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I got a call this afternoon to let me know that one of my dearest friends Zeke had passed away early this morning.
You might have read the recent thread where I mentioned my friend Kitty’s passing on the 1st. Kitty was a wonderful woman & I regret I only got to meet her this past march. My friend Zeke I have known & loved for well over 10 years.
I don’t have all the info yet but it looks like he had a heart attack last night/early this morning and his wife found him. Don’t have any more info than that.
My Husband is away in Germany until Friday (has been there for a month) so I’m all alone at home; just needed to vent. They say deaths always come in threes; I am terrified of loosing a 3rd.
Zeke and me in 2001 (I think)
Miss you Zeke.
Erk. You have just hit a hot button for me.
Just because it was ‘only on the computer’ or ‘only via text / on the phone / in emails’ it is not ok. It is a betrayal of trust, pure and simple. The internet was the end for my first marriage and almost made my second (and still current thankfully) not happen so like I said, this is a big hot button.
You need to sit down with him and talk until you are satisfied with his answer so you can decide where to go from there.
You are welcome to PM me if you need someone to discuss / rant / whatever. *hugs*
LadyFirebird wrote:Love your work display! We have to keep an eye out for a black grand uni to complete this picture! 😀
laphon1 wrote:Crimson Vision wrote:Just got the white uni family last night, not sure if it counts here as I traded for them rather than bought. :p But here is a pic of my desk now!
My boss already came over to admire them all. She wants to steal my blue Poad™™. 😉
Over run by unicorns! Do you have any desk space left to actually work? 😉
LOL, I make do. 😉
October 2, 2009 at 4:49 pm in reply to: Report Windstone Fakes/Knock offs/Infringment Pls read first #708682Thanks again everyone. We got final word; a friend posted online last night for her husband, Sven.
Sven has asked that I post that Kolfinna Kottr, Kitty Sexton, has been taken by the Valkyries today at 4:55. She died as a true warrior with friends at her side and a weapon in hand.
Thank you ALL for your continuous support through this extremely trying time.
Thus ends the final court of Kolfinna Kottr.
Long live Kolfinna!
I honestly knew she passed right around that time; it was a sunny day here and I swear it was if the heavens opened up and just started crying. It was POURING. When it ended, the clouds cleared and the beautiful night sky was revealed…
Adaneth wrote:Wow, quite a display! It looks fantastic 😀 (but I hope your area is secured when you’re not working!)
I work for a Defense Contractor where you pretty much have to have a clearance to be in the area of my desk. 😉 I don’t have anyplace to display them at home that wouldn’t run the risk of animal damage. Will probably need to get myself a glass display case someday but for now I am happy I am able to enjoy them at work.
Just got the white uni family last night, not sure if it counts here as I traded for them rather than bought. :p But here is a pic of my desk now!
My boss already came over to admire them all. She wants to steal my blue poad. 😉
Got the Uni family today and they are BEAUTIFUL! (Just the smile I needed on a sad day.)
I hope more people will chime in with trade offers!
Thank you everyone. She (like me) was a Queen in the SCA. She was a Duchess. She was a Rose. She was a Knight. She was an Equestrian. She was a friend.
A picture of her:
Thank you everyone for the comments. We are stll waiting for final word form the West.
Hi Everyone,
If it wouldn’t be too much to ask in about 1 hour 45 minutes from now it would mean alot to me if you paused for a moment to think about my friend Kitty. Kitty went into the hospital on the morning of September 11th and was later diagnosed with H1N1 (aka Swine Flu).
The hospital will be shutting off her life support machines at 3pm Pacific time (5pm EST & 5pm Central).
Even though it is believed she is already gone it is still hard to let her go.
Thank you.
Traci*dies of Poad cuteness overload*
Yay for ‘Panties’ being aquired! 😉 I as well was surprised at how CUTE the Poads are in person; sure they are cute in pics but SO MUCH MORE in person!
I’m looking forward to more brightly colored ones!My family has grown yet again and hopefully next week the entire white family of Unis will be added to my desk. 😉
They are a little bunched up now but I will be rearranging once the white family gets here.
WOWOW! He is GORGEOUS! I love the coloring on his legs especially!