Forum Replies Created
My condolences Jen.
As far as spam goes you should created a forum id like NukyNam. I just know this is spelled wrong :shrug:“DARK COPPER” CURLED DRAGON FIGURINE #2 TEST PAINT // PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!B5kzt!!!Wk~$(KGrHqV,!iUEyeJjECu!BMuLRqECKQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5kzy-Q!Wk~$(KGrHqZ,!jQEybvwFUpeBMuLR6q03Q~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5kz4egEGk~$(KGrHqF,!g8EyrpG2ZJEBMuLSMe)ww~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5kz92!!2k~$(KGrHqF,!ikEyeL!m2lYBMuLSdb0(g~~_3.JPG[/img]
“ZONKEY” ZEDONK GRAND UNICORN FIGURINE #1 ARTIST’S EDITION // PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!B5liJrwBmk~$(KGrHqJ,!joEybsSH(9hBMuOFuMi,g~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5lfIMgEWk~$(KGrHqF,!iMEyeRtpYM(BMuN3L!7ZQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5lfKMgCWk~$(KGrHqF,!hEEysDlN3(RBMuN3V0(F!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5lfLn!CWk~$(KGrHqF,!i0EydnSIFRpBMuN3ddOnw~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5lfNy!EWk~$(KGrHqJ,!iQEyd1dT,OIBMuN3p524Q~~_3.JPG[/img]
“E COLI” POAD™ FIGURINE TEST PAINT #2 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // THREE EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!B5hLjR!CGk~$(KGrHqEOKisEyWo3B5Z)BMt7ME7fJQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5hLl2wCWk~$(KGrHqQOKkQEyPB29-mZBMt7MOOI(w~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5hLoOgBWk~$(KGrHqYOKj4Eyf,vpjTOBMt7M(UF7!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5hLvhg!2k~$(KGrHqYOKkYEynz,uM,dBMt7MyVJj!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5hL0DQ!2k~$(KGrHqIOKiIEyW,bUS4ZBMt7NCQ0y!~~_3.JPG[/img]
“AMETHYST” LAP DRAGON FIGURINE 10/10 SPECIAL FIRST TEN EDITION // FIVE EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!B52z32QCGk~$(KGrHqEOKicEyU-fzOozBMvOJpyM8Q~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!B52z63wBmk~$(KGrHqMOKkEEyPdmNOQVBMvOJ1OSog~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!B52z-UQBmk~$(KGrHqYOKm8Ey0u,Eh98BMvOKD4i-g~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!B521rtwB2k~$(KGrHqR,!hIEyr6bO,S+BMvOQ)KGtQ~~_12.JPG[/img]Female Griffin – Wolf color relisted for sale.
“BAY ZORSE” BABY UNICORN FOAL FIGURINE #3 ARTIST’S EDITION // PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!B5bVolwBGk~$(KGrHqF,!jEEyd8QJlnSBMtk4gryYw~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5bVqwgCWk~$(KGrHqZ,!gwEy2GdGy4uBMtk4oc6uQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5bVs2g!Wk~$(KGrHqZ,!iIEydm1F-YTBMtk4weMZ!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5bV)NgEGk~$(KGrHqZ,!igEyeHke)CJBMtk5CYejQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5bVy6gEGk~$(KGrHqV,!ikEyeM0s52)BMtk5Jz!Z!~~_3.JPG[/img]
“SPIDER WEB ZORSE” POAD™ FIGURINE #1 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // THREE EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!B5gfpogCWk~$(KGrHqYOKjwEyl5Tog3iBMt4gP4u7w~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5gfr3w!mk~$(KGrHqUOKnIEy3HFROG1BMt4gYyJs!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5gft-w!2k~$(KGrHqEOKicEyU-fzOozBMt4gh)hp!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5gf)h!B2k~$(KGrHqQOKm8Ey0pzi46QBMt4gyuWpQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5gf1dgBGk~$(KGrHqEOKjEEySCTIMMiBMt4hD4ZEw~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5gf2+wBGk~$(KGrHqIOKnMEy15K7Ib5BMt4hLByZ!~~_3.JPG[/img]Thanks guys.
She’s still going ahead with her story. She told me the lawyer won’t talk to me. So she’s safe….Like if things were not bad enough I lost my cell today while I was getting in the car it fell out of my pocket. I tried to call myself and it’s the message that goes on right away no ringing. That means that someone is using it as we speak! I called Bell and got them to suspend my nomber but problem is from 1PM to 6Pm I’m still responsible for any calls that was made from that phone and my limit is 56 minutes per month! Anything over that I get charged full price! 🙄 🙁 🙄 😥 FUCK!
What next! :spank:That was awesome Crimson! 😀
drag0nfeathers wrote:Gah! One more year and I’m gonna be 30! 🙄 Oh well, Happy Birthday to me anyway 😆
Happy birthday hun! If it makes you feel better, wish I still was 29. 😉
🙁 Oye! That must be painful! Do I have to come and hold your hand from now on?
I hope it heals well and fast. Now it’s time for the boys turn to take care of ya. 🙂🙄 I have to apply for a low rental.
The landlady here is in deep s**t and she will end up bringing me down with her.
She’s telling me (not asking) to commit perjury, something I’m not willing to do.
This is serious since there is a lawyer involved. :shout:
She applied for a permit but didn’t wait ythe 3 months it took to get it before building her barn and then the addition on the house. Now the municipality is on her back for everything she did wrong and they also hired a lawyer. Now she wants to tell them that we all live together and I’m supposed to go along with it. And this is after last year she told them I was renting from her.
They told her that my appartment can not have more then 25% of the surface. I have 26%. She ended up putting two seperate doors to block my access to the two bedroom to make it look like I’m renting a bachelor, I was all for that. But she changed her mind and she’s going ahead with us living in a commune way (all together).
These problems have been going on for a year but this only came out for the second time last week.October 12, 2010 at 8:08 pm in reply to: MGutz photo album: "Autumn Harvest" visits the Rockies! #828510😮 OMG! Would you look at the color diversity in that rock! 🙂 Love the dusty rose, grey rust and Litchen! Whish I could take pictures of it. 🙁
Got any more pics of the rockies? Want to see more. squeek*pegasus4240 wrote:Okay. I didn’t realize that there were sketches on the COA’s. So I dug mine out and sure enough there’s a cool dragon head. I will try to get a pic or get it scanned sometime soon. So cool. 🙂
Is this a muse you painted yourself? It’s beautiful. 🙂
It’s been a while since some of you posted your COA, I thought I would bump this topic. 😉
OMG! 😮
“BROWN AUTUMN LEAF” OLD WARRIOR DRAGON #1 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // TWO EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!B5QdV1!EGk~$(KGrHqEOKjcEyZzwOd,oBMs5reQ6i!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5QdZtQBmk~$(KGrHqQOKjQEyUdL!RQdBMs5rus)w!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5QdcugBWk~$(KGrHqIOKjwEylRCJbK7BMs5r7hvgQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5Qdf4QBGk~$(KGrHqEOKm4EyyFEhzKZBMs5sJwdD!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5Qdiy!!2k~$(KGrHqYOKiIEy(tZNKohBMs5sWRzg!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5QdmBg!Wk~$(KGrHqQOKioEyY2,4NRyBMs5si0BmQ~~_3.JPG[/img]
“E COLI” POAD? 😮 :scratch:
“E COLI” POAD™ FIGURINE TEST PAINT #1 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // THREE EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!B5Q8Y)w!2k~$(KGrHqJ,!jIEyePCijHgBMs7hlJ23w~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5Q8cfwBWk~$(KGrHqF,!iMEyeRtpYM(BMs7hwljkg~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5Q8gZQEWk~$(KGrHqN,!jUEybcUlhBbBMs7h8l2lg~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5Q8lBgEWk~$(KGrHqF,!hEEysDlN3(RBMs7iLi+bQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5Q8n3!!Wk~$(KGrHqJ,!iIEydRjeGoUBMs7iWNGC!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5Q8qng!mk~$(KGrHqR,!joEybspF7KCBMs7ihUC,!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B5Q8tnQ!Wk~$(KGrHqV,!hcEyrsF6JN3BMs7iuU2lw~~_3.JPG[/img]WINDSTONE “AUTUMN” SMALL WIZARD FIGURINE TEST PAINT #1 PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!B46gJoQ!mk~$(KGrHqF,!i8Eyd45Yv5-BMrmg51,KQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B46gMqgEGk~$(KGrHqV,!jUEybWz4G1DBMrmhDbm0g~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B46gP+gB2k~$(KGrHqR,!hoEyrwUTWGNBMrmhN)T7w~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B46gTUg!Wk~$(KGrHqZ,!hIEyr9weRGTBMrmh(GFRw~~_3.JPG[/img]
WINDSTONE “BAY ZORSE” GRAND UNICORN FIGURINE #1 ARTIST’S EDITION // PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!B4+w4EgCWk~$(KGrHqN,!i8Eyd1kBGzLBMr8dyQn+!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B4+v9Uw!2k~$(KGrHqJ,!h!Eyrr+tByeBMr8ZWsGt!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B4+v+lgBWk~$(KGrHqN,!ikEyeUS6y!IBMr8Zgz0kw~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B4+wBJgCWk~$(KGrHqZ,!iIEydm1F-YTBMr8ZpCZ9Q~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B4+wDW!!mk~$(KGrHqF,!isEydO5w302BMr8ZzlS3g~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B4+wIZQB2k~$(KGrHqJ,!igEyeHELBl8BMr8,NQK8w~~_3.JPG[/img]
WINDSTONE “LYNX POINT SIAMESE” FEMALE GRIFFIN STATUE #2 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // THREE EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!B4+PGJ!!2k~$(KGrHqZ,!h0EycQkIBkTBMr6DFi1lQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B4+PJ2g!Wk~$(KGrHqF,!hMEyr8YFUF(BMr6D(LbKg~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B4+POsQBWk~$(KGrHqV,!hUEyrsppfOHBMr6Doy+-g~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B4+TF1wBGk~$(KGrHqR,!iIEydhqW2UNBMr6UPR(Yg~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B4+PWW!CWk~$(KGrHqR,!igEyeGv3w+SBMr6EIQyz!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B4+P,Og!mk~$(KGrHqV,!hMEyrrS2BN,BMr6EY4TZQ~~_3.JPG[/img]
WINDSTONE EDITIONS “AMETHYST” LAP DRAGON FIGURINE 9/10 SPECIAL FIRST TEN EDITION // FIVE EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!B46vy4QBmk~$(KGrHqZ,!hYEyruDH!lOBMrnMypjWw~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!B46v4ZQ!mk~$(KGrHqJ,!hIEyr78l,KrBMrnN!Fljw~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!B46v-0!Bmk~$(KGrHqR,!hoEyrwUTWGNBMrnNRYSGw~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!B46wEUQ!mk~$(KGrHqV,!isEydoDChqVBMrnNfmn0!~~_12.JPG[/img] -