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  • in reply to: 2018 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1542344

      I love how many shell variations there have been lately, and this one especially so.  Speckled on top of an almost stone-like texturing.. quite lovely, I think. Also, the green hues of the hatchling make for a nice contrast with the red speckles. This one is definitely a favorite. <3

      in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #1541781

        Since baby spectral dragons aren’t feasible for the time being, I’ll squeak for the hoarder dragon too, since it looks related to the spectrals in some ways.

        Another potential-future-sculpt I’d love to see is a male hearth dragon… really curious about how he would look.

        in reply to: My First PYO Attempts- Opinions? Advice? #1541701

          And here is the updated “Caustic Shadow.” I didn’t change all that much, but I do think it improves his look.

          I didn’t put the metallics on the horns as well, because I already put a few red-focused sections pretty close to them.

          in reply to: My First PYO Attempts- Opinions? Advice? #1541695

            I was considering doing something like that with the upper claws, and almost did it, but then got distracted by a cat knocking over something in another room. I guess I forgot to add the extra gradients on the claws before painting the rest. Was just looking at the little fella, and wondering why I only put green there, while each other section has all three metallic colors, lol.   I’ll do the alterations on him soon, then post an updated pic or two.

            So, thanks again everybody for your comments, and thanks Rylorien for helping me notice that detail. 🙂

            Oh, before I go… the next one is definitely gonna be red velvet-themed, and if I can get one of the bigger fellas.. I have a fun purple idea in mind too.

            in reply to: My First PYO Attempts- Opinions? Advice? #1541145

              Thanks so much, all of you! <3 I’m really glad people like them.

              I’m thinking that the next one should maybe be fruit/food themed again? Something akin to an apricot sounds like fun. Or perhaps red velvet cake…

              in reply to: 2018 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1541080

                Loving the Freckled Jade pieces! The little details everywhere, and the stone-textured look of the hatcher’s shell…. just so cute! One of my favorite schemes so far this year. <3

                in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #1539250

                  Baby spectral dragons, and/or some more spectral sculpts…. I’ve been curious for a while what a baby spectral, and perhaps a mother spectral, etc… would look like. I suppose it’s kind of a long-shot, but that’s what squeaks are for, right?

                  in reply to: 2018 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1539199

                    So many shades of green! And the little details! I don’t usually collect coiled, but this one is tempting me. <3

                    in reply to: 2018 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1538784

                      Oh goodness, that little hatcher is so cute! <3

                      in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1538717

                        On the topic of orange-colored dragons, these two seem quite nice to me…

                        “Peaches & Cream” Male Dragon

                        “Mango” Hatching Empress Dragon

                        in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1538656

                          The two Pumpkin Pearls are actually sitting on my shelf. I went crazy for them the first time I saw them and won them both. (is a sucker for orange dragons for some reason) They are even more magnificent in person <3 If I ever decide to sell them I’ll let you know Aphelia, but currently I have no plans to do so.

                          Thank you for letting me know, drag0nfeathers, I appreciate your consideration. 🙂

                          I’m glad to know that someone has similar interests in orange dragons. For me, I think the allure of the color might be in how energetic -but still serene- it allows a dragon to appear: as though expressing a sort of fastidious curiosity towards life.

                          Again, thank you for responding to my post. I hope you can find the pieces you’re searching for. <3


                          in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1538599

                            I was trying to find more info on the “Spring Bronze” spectral I mentioned here a little while back, and found out there was also an OW in the same color scheme. He’s absolutely majestic, in my opinion… definitely on the list. 🙂

                            in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #1538050

                               For a tinier dragon, it would be super cute if it Melody could design one sitting or lying with its front feet clasped, so that you could put a trinket or something in the space between the forelegs. (I’m bad at descriptions; wish I could draw! Pretend you’re holding an invisible basket against your chest – like that.) Or for a youngling, maybe it could be holding its tail (in claws or mouth) like it just caught it after chasing it? A Tailchaser Dragon would be cute!

                              That would be soooo adorable! There’s just something extra cute about little critters that chase their tails…

                              in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1537750

                                Thank you, Etruscan and Angelika, I appreciate the help.

                                That one’s from 2012, eh? It seems I have a tendency to adore the ones from that year.  🙂

                                in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1537730

                                  I suppose there’s one other grail I’d like to mention.. I’m wondering if anyone knows what year this one is from, by chance. I’ve had some difficulty finding any information on it.

                                  The “Spring bronze” Spectral Dragon

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