edged/outlined in a Peach. It is not a subtle edging but a thick line of peach around most of each scale. one of the others it is a bright red. they do not blend into each other it is just there. I know the model is molded that way, but it so changes, at least to me, the color scheme. Maybe a more shaded blend would work, kind of a mix of the main color and the brighter edging. Not sure as I have not painted one but it is just my observation. I do enjoy seeing these and the work is wonderful it is just the thing that was bothering me and I did not know until just recently why.

                      in reply to: August Raffle…. #853890

                        Only mid month, a little more time for them to work on other things for all of us.

                        in reply to: The recent new Curls #853889

                          I have some natural bright colors that would work. As one that does Lapidary work I have plenty of stones with bright colors. Charoite comes to mind. Beautiful bright deep purple. Blue is a beautiful sapphire. Honey Onyx for a more light golden tone for those asking for that. Green is easy in Malachite, or Emerald.
                          A red of any color would pop (I understand the trouble last time you tried red as in ruby).
                          Goldstone has the earthy brown and the golden tones to highlight it. I can go look for more but am sure you have ideas as well. If you want any, more then happy to help. Maybe I will start the survey of color for you too. Just need to figure out how best to do it. Not exactly a box tabulation setup here.

                          in reply to: WHINE is served #853883

                            Melody wrote:

                            My air conditioner in my upstairs office broke!*whine* It’s over 90 degrees in here, so this is it for doing anything on my computer today!I am outa here!

                            I’m so sorry. 🙁 That must have been heinous.

                            drag0nfeathers wrote:

                            I actually WANT to go to work just for the amazing air conditioning! 😆

                            Do you have air conditioning at home? 😮

                            Guess what happened to me today? —> The ceiling in my room starting leaking just as Regina (our veterinarian’s assistant) was arriving to clean the turtle tank.
                            ARRRRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! :shout:
                            Earlier in the week I had a terrible stomach flu. :puke:
                            Then my cat was ill again! (He’s on a new laxative though and he should be okay) No more dry food for my cats.

                            Lokie wrote:

                            I have no air conditioning and I haven’t been able to paint for a week because I’m drenched in sweat.

                            Oh you poor thing!

                            Lokie wrote:

                            Hey, can I have cheese with my whine? =P

                            I was waiting for someone to say that. 😆
                            Here you go —>

                            Update: The problem with my ceiling has been fixed…for now.

                            Melody, if the AC upstairs is broke and no computer time here is the cheese to go with it, more painting time for you on dragons and other wonderful things for the rest of us right!

                            in reply to: Selling Copper Patina Mother & Bad Cat Candlelamp #853842

                              Pming you about one of these.

                              in reply to: Things I am helping drgnlvr sell**** 3/31/12 #853524

                                PMed on a couple of these.

                                How is she doing, have not heard from her wanted to make sure all was well. I am sure she is busy but for some reason worst-case runs through my mind sometimes. Chalk it up to a court date Wednesday for a traffic ticket. Not a big deal really but one never knows in these things.


                                  E-mailed her with the long list of needed ones. I will certainly give her a fair price for these wonderful pieces, and will make sure that the memory that goes with them will be kept along with them. Having had many losses in the yrs since moving here we have sympathy for anyone suffering such a loss and this one is very sad indeed.
                                  If we work it out with her almost everyone will be sold when we are done which I hope will help her to know that they now have a good home with someone that will care for them and give them they care they deserve.

                                  (Jennider, none of the pics other then the PYO came out. Not all that important but wanted to let you know.)

                                Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 237 total)