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Thanks guys, I feel empty and Sienna is crying all the time and searching for him.
I left him at the vet yesterday morning and then went to work but I told the lady to not do anything to Raven untill I had a talk with the vet. 2 hours later I saw the vet and before I even had a chance to ask him to get a look of the inside of Raven’s stomach he tells me the same thing so we both had a feeling it was stomach cancer. So I went away and met my dad and his wife for lunch, we shopped for my son’s birthday comming up on the 8th and then they went home. I needed to get busy so I went to my home town for a drive. The vet called me on my cell to tell me it was what we feared and it took about half is stomach in size! He knew I wanted to put Raven down if it was cancer but only after my son could say his goodbyes. Problem is my son is not home and wouldn’t be back until this sunday. I asked him if he would be in pain he said yes….well I too the decission right there to deal with my son later but put Raven out of his pain right away. I asked him to wait until I arrived since I wanted to be with him even though he was still under the anesthetic from the surgery.
I arrived, we talked, then it was time before he woke up…..I felt so terrible! I still do!
I told him I loved him and am so sorry.
I haven’t cried like this since losing my 16 year old cat back 5 years ago.
The vet said I feel this way because since Raven was so young I feel cheated…and he’s right. We should have had more great years together.
God it hurts…..I had a rough night.
It really hit this morning when I woke up….not to Raven butting heads with me and purring like he would do every morning but to noting.
Someone has left and there is a big emptiness behind. 😥
One thing I regret is not spending quality time with him yesterday before it happened. 😥I’m so not looking forward to telling my son when he gets back 🙁
It’s his birthday and his cat died. 🙄Thanks for reading sorry I had to let it out.
Poor Laurie sure and an earfull last night. Sorry hon. 😳twindragonsmum wrote:twindragonsmum XD
That is exactly how I feel in the morning! LOL! 😆
We are glad you are in our lives too. To bad we are all so far from each other. 🙁Please refer to the new thread:“CALICO” SMALL BIRD WINGED CAT FIGURINE #3 TEST PAINT // PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!BzCOJjgCWk~$(KGrHqQOKi4EwQpwYbvvBMUNLW,0Tg~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzCOR+!EGk~$(KGrHqIOKi!E)MmUjknMBMUNLu!5,w~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzCOUEw!Wk~$(KGrHqMOKikEwQ4ofzb7BMUNL0HONw~~_3.JPG[/img]
“LEOPARD APPALOOSA” HIPPOGRIFF CANDLE LAMP #1 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // THREE EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!By9gy9wEWk~$(KGrHqN,!hsEw5FpFwGQBMT5QPcEd!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!By9g3DQCGk~$(KGrHqN,!iEEw5Kc,c5gBMT5QhGBw!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!By9mfRQ!2k~$(KGrHqF,!i0Ew5WCg,OFBMT5m8oDF!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!By9hCTw!Wk~$(KGrHqV,!iMEw5idpeGeBMT5RRYnpQ~~_3.JPG[/img]
SNOWY TIGER SITTING GRIFFIN CHICK FIGURINE #1 ARTIST’S EDITION // PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!By9p!3Q!Wk~$(KGrHqYOKjgE)OofPoj3BMT5wuHCOw~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!By9pCT!BGk~$(KGrHqQOKkYE)M+FQHDcBMT5w0S2Qg~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!By9pD1QB2k~$(KGrHqEOKjEEwWHmqyFmBMT5w6vVGw~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!By9pFLQEGk~$(KGrHqIOKjoE)MtQo9ofBMT5)!ddpg~~_3.JPG[/img]
Please note that I will be starting a new thread tonight and will post the link here. 🙂machineguts wrote:At last, I am finally moving to Colorado! Out of all the job hunting, I came across an art job located in Greeley Colorado several weeks ago.
😮 WOW congrats!
I hope you like it and wish you all the best! 😀Hi guys, update about my refund for the fake resin.
She had a deadline this past saturday to contact me with a copy of the MO but failed to do so. 😡
I’ve proceeded to take legal action and can no longer be in direct contact with her.
I can’t get into details anymore but will let you know the outcome of this situation once it’s resolved. 🙂Hey guys, Raven had a little bit of food yesturday but was sick again at 3AM. From the amount it almost seams like his stomack didn’t process any. No Blood but still, it’s always like that sometimes there is none, others alot.
He’s not constipated. Now he’s starting to act weird….going places he never went to lay down.
I arrived from work and he was stretch out on the kitchen table…he never climbs there!
He’s acting more and more like my fluffy I used to have that past away at 16.
Raven is 6.
😕🙁 Hey guys, been a while since I’ve updated this.
Raven is really not good.
He didn’t eat foir 5 days strait while taking some medication but even now that he’s off it he still won’t eat or drink much. He lost so much weight! It’s like petting bones.
He was sick again with lots of blood on sunday.
Vet wants to see him on wednesday and I want cancer test done.
If it turns out to be cancer or something else that is very serious I’ll have to put him down.
I owe the vet a hefty bill more then last time I was here…so far he’s averaging $900 in all from the begining.
I’ll keep you posted on wednesday.
I still have stuff for sale so if you are interested let me know.
The coiled dragon/egg is sold.
Thanks“SAVANNAH” SITTING GRIFFIN CHICK FIGURINE #5 TEST PAINT // PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!ByoMhH!B2k~$(KGrHqEOKkUEwPSyMz8nBMSj0itng!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!ByoMicgEGk~$(KGrHqUOKisEwRJduG7DBMSj0owvQQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!ByoMjzwBWk~$(KGrHqEOKiMEwO)!PwBfBMSj0vOdfg~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!ByoMk+gCWk~$(KGrHqYOKm8Ew9Bs7C7-BMSj01!+t!~~_3.JPG[/img]
GOLDEN DUN OVERO BABY UNICORN FIGURINE #1 TEST PAINT // PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!ByoTfiQ!2k~$(KGrHqZ,!hoEw5GYZGe8BMSkWUf4uQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!ByoTjDwEWk~$(KGrHqR,!iQEw5yWTwYrBMSkWj74iQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!ByoTkqQCGk~$(KGrHqF,!hsEw5B7hiuuBMSkWrCdD!~~_3.JPG[/img]
“TIGER” CURLED DRAGON FIGURINE TEST PAINT #1 PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!Bys-RcwEGk~$(KGrHqEOKikEwOFKh2ZzBMS4N6)JhQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!Bys-Ulg!2k~$(KGrHqEOKkUEwPSyMz8nBMS4OLS90Q~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!Bys-V-gEGk~$(KGrHqEOKj8Ew(7fMfrdBMS4OSpJ6w~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!Bys-Ykg!mk~$(KGrHqMOKjkEwQgMlCE+BMS4OhT-gQ~~_3.JPG[/img]
“JELLYFISH” GREY TABBY STRAY CAT EDITION // PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!BytEos!BWk~$(KGrHqR,!iYEw5G!V2)IBMS4wYuYWQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BytEr(!EGk~$(KGrHqV,!iEEw5CeLNHVBMS4wpuhtw~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BytEuBgBmk~$(KGrHqR,!jIEw5JgMHh9BMS4w5NT4w~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BytEw6gBWk~$(KGrHqZ,!i!Ew4-7EmPvBMS4)H!rbg~~_3.JPG[/img]
“PEACOCK FEATHER” POAD™ FIGURINE #1 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // THREE EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!ByzyF+!Bmk~$(KGrHqZ,!jQEw5Ptp(lDBMTPE!nYJ!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!ByzyKwgBGk~$(KGrHqJ,!jYEw5GBR)BMBMTPEUwDFQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!ByzyDB!!Wk~$(KGrHqR,!h4Ew5BV!!lYBMTPD0uVG!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!ByzyRdQ!Wk~$(KGrHqJ,!joEw5JYckHjBMTPEyh64g~~_3.JPG[/img]“PALOMINO” HIPPOGRIFF CANDLE LAMP FIGURINE #1 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // TWO EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!Byj3I9Q!2k~$(KGrHqV,!jUEw44LNq9gBMSO3EHkC!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!Byj3Mdw!Wk~$(KGrHqJ,!i4Ew5GLeTBiBMSO3UCbP!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!Byj3SiQEGk~$(KGrHqF,!jkEw4-0k,4hBMSO3vVC+w~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!Byj3W!gCWk~$(KGrHqN,!iMEw5ddm6kwBMSO383GGQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!Byj9s2!BGk~$(KGrHqQOKiQEw13iIBCdBMSPS54cu!~~_3.JPG[/img] This Hippogriff comes with a choice of either light metallic turqouise eyes or light metallic orange eyes