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  • chrisherself

      Sending a PM 🙂

      in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #873266

        Sean was asked to the Sweetheart dance in February by a Senior girl!!!! (he’s a Sophmore) This will be his first date ever!

        twindragonsmum 🙂

        …and he’s not the only one! Ethan came home today with an invite as well!!! First date for both boyohs!!!!!

        twindragonsmum :love: :bigsmile:

        Oh Mom is this a happy but dreaded moment. I am so freaked for my oldest son to start dating. I just keep saying……..NOT TILL YOUR 16 LOL Exciting and frightening.

        That is our rule as well – no dating until you’re 16… Hard to believe that they are nearly 16 1/2, that they can legally drive themselves somewhere without me and that I’m rapidly becoming the shorty in the family (I’m 5′ 10″) Luckily they’re good kids!

        twindragonsmum 😉

        My bfs boy is going to be a lil romeo when he starts dating.. he’s already pretty smooth, wears a suit very well, and shows style of the clean cut but ‘cool’ sort (The button up shirts, unbuttoned over a tishirt)
        He’s 7 XD haha

        LOL! My stepdad used to make me RAGE by always saying “No dating till you’re 18!” Which I, at the wise and learned age of 13, thought preposterous.

        I ended up not getting around to dating till I was 18 anyway.


        in reply to: WHINE is served #873265

          Thanks. I’ve know about three weeks, but I haven’t said anything yet because I was waiting to tell my parents first.

          My dad said we might want to move the wedding ASAP. Mom said she was crushed and she thought she had raised two adults (referring to me and my brother – I have no idea why she brought him up). She said she didn’t know who she was more mad at: him for not using protection or me for going off my birth control.

          I knew she was going to take it badly considering how she took news of our getting engaged badly. She has a different picture of my how my life should be and I keep doing things that don’t fit that picture.

          Congrats Pegasi and sometimes our parents don’t see things the way we do and that’s OK. You are the one who needs to be happy and if she is not…she’ll have to deal with it.
          I know how ya feel. My mom had a meltdown when I got pregnant and was not married. It hurt but it all worked out in the end and I have an amazing son that my MOM (whom thought it was a terrible idea for me to have a baby) absolutly adores. She’ll fall in love with the baby….who can resist those teeny tiny fingers and toes and oh so kissable little cheeks.


          It’ll be ok. 🙂 I have a story just like Branzyboo’s– A friend of mine got pregnant before getting married, and her mom flipped out and was unhappy about the whole affair. Then the baby came! And mom leveled up to ‘grandma’ and seemed to forget what all the fuss had been over. Babies can be charmers! I hope your mom comes around sooner than 9 months though. 😉 Best of luck and again, congratulations on your happy news!

          in reply to: WHINE is served #873264

            Does anyone here know how to clean a tank out after a parasite infestation? I’ve never dealt with an illness worse than Ick, so I’m not sure what to do from here. I don’t want to just drain it and rinse it, I’m afraid it might harm new fish. I have live plants and driftwood in it and I’m not sure how to uncontaminate it all. Anyone have advice? I’d love to start over with just a couple guppies (from a different pet store location, just in case). Should I call Petco and tell them that one of their tanks has a harmful disease? I got the impression that the employees who got my fish for me didn’t know much about aquariums, they were surprised to find that the water was warm!

            From my experiences, Jennifer is a great person to ask about these things! She helped me SO much when my goldfish was sick.. unfortunately it was just too late for my girl, but she definitely wouldn’t have lasted as long as she did if it weren’t for Jennifer (and a great amount of help from others too!) – You may try starting your own thread? or feel free to go highjack my thread

            Skeeter, I would drain the tank, give the decorations a really good scrub with hot water and a brush, and then boil them completely submerged for a bit. Works great for natural driftwood. I’m always hesitant to use any kind of cleansing agents other than heat. If you want to try something more intense, and know exactly what bug you had in your tank, I might try getting the appropriate treatment from the store, soaking the decorations overnight in a solution of it, and then rinsing and boiling. But honestly, there might be a cheaper, just-as-effective cleaner to use versus medicine.

            For the tank itself I always went with hot water rinse, then plain vinegar to clean, then rinse extremely thoroughly with more hot water.

            Jennifer is the best! (And Jenn if any of my advice is bad feel free to correct….I would want to know if I’ve been doin’ it wrong!)

            Guppies breed even better than rabbits–I would suggest getting only males. Babies are fun, but unless you’re set up to breed them, they get out of control fast, and an overpopulated tank can crash hard. Females might come from the store already pregnant! If you stick with all males, the population stays the same, plus the males are more brightly colored. 🙂

            in reply to: Grab bag baby unicorn and fantasy grab bag young #873262


              in reply to: OFFICIAL TRADE Thread for Grab Bag Baby Bunch (1/26/2012) #871269

                Edit 1/31 — Just got my baby and he’s so cool. I think my trade list just got a little easier to narrow down. I gotta redo my pic now….. 😉


                  I love mine!! She just got here today. I really wanted an animal print, and I got a teal zebra! :love:


                  AAAAH! She is so gorgeous. @_@ Definitely one of my faves in the batch. That color is unreal! Congrats!

                  [scrolling through thread again] I can’t believe how beautiful these are. You have really outdone yourself, Melody. 🙂


                    Aaaaaaaah just got home a bit ago, found the box my sis left for me! Opening mine now………

                    HJKHFDKJLHFD SO EXCITED


                    Eep! I got one of the ones in the store photo and he’s awesome!

                    Pretty dang close to what I was hoping for too–purple and blue! It’s like my squeaks have been answered! 😉

                    I _might_ trade for one I had all my digits crossed for if it works out, but otherwise I’m gonna keep him. What a cutie. Can’t wait to get him out in the sunlight and get more pics!

                    THANK YOU Melody, Chessie, Susie and all of the staff for all the hard work on this batch of unis!! Every one is a masterpiece and I can’t wait to see the new photos as more arrive. 🙂

                    in reply to: Addictive much? lol #871769

                      Tell me about it…. Now to get ready for work extra fast >__>

                      in reply to: POLL: Dragon Production/LP Colors (mahogany added 2-15-12) #871748

                        and oooo Violet Flame! *salivates*


                        The world NEEEEDSSS violet flame! I’d love to see an old warrior painted like the fledgling, a lap dragon and a pair of spectrals….and maybe an emperor….okay, the whole set!

                        Oh, that Fledge. *grabby hands*

                        I am totally supportive of a VF reissue. 🙂

                        in reply to: Anyone know anything about fish? #871747

                          Oh ho ho. 🙂 I have a FW planted shrimp tank. It’s my baby. They are so so fun! But ‘spensive. @_@

                          in reply to: POLL: Dragon Production/LP Colors (mahogany added 2-15-12) #871691

                            Re-cast my vote. Also added an “Other”, as I would really love to see the Silver Glitter implemented on a Dragon, in some way. That paint looks so amazing on scales. 🙂

                            Silver Glitter Fledge. Oh myyyyy. <3_<3

                            in reply to: Caturday 2012 #871686

                              Ahahaha!!! The squirrel! Too funny!! XD

                              in reply to: Anyone know anything about fish? #871684

                                Are you talking about Marimo Moss? They look like this:


                                I have some, and they’re pretty neat. They are actually a form of algae though, and can start shedding little ‘pups’ that grow on other things in the tank. So I took them out and have them in their own bowl on the kitchen table, as a live centerpiece. They’re very cool!

                                They’re pretty much the Tribbles of the plant kingdom if you have them in their ideal conditions. XD

                                BUT, in your 3-gal they might be really nice! Especially if they’re the only live plant in there. I really do love Marimo moss, just wanted to give you that heads up. 🙂 It’s an extremely low-maintenance plant and in your tank it shouldn’t ‘Tribble out’. 😉

                                in reply to: Caturday 2012 #871569


                                  And that’s the truth. 9_9 I’m pushing 29, it is still nearly impossible to find a guy my age who doesn’t spend a disproportionate amount of his ADULT LIFE playing video games.


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