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  • in reply to: Mahal's PYO's. (Peacockish dragon page 3) #688844

    Wow! The muse is fantastic! I’m not a big muse fan, but yours are so dark, it makes them (what?) flow? believable? I don’t know, but I really like them! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Dark Phoenix Griff Finished pics page 25! #639677

    Wow! Def looks like a hawk! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Weird/Gross foods you & your family eat #663718

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Emu tastes like beef? I assumed it would taste like ostrich. I’ve had ostrich, but no emu yet.

    I’ve had ostrich burgers, and definitely gamey, it was more like beef than chicken (although how much of that was influenced by the fact that it was presented in hamburger format, I don’t know πŸ˜† ).

    As a kid, living in Canada, our neighbors got me hooked on dipping grilled cheese sandwiches in molasses. I’ve never thought of it as weird, but everyone else does…

    in reply to: Weird/Gross foods you & your family eat #663717

    khat7 wrote:

    Found a link to it. There are soooo many ways to cook stuffed grape leaves and just as many names to call it. I’ve only ever had them at Greek-run diners, but they didn’t have meat in them. Couldn’t find anything with a name like you mentioned, but considering how many names, then add dialects. It’s possible one of the spellings is pronounced differently too. They look a little icky on a plate, but smell and taste so good!

    My dad used to hunt pheasant. Pheasant is, sadly, a bit hard to come by in NYS compared to some other locations (my dad is from Iowa… lots more open fields and grassland for them). I got one by shear chance and brought it home. My mom wasn’t thrilled but my dad looked at me like, “You got what?!? Where?” and proceeded to help me clean and prepare it. I still have quite a few feathers from it. It’s quite tasty. Never had squirrel (we just fatten them up here with all the bird feeders), but my dad says it’s good. Another game meat on my ‘to try’ list. I wish I could get one of the numerous turkey I see running around in the fields near here. Never at the right time 😑

    Soo, this may sound silly, but do you eat the leaves? I assummed so but thought I better ask first 😳 πŸ˜†

    Yep πŸ™‚ Dolmas or dolmathes in Greek restaurants …. soooo good! Never tried making them myself, but it doesn’t seem too hard–thanks for the link, Siberakhl!

    in reply to: thank you all! #709848

    Yay! Glad you got it & glad it worked πŸ™‚
    And another thanks to Kyrin!

    in reply to: RIP Robert Asprin #706997

    πŸ™ I didn’t see this… I loved his books.
    “Anyone who uses the phrase ‘easy as taking candy from a baby’ has never tried taking candy from a baby. -R. Hood”
    He was so clever πŸ™

    in reply to: Blue Pearl Dragon Page 7 #709457

    oooohhh, nice! I like him πŸ™‚ I agree, just a bit of antiquing will make the fur really stand out.

    in reply to: My Pink Lap is here #708955

    Both the pinks are pretty, and it’s cool to see them together, but I think I’ll hold out for something with less, um…. pink. πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Are horses really worth having! #707235

    πŸ˜† Hoofer!

    How often do you guys ride? I feel guilty when I can’t go out everyday, but some days it’s just not possible, and right now, it’s often so windy in the afternoons that we end up not riding πŸ™

    Naree is really fun, and we’ve had more good rides, but I’ve figured out that she’s the opposite of barn sour (what my aunt calls “arena sour”). She’s so happy to go, but when she realizes that we’re staying in the yard, she often gets pissy (not always). When we go out, she is happy until she thinks we’re heading back home, then the contrariness crops up again. What a goose. πŸ™„

    in reply to: Knightwish update pic #709145

    Wow! He’s beautiful. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: It's Caturday….again! πŸ™‚ #700657

    Dragon Master wrote:

    I LOVE dazs is numbered!!!!!

    and I not know that many numbers! πŸ˜† I agree! That was great!

    GB! I did a double take on your siggie! (Feel like everyone’s changing their style πŸ˜† )

    in reply to: Dragonmistress? #708040

    Yay DM! I’m so happy for you! It is such a relief to find out that there’s a heartbeat in there πŸ™‚
    BIG *hugs*!

    in reply to: I'm an Aunt! #709382

    Yay! Congrats! She’s lovely πŸ™‚
    Has the spoiling started? Auntie’s privilege, you know! πŸ˜†

    in reply to: search for a better life/ update page 18 #707788

    There are better men out there. I’m sorry, your boyfriend sounds too self-absorbed to keep courting you and really help out. I really do wish I could help… I’m sure you’ve checked more possibilities than I could think of.

    Never had apfel streudel? 😯 Bummer. It really doesn’t save, or I’d send the non-virtual kind. Just imagine appley goodness with a vanilla sauce that’s like creme brulee πŸ™‚ YUM.

    in reply to: A Little Help From My Friends #709258

    I’m so sorry πŸ™ My thoughts & prayers are with her & your cousin.

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